Dirty Cheater Posted June 6, 2024 Posted June 6, 2024 (edited) EDIT: Unfortunately after struggling for weeks to get this game to stop crashing when I'd click out of focus into my second monitor, and wasting many valuable hours that I could have spent doing something productive, I have been forced to make the decision to permanently delete this game, all of its files, all of its mods, and all of its cheat tables from all of my computers so that I am never again in my life tempted to try and turn this game on. I am too busy in life to be able to risk ever wasting one more minute on this. I will leave this thread up in hopes that others who are still lucky enough to be able to get this game running might get some added enjoyment out of it, but please know that I will not be able to offer any support whatsoever on this game. Goodbye 2k19 - you were my favorite game of the 2k series back when you actually worked! RIP ------------------------------------------------------ My original post introducing/explaining this thread... Quote I just found my old 2k19 stuff! All my backed up saves and cheat tables! This is very exciting because I was thinking I lost some of it. What I'm going to do is start posting stuff in this thread for Cheat Engine. I have no idea if other cheats already exist for this game, but I feel like it's been around long enough that even if I accidentally supply a duplicate someone else already made public, it probably won't be a big deal. If you see me post something here that you already provided and would prefer I don't step on your toes, let me know! The first things I will be adding here will be the 2k19 version of intergender (MVF) which works almost as well as the newer MVF versions some of you may be familiar with. It makes the male vs female situations more organic feeling, rather than just changing the gender byte to make everybody a male. Some other things I will probably post very soon will be related to match rules being toggled in real time during matches... and also being able to attack people a lot longer (infinite time until you decide you're done) during postmatch breakout attacks, in addition to forcing those breakout attacks being available after multi person matches too. I love just abusing somebody after a match and not having to worry about an imaginary time limit stopping me from attacking! LOL! I also have some insanely fun stuff for controlling the run in options for Universe mode. Do you guys remember how in 2k19 you actually have this amazing option to program a run in for a singles match? It's built right in as a default option! Somehow that's missing from the newer games (lol) but what I did with the 2k19 run in options is I made it so you can set up a run in for almost any match! By default it only would work for singles matches, but now it will work for rivalries, title matches, multi person matches, and in some cases I've seen it even work in tag matches. With the added option of being able to take control of the person running in FULLY, meaning you can target anybody, even the person you were set up to "help". Just run in to a multi person match and destroy EVERYBODY. LOL! It's so fun! If you're someone that likes the idea of this can you reply to let me know? I want to try and get a feel for if people really even still care about this game. The more people I see replying here happy about this, the faster I will provide even more stuff for the game as well as take custom requests. This game is SO much fun after being stuck playing the newer games with their sluggish controls that require unnecessary extra buttons and locking up first just to do a quick grapple. I went back to 2k19 and quickly realized how superior the controls are. You can just tap or hold a button to determine if it's light or heavy strength. You can do grapples right to a standing person and not have to sit there locking up with them first before every single grapple. Finishers are just one button. It's actually FUN! Please go back and check it out again if it's been a couple years since you played it! Alright, long 2k19 obsessed rant OVER! But yeah, if you're interested please reply here so I know there's even a point in posting stuff for this game. Here is the link for version 3 (if your copy says v2 in its name, replace it with this v3), which includes an alternate option for unlimited finishers since the one for humans only can be buggy and crash the game. Now you can just use the one to give everybody unlimited finishers and it won't crash in multi mans, etc... Download 2k19 Fun v3 (released Aug 23) If you want the new instructions for the new v3 options, scroll down a little until you see the big bold letters for NEW OPTIONS. This cheat table has some of the items I use all the time all set to a keyboard hotkey for your convenience so you can enable them all