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2pac_71_96's C-A-B + C-A-W's

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Please note : Not everyone of these are mine, some are straight from a web site or some have been modifyed by me, but I give credit to whoever has made some of these and dont hate because I forgot your names. If its a original by me then ill credit my self.




Title Name : WWF Champion

Classification : Heavyweight

Belt : (Material) 4/4 (Design) 3/3 (Color) 1/23

Center Plate : (Material) 6/7 (Design) 1/20

Centerpiece : (Material) 6/7 (Design) 3/40

Side Plate : (Material) 6/7 (Design) 13/40

Jewelry : (Material) 9/9 (Spot) 0

WWE Cash = 271 250

Title Name : WWF Hardcore Champion

Classification : Open

Belt : (Material) 4/4 (Design) 3/3 (Color) 22/23

Center Plate : (Material) 5/7 (Design) 1/20

Centerpiece : (Material) 5/7 (Design) 21/40

Side Plate : (Material) 5/7 (Design) 20/40

Jewelry : (Material) 9/9 (Spot) 0

WWE Cash = 242 500

Title Name : ECW Champion

Classification : Heavyweight

Belt : (Material) 4/4 (Design) 3/3 (Color) 1/23

Center Plate : (Material) 6/7 (Design) 7/20

Centerpiece : (Material) 6/7 (Design) 1/40

Side Plate : (Material) 6/7 (Design) 32/40

Jewelry : (Material) 9/9 (Spot) 0

WWE Cash = 167 500

Title Name : NWA Heavyweight Champion

Classification : Heavyweight

Belt : (Material) 4/4 (Design) 3/3 (Color) 1/23

Center Plate : (Material) 6/7 (Design) 11/20

Centerpiece : (Material) 4/7 (Design) 26/40

Side Plate : (Material) 6/7 (Design) 13/40

Jewelry : (Material) 9/9 (Spot) 0

WWE Cash = 164 250

Title Name : NWA X Champion

Classification : Open

Belt : (Material) (Design) (Color)

Center Plate : (Material) (Design)

Centerpiece : (Material) (Design)

Side Plate : (Material) (Design)

Jewelry : (Material) (Spot)

WWE Cash = 162 000

Created By : 2pac_71_96

Title Name : WWF European Champion

Classification : Open

Belt : (Material) 4/4 (Design) 2/3 (Color) 1/23

Center Plate : (Material) 6/7 (Design) 16/20

Centerpiece : (Material) 3/7 (Design) 13/40

Side Plate : (Material) 6/7 (Design) 3/40

Jewelry : (Material) 9/9 (Spot) 0

WWE Cash = 38 000

Title Name : WWF Smoking Skull Champion

Classification : Heavyweight

Belt : (Material) 4/4 (Design) 3/3 (Color) 1/23

Center Plate : (Material) 6/7 (Design) 5/20

Centerpiece : (Material) 3/7 (Design) 2/40

Side Plate : (Material) 6/7 (Design) 2/40

Jewelry : (Material) 9/9 (Spot) 0

WWE Cash = 237 500

Title Name : WCW United States Champion

Classification : Heavyweight

Belt : (Material) 4/4 (Design) 3/3 (Color) 1/23

Center Plate : (Material) 6/7 (Design) 3/20

Centerpiece : (Material) 6/7 (Design) 22/40

Side Plate : (Material) 6/7 (Design) 13/40

Jewelry : (Material) 9/9 (Spot) 0

WWE Cash = 233 750

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