eXileFedOwner Posted December 6, 2004 Posted December 6, 2004 (edited) Enchilada is condescending, arrogant, and pompous toward others visiting these forms, but don't take my word for it. Instead, I invite you all to peruse the forums and see him at work as he insults, degrades, belittles other people. Being a Noob isn't necessarily a bad thing, as some people make it seem. We would all do well to remember that at one point, we were all new, and not just at hacking, but at everything. No one is born with all of the knowledge that s/he acquires in life. Also, the number of posts that a person makes has nothing to do with his/her value to the forums. I have a couple different ways of illustrating that fact. First: when 50% or better of your posts are either pointless or simply insulting a post made by someone else, that really doesn't count as having made a note-worthy accomplishment. This is true of Enchilada. Don't take my word for it; look at his posts yourself, and you'll find this ratio of valid posts to worthless posts to be an accurate depiction of what he has written. Secondly: Here's a breakdown of some of members of the forum, and their respective totals of posts as of this writing: Tokidoim--3012 Supa Fly--2742 Heartbreaker--2615 Smacktalks--1551 Dacrone--858 TwistOfFate--656 Enchilada--279 BigBossman--247 Trigin--178 Enforcer--81 Well...We'll you look at that? Enchilada has a lot of posts, yet, I don't think anyone will argue that most, if not all, of the others I've listed are far more productive and vital to the success of these forums. Even IF someone posts something absurd or ignorant, or is simply annoying, that doesn't give anyone else the right to disrepect him/her. Simply ignore the post and move on. Verbally bashing one another does nothing to advance the common goal of creating better codes/hacks/CAW's/etc. Now, before anyone calls me a hypocrite, let me say this: I didn't call Enchilada any names, nor did I insult him. I merely described his behavior, which I find to be unwarranted and unacceptable. I know that this post will likely garner a couple different responses. 1) Some others who have also witnessed Enchilada's behavior, and who also find it to be deplorable may respond to this post and voice their agreement with my assessment of the situation. 2) Enchilada will likely retaliate by posting a reply, in which he'll use profanity, call me either "gay" or a "douche bag" (which, he'll misspell, of course) or other lame insult, and his post will be written with poor punctuation and grammar, thus making it nearly impossible to read. Regardless, I don't intend to engage myself in a "verbal sparring session" with Enchilada. Rather, it is my hope that he'll take the high road and instead modify his attitude so that posts like this are unnecessary, and so that he can assume the role of a leader of the forums--providing feedback and portraying himself in a more positive manner. Edited December 6, 2004 by eXileFedOwner
enchilada Posted December 6, 2004 Posted December 6, 2004 ok first dude since when have i posted 3 thousand times i don't remember ever doing that but dude this shouldn't belong here and also maybe if u guys new how to use a damn board and not make shit posts that take up space such as this i'd respect u more. there are a few new members here that r ok cuz they know there role and shut their mouth but other then that such members as "man" and a couple others they steal caws and disrespect senior members and people who work hard on caws only to have them stolen. so before you open ur mouth realize how demorilizing it must be to argue with someone over the internet about ur stupid overeactive teenage feelings and if u gotta say something especially in the svr caw section then say it where appropriate and if it isn't appropriate and accurate then don't say it at all
eXileFedOwner Posted December 6, 2004 Author Posted December 6, 2004 (edited) Alright. I stand corrected; I was looking at your member number and not your posts. Touch Edited December 6, 2004 by eXileFedOwner
enchilada Posted December 6, 2004 Posted December 6, 2004 seriously ur fucking stupid u can't rip on someone cuz of bad grammer and dude you need a life other then trying to be "cool" on a message board and while ur talking about my unproductive posts look at this whole topic you started and what is the point of this anyways to make users think "omg enchilada has bad grammer and disrespects newbs who make usless posts and steal caw my god we should cruxify him!"
Can't Be Arsed Posted December 6, 2004 Posted December 6, 2004 LOL, believe me, enchilada is so small time its almost a joke.
enchilada Posted December 6, 2004 Posted December 6, 2004 enchilada not owned this guy is crap you talk about me being unproductive well this whole topic seems pretty unproductive to me! everyone avoid this guy he has made unproductive posts here we should chop his penis off now!