at once when you start the game. You can right click on any one of the items and go to the hotkey settings if you want to disable that item or change its hotkey. Please feel free to ask if you need help with hotkey stuff. The most popular items that are all set to this hotkey are in green. This includes all the Breakout extension options too now, which are also in green. This hotkey combination to activate all my most commonly used items at once is 3 keys, which are: [ ] \ ^Pushing those three keys together will enable all the green/common items, and remember you can change any one of them if you want. These commonly used items are: Breakout Stuff Infinite Weapon Hits (no more dropping a weapon after 4 hits) Infinite Carry Infinite Ground Drag Infinite OMG moves Get Hit Once = Paybacks are FULL (works for everybody) Keep Most Paybacks after using them (works for everybody) Starting Finishers=3, with Max Finishers=7 (and can be completely customized on both values!) 60FPS Entrances/Celebrations (if you have advanced entrances with fireworks you may need to re-time the fireworks with 60FPS turned on and save them so they're synced correctly, or they'll blast prematurely, and nobody wants that) Next we also have some extra options such as... NO KICKOUT by cpu: I suggest NOT clicking the checkbox on this, because the hotkeys will toggle it on for you. This one is great for if you've just hit a big finish and REALLY don't want the cpu to be kicking out and basically spoiling what could have been an awesome end to this match. Just toggle this on by pushing the N + K keys (haha, N and K for No Kickout... get it? GET IT???) and you will hear it say No Kickout. From then on, the cpu shouldn't be able to kick out (unless they're using their resilience payback to kickout, so pay attention to if they have that payback!). When you're done just push N+K again to disable the effect, and you will hear a beep to confirm it's disabled (meaning the CPU can kickout again). HumanPlayer= Unlimited Finisher: Very buggy and crashes a lot of multi man matches. I might remove this if I can't get it working better. Check the checkbox and just leave it running while you play, but first let me explain how this works. This is for the HUMAN PLAYER only, and it tracks who you are at ALL TIMES. When you activate this, your # of finishers won't decrease when you (the human) are using one. Keep in mind this means if you switch over to control somebody that has zero finishers at the moment, you'd still need to earn a finisher with that person, but then when you (the human player) execute a finisher, it won't decrease. This ONLY applies to whoever is being controlled by a HUMAN PLAYER!!! Switch around to anybody you want, all match long, and you'll be able to hit finishers without actually using them up... but if the CPU uses a finisher, it still decreases their finisher count normally. This script can be modified upon request to work a little differently if you have some tweaks you'd like me to make, so feel free to ask. Note: I added "Everybody= Unlimited Finishers" as an alternate option to the one above, because the one above can crash the game. Unlimited Finishers for everybody will NOT crash it. GameSpeed: Don't check the checkbox. All you have to do is double click the value on the right (it should initially say 0:Normal) and choose a faster or slower speed for the game. You can also freeze the action completely. NEW OPTIONS as of August 23 You can also find this in the cheat table if you go in the lower right corner and click Table Extras: Quote When should you check the box for a cheat, and when should you NOT? You should ONLY click it if it says it's a SCRIPT. Here is further explanation of what I mean: If a cheat says <script> on the right side in the value column, it means you SHOULD check the box on the left to activate it. If a cheat does NOT say <script> but instead it has a number on the right in the value column, it means you should edit that number on the right by double clicking the number, but DO NOT CHECK THE CHECKBOX! Here are some instructions on some of the cheat options that might not be obvious how to use: BREAKOUT STUFF::::::::::: Anything with BO in front of it is part of the post match BreakOut unlimited attacks. You will notice a lot of them. Each one controls a different aspect of postmatch attacks and are pretty self explanatory. If you want an infinite breakout to END because you finally did enough damage, what you can do is execute the announce table OMG move and it should end the BreakOut or you can click the following hotkeys on your keyboard: q + w + e And you will hear a voice tell you the Breakout will end soon because its timer has been restored. This will give you some time to walk away or pose, etc... while you wait for it to end a few more seconds. After the Breakout ends, click