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Season's Titles in Exhibition (CB2, GS2v3-v5, XP)

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CB2 & GS2v3 - v5 (NTSC)

With this, you are able to assign championships to entrances of players 1 - 6 in Exhibition matches. For example, if you wanted to make Player 1 have the World Heavyweight Championship in his/her entrance, you would take "003D2723 000000??" & replace the ?? with the value, "01."

NOTE 1: You do not have to pick an actual champion from Season to have a championship in a character's entrance in Exhibition.

NOTE 2: If you use the WWE Tag & World Tag Championships' values in a single match, the character assigned the value with have both belts on in his/her entrance: one will look normal, & the other will be facing the character in the opposite direction.


00 = WWE Championship

01 = World Heavyweight Championship

02 = WWE Tag Championships

03 = World Tag Championships

04 = Intercontinental Championship

05 = U.S. Championship

06 = Cruiserweight Championship

07 = Hardcore Championship

08 = Women's Championship

Player 1

003D2723 000000??

Player 2

003D2747 000000??

Player 3

003D276B 000000??

Player 4

003D278F 000000??

Player 5

003D27B3 000000??

Player 6

003D27D7 000000??




GS2v3 - v5 (PAL) & Xploder

With this, you are able to assign championships to entrances of players 1 - 6 in Exhibition matches. For example, if you wanted to make Player 1 have the World Heavyweight Championship in his/her entrance, you would take "003D1D63 000000??" & replace the ?? with the value, "01."

NOTE 1: You do not have to pick an actual champion from Season to have a championship in a character's entrance in Exhibition.

NOTE 2: If you use the WWE Tag & World Tag Championships' values in a single match, the character assigned the value with have both belts on in his/her entrance: one will look normal, & the other will be facing the character in the opposite direction.


00 = WWE Championship

01 = World Heavyweight Championship

02 = WWE Tag Championships

03 = World Tag Championships

04 = Intercontinental Championship

05 = U.S. Championship

06 = Cruiserweight Championship

07 = Hardcore Championship

08 = Women's Championship

Player 1

003D1D63 000000??

Player 2

003D1D87 000000??

Player 3

003D1DAB 000000??

Player 4

003D1DCF 000000??

Player 5

003D1DF3 000000??

Player 6

003D1E17 000000??


Trigin nice codes aint got time to check them yet but i know they will work.

Btw the way im thinkin cus they removed the belts from season and that do u reckon they removed any creatable belt from create a belt mode??


Nice codes man. I tried the WWE Title and Harcore title. The Hardcore title was the WWE Title still though. not sure why but the codes do work none the less


Is this code just that the person who is player 1 will always be wearing the title or will it change hands or anything like that?

Cool code all the same :)


Personally, I don't think the belts would change hands. I think they are just for you to wear to the ring. I'm think there may be a way to use your created belts from PPV mode.


WOW!!! Awsome codes man!!! Tried them on me Xploder V4 and they worked fine... EXCELENT! :don


So, the Tag, Crusierweight and Women Titles are still in the Game? Or why can you use them?


is there a way to do this with create a belt titles?

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