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best hogan

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by me man

(Left analogue stick), (Right analogue stick)

1.)Body Skin 2/4

Skin Color: C(-88,-4),S (11)

2.)Face Skin: 5/13

3.)Eyes: 7/12,C (X: 265,Y: 6),S (X: -12)

4.)Eyebrows: 61 ,C(X: -88,Y: 9),S (X: 0)

5.)Lips: 65/65,C(X: -78,Y: 9),S(X: 0)

6.)Teeth 1/3

7.)Hair: 8/88,C(X: -86,Y: 33),S(X: 2), T(X: 21)

8.)Body hair 1/12

9.)underwear default


**Face morphing

Head (X: -33,Y: 4),depth(X: 0)

Eyebrows (X: -23,Y: -8),(Y: -85)

Eyes (X: -31,Y: -38),(X: -66,Y: -100)

Nose (X: 42,Y: 74),(X: -9,Y: 26)

Cheek (X: -100,,Y: 17),(X: -30,Y: -100)

Mouth (X: -35,Y: -5),( X: -3 ,Y: 0)

Jaw (X: 40,Y: 87),(X: -65,Y: 26)

Ear (X: -1,Y: 0),(X: 0,Y: 0)

Age (X: 25)

Full body scaling

Head (X: 68,Y: 25),(Y: 18)

Neck (X: 36,Y: 3),(Y: 8)

Chest (X: 92,Y: 44),(Y: -29)

Shoulder (X: -39,Y: -14)

Abdomen (X: 85,Y: 49),(Y: 70)

Arms (X: 23,Y: 50),(Y: -18)

Hands (X: -8,Y: -67)

Waist (X: 85,Y: 8)

Legs (X: 37,Y: 34),(X: 1,Y: -30)

Feet (X: 0,Y: 32),(Y: 0)

Body toning X: 4

Height 6'9" that's around 6'5" in game due to figure adjustments ie. garrison cades height


10.) For NWO banbanaentrance attire and match/ cutscene attire maybe >> Hat: 1/41, 9/24,C(X: 12,Y: -100),S(X: 0)

For Hulkamania returns bandana >Entrance / cutscene attire

Hats: 38/41,9/24,C(X: -71,Y: 16),S(X: 46)

11.)Facial hair: 77/84,C(X: -100,Y: 12),S(X: 0),T(X: 100)

12.)Dress up: Head>Make up: 51/60,C(X: -90,Y: 6),S(X: 3),T(X: 29)

13.)Dress up: Head>Make up: 9/60,C(X: -89,Y: -8),S(X: -8),T(X: 65)

14.)Dress up Head>Design> Letter>Signs>first sign on page, rotate 1*, smallest horizontal scaling and vertical scaling up, place as left nostril as seen in help link, C(X: -91,Y:-20),S(X:0),T(X: 61) **adjust color if needed

15.)Dress up Head>Design> Letter>Signs>first sign on page, smallest horizontal scaling up and vertical scaling up, place as right nostril as help link, C(X: -91,Y:-20),S(X: 0),T(X: 61)

16.)Facial hair: 36/84, C(X: -76,Y: 62),S(X: 9),T(X: 100)

17.)Facial hair: 39/84,C(X: -70,Y: 74),S(X: 8),T(X: 100) this is optional if you like you can also have nwo sign placed on head bandana

ATTIRE :1,NWO / WM18 attire vs. Rock:

18.)Entrance attire only /cutscene if you like

Long hemline , (1/41),(1/69),C(X: -100,Y: -100),S(X: 14),T(X: 100),L(X: 77)

19.)Tights ,(1/41),(2/12),C(X: 12,Y: -100),S(X: -55),T(X: 100),L(X: -100)

20.)Dress up> Feet> Lowerbody paint: 26/ 161,C(X: 20,Y: 40),S(X: -100),T(X: 59)

21.)Belt: 11/25,C(X: -100,Y: 67),S(X: -100),T(X: 100)

22.)Dress up>feet> Lowerbody paint: 24/161,C(X: 60,Y: -100),S(X: -100), T(X: -100)

23.)Dress up>Feet> Lowerbody paint: 116/161,C(X: 28,Y: 100),S(X: -100), T(X: 20)

24.)Dress up>Feet> Lowerbody paint: 130/161,S(X: 20,Y: 97),S(X: -1),T(X: 15)

25.)Dress up>Legs: Kneepads : 1/41,15/15 or 14/15, C(X: 12,Y: -80),S(X: -94),T(X: 100)

26.)Dress up Upperbody>Design> Tattoo> 10/49,rotate 1*,second biggest horizontal and second smallest vertical scaling, for placement see help pics, C(X: 20,Y: 81),S(X: 59),T(X: -22)