q+w+e again to restore UNLIMITED time. REMEMBER IF YOU DON'T RESTORE UNLIMITED TIME AFTER THE BREAKOUT ENDS, NEXT TIME YOU DO A BREAKOUT IT WILL END FAST!!! And if you don't want to use that timer method to end a breakout, you can click one of the other BO options off, for example if you UNclick the BO Finishers options it means the next finisher you do to the victim will END the breakout. Likewise, if you UNcheck "fight up ramp" and go walk up the ramp it will instantly end the Breakout. I kept these all separate so you'd have a lot of options for how to end a breakout, and you can custom set any hotkey you want for the option you like best. (ask me for help if you're not sure how to set custom hotkeys) SUBMISSION CONTROL STUFF::::::::::::::: 1. ENDLESS sub hold (torture) = When you put somebody in a submission the "bar" will remain stuck in place so the submission goes on forever without you even tapping anything. The only way the CPU can escape is if they have a Payback that will instantly break it. 2. HOLD space bar = Forced submission. I made this so the reaction time can vary by a lot, seeming more natural. You have to HOLD the space bar UNTIL the submission happens. It might be right away or it might take a long time. Again, this is on purpose to make it seem like some people are more difficult to submit than others rather than it always being instant. If you wat it instant, ask me how to modify it. 3. HOLD E+S = Forced Submission Escape. Same as above, just hold the E and S keys on your keyboard UNTIL the submission eventually gets broken. Again, like the previous cheat, I made it so it might take a while and you have to hold the keys down UNTIL the break happens. This can also be modified to be instant (less natural feeling) upon request. HOTKEY FOR INSTANT KICKOUT:::::::::::::: On your controller, I have the hotkey set to the follwing: D-Pad Down + Right Trigger The reaction should be nearly instant, and will break up ANY current pin attempt for as long as you hold down those keys. As soon as you release the keys, pins are back to normal. If you don't have a controller just right click on the option and go to "set/change hotkeys" and replace the existing one with a keyboard hotkey of your liking. Ask me for help if unsure how. The item to look for and right click if you want to adjust the kickout is named "Pins: 0=OFF, 1=ON, 2=ANYWHERE" and you will need to edit the EXISTING hotkey by going into it and clearing out its keys so you can enter the new hotkeys. Keep all its settings the same or it will break. Basically the instant kickout temporarily toggles pins to 0 (forcing a kickout) and restores them as soon as you release the keys. HP STUFF:::::::::::::::::::::::: Turn on any of the HP scripts (only ONE at a time) and it will make it so you ALWAYS have that preferred HP everywhere. It's even supposed to work in Universe mode too! HP always low (1000) = This is the same as when you turn HP low in the pre-match options. People will only have that final red energy bar. HP always medium (2000) = This is the same as the in game medium pre-match option. People will only have up to the full YELLOW bar. Custom HP = If you click this, another options will appear right under it after you click it. DO NOT check the box on the new option under it. The new option under it will require you to manually enter a number value in the thousands by double clicking the value on the right and then typing in the new value. For example, a value of 3000 is the same as the in-game default for FULL energy. That means if you want MORE than that, you can take it all the way up to a max of 5000! During the match, the green energy bar will be able to take a lot more damage before it starts to decrease. Basically the idea is that if you do 4000 you'd have 1 extra green bar and 5000 means 2 extra green bars. You can enter literally any number value as long as you don't go past 5000. You can also enter very SMALL values to start with way less HP than even the Low HP setting would normally allow! MATCH RULES:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Almost ALL the match rules have this in common: 0 = OFF, 1=ON You DO NOT need to check the boxes for ANY of the match rules. I repeat. DO NOT CHECK ANY OF THE BOXES for match rules. The way to use them is to DOUBLE CLICK the value on the right and enter the new value! These will work in real-time DURING matches. In most cases, instantly. This means you could, for example, set a hotkey to the KO option and make it so KO only turns on later in the match when you click the hotkey. The reason I like doing this is so the match goes a LOT longer before a KO. Another example is you can set a hotkey to something like DQ and toggle OFF disqualification right before you use a weapon but toggle it back on when you're done LOL! The CountOut modifier works a little differently. Set it to 0 for NO countout, but any other number you enter will be the NEW count max! For example, if you set it to 25, you will have until the count of 25 before you are counted out. Set it to 3, and you'll be counted out at 3. The voice might get messed up if you do higher numbers, but it WILL be the correct count before a countout. 