enchilada Posted December 6, 2004 Posted December 6, 2004 mommy i'm being insulted by a talking piece of mexican food come help me hes bbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaddddgeeeerriing me!!!! pussy
FamLay314 Posted December 6, 2004 Posted December 6, 2004 (edited) eXileFedOwner all i have to say on this topic is you have to much time on your hands. No one in there right mind would go a research how many post has or what they have posted. By good boards are indeed suppose to be a community. Oh by the way enchilada has the right to free speach. ur stupid overeactive teenage feelings I have more left to say but miss speeling is not something to talk about man. You got a problem with people useing poor grammar that I find sad. On the other hand maybe enchilada says belittling things to get a point across. Have you every heard of cause and effect. See enchilada is simply an effect example. Example ______________________________________________________________________ Batista::.Does anyone have a CAW for Jeff Hardy (Side note: Jeff was just post 2 topics down) enchilada::.Look you stupid fu*k look down. How stupid are your such a douche bag. _______________________________________________________________________ Okay prime example of cause and effect you ask a stupid question you get a stop answer. Now with that happening Batista our whoever enchilada belittl's will never ask a stupid question. Now me I like to be an ass to somtimes and post stuff like this to make people like you look stupid. Now with me not being serious anymore kiss my computer chair glued a$$ douche bag. Leave people the hell alone. Oh by the way finding something else to do to get yourself off douche bag. Like I said before your an douche bag stay off of enchilada's NUTZ. Now with that said I'm happy I've got to use free speech. :::: >: DOESNT GIVE AN RATZ A$$ ABOUT SPEELING >: :::: Edited December 6, 2004 by FamLay314
Heart Breaker Posted December 6, 2004 Posted December 6, 2004 seriously ur fucking stupid u can't rip on someone cuz of bad grammer He wasn't ripping on you for grammar. He was ripping on you because of your bad attitude, which has gotten out of control lately. and dude you need a life other then trying to be "cool" on a message board He wasn't trying to be "cool" on a message board. He stated an opinion that he had about you, which I agree with. Also, it seems you're the one trying to be "cool" by dissing everyone who makes a post you don't agree with. and while ur talking about my unproductive posts look at this whole topic you started and what is the point of this anyways to make users think "omg enchilada has bad grammer and disrespects newbs who make usless posts and steal caw my god we should cruxify him!" What's the point of this topic? To show how out of control you've been and show the admins that something needs to be done with this situation. And by the way this is not an unproductive post, this is a post with a great deal of concern involved in it. Enchilada, either stop treating people that don't agree with you like shit, or get banned. It's your choice, and you better make sure you pick the right one.
enchilada Posted December 6, 2004 Posted December 6, 2004 you know what i think hb i think i have a right to state my opinion on anything i feel like. i come here to st to post my opinion on things and i don't give a shit if u think i have a bad attitude i'm just bein myself talkin to people of common interest over the internet and if they got a problem with my language thats their fucking problem. this used to be a whicked awome board but now its getting run over by shit posts and shit users and i have a problem with it because i come here to look for info to help with my gaming and if people are gonna make senseless topics, steal shit from other people, or be flat out retarted and ruin the website then yea i got a problem with them and that is why i like people like tokidoim and luke and supafly and sal because they r not flat out reatarted and they are experienced users who know how to treat this board with respect. so if ur not gonna respect my wishes to rip on people who treat smacktalks like crao then u can go ahead and ban me but you know that this whole thing is started because of a stupid teenagers over reactive feelings boo friken hoo someone called me a dooche bag
Heart Breaker Posted December 6, 2004 Posted December 6, 2004 You can post your opinion, but saying everything sucks that doesn't agree with you just doesn't work. I also have another question, why are you bringing Toki, Luke, Sal, and Supa in this? What the hell do they have to do with this? Why are you sticking your head so far up their ass when they have nothing to do with this situation. This is about you and how this bull shit needs to stop. How many times do I have to say this... Read the following lines carefully. if they got a problem with my language thats their fucking problem Did I say it was about language? seriously ur fucking stupid u can't rip on someone cuz of bad grammer Did I say this was about grammar? It's not... It's your attitude towards new people. So many new people don't even want to stay here and contribute to this board because of people like you bringing them down every second. We could have alot more useful posts if people like you would give them a chance instead of assume by their post count that their n00bs. New people are not based on post count, it's about attitude. You're a great example.
kosstamojan 666 Posted December 6, 2004 Posted December 6, 2004 (edited) man, instead of spending time calling each other losers and ripping other people apart,and telling making fun of newbies, you guys should ACTUALLY SHUT UP AND START HACKING, or get off the board and leave the hacking to the professionals, this is a hacking site, not a flaming site....... >: this is not i REPEAT not directed towards hb. hes got a valid point Edited December 6, 2004 by kosstamojan 666
Supa #2 Posted December 6, 2004 Posted December 6, 2004 DON'T TURN MY CAW FORUM INTO A HOUSE OF LIES!!!!!
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