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Edge (Alternate Attire) by Dawgwood

Pictures in This Yahoo Folder.

Body Toning: (0)


Face Skin: 6

Body Skin: 1

Skin Color: NOW (-93,14) (2)

Hair: 50 (-81,41) (-41) Length (-5)

Body Hair: 1

Eyebrows: 61 (-88,22) (-28)

Eyes: 7 (-11,-20) (31)

Lips: 38 (-97,-2) (-7)

Teeth: 1


Head: (-8,40) (0)

Eyebrows: (0,74) (-1)

Eyes: (12,23) (11,-100)

Nose: (6,-62) (0,0)

Cheek: (7,4) (-5,0)

Mouth: (-12,78) (-8,-89)

Jaw: (5,100) (44,3)

Ears: (0,0) (0,0)

Age: (-100)


Head: (50,0) (31)

Neck: (22,26) (-53)

Chest: (15,-15) (-83)

Shoulders: (0,-30)

Abdomen: (51,28) (40)

Arms: (-48,-25) (0)

Hands: (0,-34)

Waist: (-11,-2)

Legs: (-4,9) (0,55)

Feet: (0,0) (0)

Height: 6'6" (33)


The rest of the layers should be in this order on your layer list:

10.)Facial Hair 9 (-97,0,19,-50)

11.)Makeup 50 (-93,18,-2,100)

12.)Facial Hair 70 (-100,9,27,13)

Use 2 of the following designs to create lines under his eyes:***See help pic 1 for placement***

13.) and 14.)Dress Up Head,Design,Letter,Sign pg.1, (last column-3rd row down),rotate 3 times,Vertical Scaling Up twice (-94,-28,-8,-100)

15.)Facial Hair 6 (-93,9,4,-77)

16.)Design,Left Arm,Tattoo 9 (8,1,0,-63)***See help pic 2 for placement***

17.)Elbowpads: 1,14 (12,-100,0,100)

18.)Tights: 1,2 (12,-100,0,100) Length (-100)

19.)Head Accessories 2 (35,5,0)***Set this for Entrance Only***

20.)Shoes: 1,15 (12,-100,0)

21.)Lower Body Accessories 2 (-100,9,-100,100)

22.)Gloves: 1,6 (12,-100,0)

The following 3 layers will create the logo on his tights:

23.)Dress Up Upper,Design,Simple 19,Vertical Scaling Up once,Horizontal Scaling Up once,Place as low as possible and center on the right side of his tights (19,-14,-100,100)***See help pic 3***

24.)Dress Up Upper,Design,Tattoo 4,Vertical Scaling Up once,Horizontal Scaling Up once,Place as low as possible, then flick up on the analog stick once, then center over the top of Layer 23 (-89,65,-100,100)***See help pic 4***

25.)Dress Up Upper,Design,Letter,Alphabet 4, "e" , Horizontal Scaling Up once,Center in white circle part of previous 2 designs (22,-100,0,63)***See help pic 5***

26.),27.),and 28.):Repeat previous 3 layers on left side of his tights

For the final four layers, I'm currently using a t-shirt with the same logo you just made for the tights, due to the fact that all of the entrance coats look like crap and cling to his body too much.***Set layers 29-32 for Entrance Only, or Entrance and Cut Scene***

29.)Long Hemline: 1,1 (12,-100,0,100) Length (92)

30.),31.),and 32.) Use the same process you used in layers 23-25 to create the logo on his t-shirt***See help pic 6 for placement***

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