2 out of 3 Falls (or ANY # of falls) also has a unique method. Think of this as "How many wins does it take to win the match?" Set this to "2" if you want 2 out of 3 Falls. You can set any number value in, and that will be the new required number of falls to win! This means you can do a THREE OUT OF FIVE match by entering the number 3. Because in a three out of five, the first person to win 3 times is the winner. If you want the required number of wins to be 7, enter a 7. And so on... and so on... Match Timer is the default starting time when the match started. It will be applied retro-actively if you enter a value during a match. For example, if 3 minutes already passed in the match and you enter a time into the timer value, the timer will appear on the screen but already will have 3+ minutes deducted. So for example if you turn on the timer and have it be 20 minutes, but 5 mins already went by in the match, you'll already be down to 15 mins left when you enter in the value for 20 mins. Make sense? Great! Recovery should affect how long people stay down, but I'm not sure how well it works. 0=Get up fast, 1=Normal speed recovery, 2=Slow recovery (down a long time). Please let me know how well this one works for you, if at all! Tornady will take effect during tag matches and will convert them between tornado or tag rules. 0=Tornado (everybody in the ring at once) and 1=Tag Required. There might be a glitch or delay if you try toggling tag ON when tornady was the default, but I'm not sure. Let me know! The ELIMINATION and IRON MAN stuff requires multiple values and they're explained on the cheat table. You have to set all of them correctly. For example with Elim, you'd set the first two as 1 and the last one is a 0. Alternatively, for Elim, just click the hotkey L+M on your keyboard during a match and it'll set those three values for you correctly instantly. Also, you can turn Elim back off by clicking N+M hotkey if you want to turn it off during the same match. Ironman is similar, but no hotkey for it. The first ironman option needs to be set to 1 and the second one needs to be set to 0101. Obviously the timer should also be on if you're turning Ironman on, but hey, you do you. Edited October 28, 2024 by Dirty Cheater 1 2 1 Quote
El Guapo Posted June 7, 2024 Posted June 7, 2024 Hey man, I still play this game! I invested so much time into modding it that I cannot bring myself to either: a) leave behind all the work I did b) start modding all over again in a new game I personally haven't uised any Cheat Engine stuff on this game, although I believe that someone did a camera angle mod 1 1 Quote
Dirty Cheater Posted June 7, 2024 Author Posted June 7, 2024 19 minutes ago, El Guapo said: Hey man, I still play this game! I invested so much time into modding it that I cannot bring myself to either: a) leave behind all the work I did b) start modding all over again in a new game I personally haven't uised any Cheat Engine stuff on this game, although I believe that someone did a camera angle mod I hear you on that one! That's how I was for a long time with 2k18 and 2k19. So much time and work put into them both with mods and with CE stuff I came up with. Are there any specific types of things you'd like to try with CE? I have so many things for it that I can't even list them all but if there's anything specific you'd like to see first, let me know a few ideas. Quote
me man Posted June 7, 2024 Posted June 7, 2024 I'd love to see it. Personally I'd use it. I don't really play 2k20, 2k22, or 2k23 much anymore, but there's definitely something about the action of 2k19 that has an edge over the newer games. 1 1 Quote
El Guapo Posted June 7, 2024 Posted June 7, 2024 Hmm, bit of a longshot but any way to change the Royal Rumble (30 man match) arena? Otherwise I'm thinking anything to add more life to Universal mode. Adding custom matches to the match table would be the dream! Quote
Dirty Cheater Posted June 7, 2024 Author Posted June 7, 2024 6 minutes ago, El Guapo said: Hmm, bit of a longshot but any way to change the Royal Rumble (30 man match) arena? Oh good question! I mean yeah it's possible but I haven't ever tried it myself. I'll add that onto my list and have a look! Quote
SnakeSlippers Posted June 10, 2024 Posted June 10, 2024 I heard of cheat engine but never used it. What can it do for this game? What kind of things can be changed or altered? Quote