27.)Dress up Upperbody>Design> Tattoo> 10/49,rotate 3*,second biggest horizontal and second smallest vertical scaling, for placement see help pics, C(X: 20,Y: 81),S(X: 59),T(X: -22)

28.)Dress up> Arms> Wristbands: 1/41,1/20,C(X: 12,Y: 9),S(X: -100),T(X: 100),L(X: 84)

29.)Shoes: 18/41, 23/45,C(X: 14,Y: 9),S(X: 22)

30.)Dress up feet, lower body paint: 126/161, C(X: 24,Y: 0),S(X: 0),T(X: 25)

31.)Entrance and cutscene attire

**Head Accessories: 27/116,shade -100

32.)Entrance and cutscene attire: Dress up upperbody: 58/60, biggest or second biggest vertical and second biggest horizontal scaling, place on shirt ,C(X: -100,Y: 9),S(X: 0),T(X: 100)



ATTIRE 2: Change layer 10 head bandana obviously then same till

**NOTE HOGAN HAD NO KNEE BRACE WHEN HE first returned to red and yellow after WM v/s Rock ie. SYM attire**

18.)Entrance attire only /cutscene if you like

Long hemline ,1/41, 1/69,C(X: -100,Y: 9),S(X: 15),T(X: 100),L(X: 77)

19.)Tights: 1/41,2/12,C(X: -100,Y: 3),S(X: 29),T(X: 100),L(X: -100)

20.)Tights: 6/41, 2/12,C(X: -74,Y: 100),S(X: 8),T(X: 100),L(X: 67)

21.)Dress up feet> lowerbody paint: 44/161,C(X: -100,Y: 52),S(X: 20),T(X: 40)

22.)Tights: 38/41, 2/12,C(X: -85,Y: 91),S(X: 72),T(X: 47),L(X: 100)

23.)Tights: 12/41, 2/12,C(X: -76,Y: 100),S(X: 50),T(X: -77),L(X: 80)

24.)Dress up feet, lowerbody paint: 80/161,C(X: -100,Y: 69),S(X: 50),T(X: 50)

25.)Dress up legs, Kneepads: 1/14, 15/15 or 14/15,C(X: -100,Y: -24),S(X: 0),T(X: 100)

26.)Entrance/ cutscene attire

Head accessories: 27/116,keep default or shade -100

27.)Dress up feet> shoes: 6/41,1/45,C(X: -87,Y: 28),S(X: 11),L(X: -66)

28.)Entrance/ cutscene attire

Design>Head>WWE: 57,rotate 2*, biggest horizontal and vertical scaling, C(X: -100,Y: -75),S(X: 57),T(X: 100) place on bandana

29.)Entrance/ cutscene attire

Design> Upperbody> 89/ 143,second biggest horizontal scaling, smallest vertical scaling, place on shirt, C(X: -71,Y: 100),S(X: 0),T(X: 100)

30.)Design Upperbody>Arms> Wristbands: 1/41,1/20,C(X: -67,Y: 9),S(X: 0), T(X: 100)

31.)Belt: 19/25,C(X: -68,Y: 28),S(X: -28),T(X: 100)

32.)Dress up upperbody> Back: Word: 89/143, rotate 2* or not up to you, biggest horizontal scaling, smallest vertical scaling, place on back of belt, C(X: -100,Y: 60),S(X: 0),T(X: 100)


Profile : Hollywood Hulk Hogan

*Call name: Hollywood

**Bases: Entrance

Movie: Logo

Moves: Original 14

Music: Original 20 for red/ yellow Hogan

or Music Christian for NWO Hogan

Fighting Style: Wrestling: 01


that hogan sucks balls. You probably stole it. Why don't you get nobody wants you here, go home.


Taco Bell King. Chill out man did you even take the time to create the Hogan or anything or do you just think Jeff Hardy is the best and evryone else sucks. Besides Matt Hardy and Amy Dumas aka Lita.


look i made that hogan and im never coming here never im leveng coz evryone ceps syaying that i stel caws and i dont!!!!!!!!!!!! good bye >:


FINALLY!!!!!!! This thread is officially now named the man going away party thread! man go to hell u suck never come back and stop stealing shit and stop being gay


haha...hilarious...THIS IS BHANGRA MAN'S HOGAN...you are a dumba$$ to try to steal for the meca of caw makers....lol.

:lol haha he dosent post pics because the have the creators names in them

Taco Bell King. Chill out man did you even take the time to create the Hogan or anything or do you just think Jeff Hardy is the best and evryone else sucks. Besides Matt Hardy and Amy Dumas aka Lita.

btw were u talking to me? cuz i personally dislike jeff hardy and i have 1 shitty caw of him and another one of matt for classic hardy boyz in my tlc matches.

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