El Guapo Posted June 11, 2024 Posted June 11, 2024 Don't know if you're old enough to remember, but it's kind of like those old Game Genie/Gameshark/Action Replay cartridges you used to get for game consoles back in the day. It basically allows you to change values in memory addresses 1 Quote
SnakeSlippers Posted June 11, 2024 Posted June 11, 2024 Naw I got the basic idea of it, I mean like what does it do in 2K19? What's possible? What's the limitations? What kind of cheat/mod could be made for this game with this? Can it make the game skip all those menus in the start so it loads straight to main menu without having that Press any button screen? 1 Quote
Dirty Cheater Posted June 11, 2024 Author Posted June 11, 2024 10 hours ago, SnakeSlippers said: Naw I got the basic idea of it, I mean like what does it do in 2K19? What's possible? What's the limitations? What kind of cheat/mod could be made for this game with this? Can it make the game skip all those menus in the start so it loads straight to main menu without having that Press any button screen? Off the top of my head some of my favorite things to do are... Edit match rules in real-time during a match in progress to literally change it into another match type. Force males vs females along with cross gender titles/mitb, in a more natural looking and sounding fashion than just changing their genders. Faster loading (fill in the blank) or infinite (fill in the blank), along with increased or decreased max HP past natural levels. Insta-swap who you're controlling in a match using hotkey (to avoid needing to pause the game to switch ppl). Universe mode run-ins can be fully customizable to any match type including multi person matches. Unusual dividing up of teams, such as 2 vs 3 vs 3...... or crazy handicaps like 1 vs 7. 60 FPS during all entrances, celebrations, etc.... And a LOT more I'm probably forgetting! Plus I can take requests for things to try and find, assuming it's something I think I have a chance of finding. I'm hoping to start posting stuff as soon as I finish (re)setting up my game after having not touched it in so long! Quote
SnakeSlippers Posted June 12, 2024 Posted June 12, 2024 I am interested in being able to beat your opponent after the match for as long as I want tho. I hate the like 10 seconds you get. Can this be used to skip all the screens when loading the game to get straight to the main menu? Can you make the weapon wheel be available in any match? Have weapons in hell in a cell? Quote
Napster29 Posted June 12, 2024 Posted June 12, 2024 Hi That game very easy. Would be cool to make it more harder. For example make reversal window shorter. Or maybe create something like stun system: when ai have a finisher, human's reversal is turn off. Quote
Dirty Cheater Posted June 12, 2024 Author Posted June 12, 2024 (edited) 12 hours ago, SnakeSlippers said: Can this be used to skip all the screens when loading the game to get straight to the main menu? Well for me personally I have mods installed on my copy of the game, which means starting up the game for the first time in a day is going to take a couple minutes anyway while it loads everything up, so I never even thought to try something like this. It might be possible but I think the most it would save is like 10 seconds at best. How often do you restart the game that the default loading of the game is bothering you? I'm just trying to picture the advantage. Do you have any mods installed on yours? You know it can't speed up the load time if you have mods installed right? 2 hours ago, Napster29 said: That game very easy. Would be cool to make it more harder. For example make reversal window shorter. I can say from experience when the CPU has unlimited paybacks and those paybacks include auto reversal and resiliency, both instantly re-charging when receiving ANY damage, matches tend to go a lot longer and be considerably more challenging. Lots of changes in momentum and false finishes, big comebacks, back and forth action. I can probably figure out even more various tweaks to make matches more competitive in a fun way, yeah. Edited June 12, 2024 by Dirty Cheater 1 Quote
SnakeSlippers Posted June 12, 2024 Posted June 12, 2024 Oh yea this game takes forever to load with mods. Im not really trying to speed up loading time (unless we find a way to) Just looking to skip that press any button to start screen. I want the game to load straight to the menu. having to push a button to get to the game seems, dumb? Plus im always modding this game, so exit the game, load back in to test something, and I always have to push a button through 2 extra screens instead of loading right in is getting on my nerves. Quote
Dirty Cheater Posted June 12, 2024 Author Posted June 12, 2024 (edited) 2 hours ago, SnakeSlippers said: I always have to push a button through 2 extra screens instead of loading right in is getting on my nerves. I see what you mean. I'll have a look and see if some CE solution that wouldn't in turn require user input on its own in order to do its job can be whipped up. For now I want to make sure my stuff works for everybody. Can somebody test this code with 2k19 and let me know if it's working? This is for 60 FPS entrances and celebrations. Option 1 will show you the game FPS (usually switching between 60 and 30) Option 2 will show you the game speed (usually switching between 1 and 2) Option 3 is a script you can activate that should make it so option 1 and 2 above ALWAYS stay 60 FPS with a speed of 1. You should not need to touch the first two options as they're just for observation and to confirm they remain correct when the script is activated. To activate the script in option 3 just click its box and a red X will appear in the box to confirm it is active. Copy the entire code below and paste into Cheat Engine's cheat table (the big white space that takes up the lower half of CE) and you should get the options described above. Someone please let me know if this works. Quote <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <CheatTable> <CheatEntries> <CheatEntry> <ID>4917</ID> <Description>"60fps"</Description> <VariableType>Byte</VariableType> <Address>WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E82D8</Address> </CheatEntry> <CheatEntry> <ID>4919</ID> <Description>"GameSpeed"</Description> <ShowAsSigned>1</ShowAsSigned> <VariableType>Float</VariableType> <Address>WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E8314</Address> </CheatEntry> <CheatEntry> <ID>4920</ID> <Description>"60fps"</Description> <LastState/> <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType> <AssemblerScript>[ENABLE] aobscanmodule(INJ60fff,WWE2K19_x64.exe,F3 0F 11 0D B1 04 4B 01) // should be unique alloc(newmem,$1000,INJ60fff) label(code) label(return) newmem: code: // movss [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E8314],xmm1 jmp return INJ60fff: jmp newmem nop 3 return: registersymbol(INJ60fff) aobscanmodule(INJ606060,WWE2K19_x64.exe,C7 05 53 04 4B 01 1E 00 00 00) // should be unique alloc(newmem2,$1000,INJ606060) label(code2) label(return2) newmem2: code2: mov [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E82D8],0000003C jmp return2 INJ606060: jmp newmem2 nop 5 return2: registersymbol(INJ606060) [DISABLE] INJ60fff: db F3 0F 11 0D B1 04 4B 01 unregistersymbol(INJ60fff) dealloc(newmem) { // ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E5B WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E11: 48 8B 05 78 06 4B 01 - mov rax,[WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E8490] WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E18: 83 B8 C4 00 00 00 01 - cmp dword ptr [rax+000000C4],01 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E1F: 75 0A - jne WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E2B WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E21: C7 80 C4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - mov [rax+000000C4],00000000 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E2B: F3 0F 10 05 AD 4D 0C 01 - movss xmm0,[WWE2K19_x64.exe+21FCBE0] WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E33: F3 0F 10 0D 1D 4B 0C 01 - movss xmm1,[WWE2K19_x64.exe+21FC958] WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E3B: F3 0F 11 05 B5 04 4B 01 - movss [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E82F8],xmm0 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E43: F3 0F 10 05 B5 48 0C 01 - movss xmm0,[WWE2K19_x64.exe+21FC700] WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E4B: F3 0F 11 05 C5 04 4B 01 - movss [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E8318],xmm0 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E53: F3 0F 10 05 A5 4D 0C 01 - movss xmm0,[WWE2K19_x64.exe+21FCC00] // ---------- INJECTING HERE ---------- WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E5B: F3 0F 11 0D B1 04 4B 01 - movss [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E8314],xmm1 // ---------- DONE INJECTING ---------- WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E63: F3 0F 10 0D 15 47 0C 01 - movss xmm1,[WWE2K19_x64.exe+21FC580] WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E6B: F3 0F 11 05 89 04 4B 01 - movss [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E82FC],xmm0 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E73: F3 0F 11 0D 71 04 4B 01 - movss [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E82EC],xmm1 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E7B: C7 05 53 04 4B 01 1E 00 00 00 - mov [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E82D8],0000001E WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E85: C7 05 8D 04 4B 01 1E 00 00 00 - mov [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E831C],0000001E WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E8F: C7 05 67 04 4B 01 21 00 00 00 - mov [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E8300],00000021 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E99: C3 - ret WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E9A: B9 19 00 00 00 - mov ecx,00000019 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E9F: E9 4C 01 00 00 - jmp WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137FF0 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137EA4: C3 - ret } INJ606060: db C7 05 53 04 4B 01 1E 00 00 00 unregistersymbol(INJ606060) dealloc(newmem2) { // ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E7B WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E2B: F3 0F 10 05 AD 4D 0C 01 - movss xmm0,[WWE2K19_x64.exe+21FCBE0] WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E33: F3 0F 10 0D 1D 4B 0C 01 - movss xmm1,[WWE2K19_x64.exe+21FC958] WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E3B: F3 0F 11 05 B5 04 4B 01 - movss [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E82F8],xmm0 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E43: F3 0F 10 05 B5 48 0C 01 - movss xmm0,[WWE2K19_x64.exe+21FC700] WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E4B: F3 0F 11 05 C5 04 4B 01 - movss [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E8318],xmm0 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E53: F3 0F 10 05 A5 4D 0C 01 - movss xmm0,[WWE2K19_x64.exe+21FCC00] WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E5B: F3 0F 11 0D B1 04 4B 01 - movss [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E8314],xmm1 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E63: F3 0F 10 0D 15 47 0C 01 - movss xmm1,[WWE2K19_x64.exe+21FC580] WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E6B: F3 0F 11 05 89 04 4B 01 - movss [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E82FC],xmm0 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E73: F3 0F 11 0D 71 04 4B 01 - movss [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E82EC],xmm1 // ---------- INJECTING HERE ---------- WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E7B: C7 05 53 04 4B 01 1E 00 00 00 - mov [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E82D8],0000001E // ---------- DONE INJECTING ---------- WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E85: C7 05 8D 04 4B 01 1E 00 00 00 - mov [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E831C],0000001E WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E8F: C7 05 67 04 4B 01 21 00 00 00 - mov [WWE2K19_x64.exe+25E8300],00000021 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E99: C3 - ret WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E9A: B9 19 00 00 00 - mov ecx,00000019 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137E9F: E9 4C 01 00 00 - jmp WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137FF0 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137EA4: C3 - ret WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137EA5: CC - int 3 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137EA6: CC - int 3 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137EA7: CC - int 3 WWE2K19_x64.exe+1137EA8: CC - int 3 } </AssemblerScript> <Hotkeys> <Hotkey> <Action>Activate</Action> <Keys> <Key>219</Key> <Key>221</Key> <Key>220</Key> </Keys> <ID>0</ID> </Hotkey> </Hotkeys> </CheatEntry> </CheatEntries> </CheatTable> Edited June 12, 2024 by Dirty Cheater 1 1 Quote
Dirty Cheater Posted June 15, 2024 Author Posted June 15, 2024 Did anybody get a chance to confirm if the above script is working for WWE 2k19? I'm pretty sure I'm on the same copy as most people would have (legit Steam copy) but since I haven't released anything before on this game I want to make sure my stuff is working for other people. Please someone let me know if the above 60FPS stuff works with your 2k19. Quote
Wolfstrike28 Posted June 15, 2024 Posted June 15, 2024 Hair swapping is something I would like. or make someone bald and i can add hair myself in game through the CAS menu option Quote
Napster29 Posted June 16, 2024 Posted June 16, 2024 14 hours ago, Dirty Cheater said: Did anybody get a chance to confirm if the above script is working for WWE 2k19? I'm pretty sure I'm on the same copy as most people would have (legit Steam copy) but since I haven't released anything before on this game I want to make sure my stuff is working for other people. Please someone let me know if the above 60FPS stuff works with your 2k19. Script works fine for me 1 Quote
Dzavem2 Posted June 20, 2024 Posted June 20, 2024 I play this game still and am very excited about this news. Just letting you know I checked to see if the 60 fps script works for my wwe 2k19 and it does! Can you please post that script for universe mode run ins that is literally exactly what I'm looking for! Quote
Dirty Cheater Posted June 20, 2024 Author Posted June 20, 2024 (edited) On 6/15/2024 at 6:33 PM, Wolfstrike28 said: Hair swapping is something I would like. or make someone bald and i can add hair myself in game through the CAS menu option I ran some tests and was able to add extra hair to in game superstars but I wasn't able to make them bald. So basically it seems like I can add things that wouldn't normally be allowed in spots, but for in game superstars can't seem to find where to REMOVE already existing hair. I can only add more. I will test more about this in the future but if anyone knows if making in game superstars bald (or removing parts) is already solved by somebody else, please let us know here! 12 hours ago, Dzavem2 said: I play this game still and am very excited about this news. Just letting you know I checked to see if the 60 fps script works for my wwe 2k19 and it does! Can you please post that script for universe mode run ins that is literally exactly what I'm looking for! That's one of the ones I definitely enjoyed the most and want to do more with. Lots of work for me to do to get it into a user friendly (easy to use) config but it can be done. I replied to your PM about it also. On 6/12/2024 at 2:43 AM, SnakeSlippers said: Can this be used to skip all the screens when loading the game to get straight to the main menu? Upon some further testing that path of screens also is when the game has a high chance of corrupting the save file because at some point during those screens is when it's attempting to read the save file while also doing things to it. So, since my save got corrupted while trying to find ways to get through or skip some of that, I won't be continuing this one. I can't risk putting it out there and then it starts ruining peoples saves. Luckily my saves are backed up so I'm ok but I don't want to risk messing with those early start up screens anymore. Edited June 20, 2024 by Dirty Cheater Quote
Wolfstrike28 Posted June 23, 2024 Posted June 23, 2024 @Dirty Cheater So I will say for most of the mods for wwe 2k19, i can actually add hair to some stars. But I get this weird thing like with Rhea ripley, where the hair I try to add goes across her face. Do you know what's up with that? And thanks for looking into that you mentioned above. I wanted to swap undertaker '91 and Undertaker '99 hair styles if i could. couldn't never figure it out. Quote
Dirty Cheater Posted July 2, 2024 Author Posted July 2, 2024 (edited) I released some options that I really tend to enjoy including things like infinite OMG moves and Paybacks, custom starting/max finishers #, and much more. Please check it out and let me know if it's all working correctly. Feel free to ask questions on any of it. First post has been updated with the info and link! On 6/23/2024 at 4:26 PM, Wolfstrike28 said: @Dirty Cheater So I will say for most of the mods for wwe 2k19, i can actually add hair to some stars. But I get this weird thing like with Rhea ripley, where the hair I try to add goes across her face. Do you know what's up with that? I have some weird glitches too while experimenting with hair and it seems to depend on who I'm experimenting on. Still trying to figure out the whole riddle on this one. Edited July 2, 2024 by Dirty Cheater 1 Quote
Dirty Cheater Posted July 2, 2024 Author Posted July 2, 2024 It looks like the "Human Player=Unlimited Finishers" is causing the game to crash in a lot of multi person matches for me. Let me know if you guys run into that issue as well. I might need to just change it so everybody has unlimited finishers instead of just P1. Quote
Napster29 Posted July 3, 2024 Posted July 3, 2024 "Get hit once, Payback full" don't work correctly for me. I installing "Instant Recovery" as a payback 1 and "Finisher" as a payback 2. But CPU don't use paybacks ever. At the same time I can use "Instant Recovery" only, not "Finisher". Quote
Dirty Cheater Posted July 3, 2024 Author Posted July 3, 2024 (edited) 3 hours ago, Napster29 said: "Get hit once, Payback full" don't work correctly for me. I installing "Instant Recovery" as a payback 1 and "Finisher" as a payback 2. But CPU don't use paybacks ever. At the same time I can use "Instant Recovery" only, not "Finisher". That does indeed seem to be a side effect of instant paybacks. The reason it doesn't bother me is because I don't use the Finisher payback, since I use CE to increase my finishers or have unlimited anyway. My way of thinking is that since CE can give me extra (or unlimited) finishers anyway, I will use other Paybacks such as low blows, resiliency, etc. In the future I will try to improve it more though, just in case someone wants to use repeated Paybacks to give themselves multiple finishers instead of using CE to handle their finishers. Edited July 3, 2024 by Dirty Cheater 1 Quote
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