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Updated for patch 1.20: Intergender Male vs Female (MvF) + Duplicate Paybacks! + Hotkeys to control Gauntlet & Rumble "next entrant countdown" + Match Rule Modifiers! + Enable 'breakout' attacks after multi-person matches! For 2k24 via Cheat Engine!

Dirty Cheater

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Posted (edited)


FYI:  I may occasionally lock this thread so the replies don't get out of control.  Remember it's always fastest to contact me directly, either by PM on the forums or a message on Discord!
Discord username is:  Tacogear


  • Updated September 23, for patch 1.20
    No NEW notes to add, so we default to the most recent new notes (1.15):  A temporary FIX has been added for the black screen/crash that happens at the end of an 8man tag where the winning team has exactly 2 males and 2 females.  Scroll to the very bottom of the cheat table and use the option called:
    "DoubleClick value and select No Victory Scene--->"
    You will notice there is also a red warning above and below it, reminding you TO NEVER CHECK THE BOX.  The way to use this option is to pause the match and then in CE you will double click the value on the right, and select "No Victory Scene" and click OK.  Unpause the game and continue playing that match.
    Note:  You will do this DURING the match; not before.  Again, I repeat, you will let the match start and you will pause the game and select No Victory Scene in CE.  It will be active ONLY for that match.  Later on, if you want to disable the victory scene in another match, simply pause the game during that match and select No Victory Scene again.  Just remember it's going to reset itself after each match so you'll need to do it again.  I DO NOT recommend checking the box on the left to try and "freeze" it permanently for the session.
  • Updated August 1st, for patch 1.14:  The Title/MITB selector option for MvF has been fixed, as well as the problem with champions not showing up when you try to edit them in Universe mode.  For those wondering if blood effects are good in this patch, the answer is YES.  
  • (older patch/update notes are at the bottom of this post)


Welcome back, my friends!  It's that time of year again!  The early version of MvF Intergender for WWE 2k24 is now available to my 2k24 supporters!  I'm going to run this the same way I did for 2k23, which means you can decide how much you want to donate but the amount will decide how quickly (or slowly) you get served.  Once you donate, you are added to my list for ALL future 2k24 patch updates!  Just please don't be that guy that sends 50 cents or a dollar but expects fast service from me, and gets angry when told they have to wait their turn.  Rule of thumb: "If the donation is LLLow, the wait will be LLLong."  I do it this way to help make it so everybody has a chance to get this.  If you can't donate as much as others can, it's only fair that you would wait for service, which is a lot better than being told you can't have it at all, right? 

How this works:  This requires us to set up a special version of Cheat Engine together, which means it can take a while to set up, especially if you run into some of the more time consuming issues people sometimes run into.  I'll be willing to get you all set up with a custom version of Cheat Engine and make sure it's compatible with your system, in exchange for whatever you consider to be a GENEROUS donation, please!!   That's right... I'm leaving that part up to you: please decide how much your generous donation should be, and remember that I'll offer the same level of priority and care in return.  If your donation shows me you take this very seriously and it's a major priority in your life, I'll be sure you're taken care of accordingly.  If you need this fast but money is tight, talk to me first about how soon you expect to be served and we'll figure out how much you need to donate in order to receive it by whatever date you need it.  If you need it IMMEDIATELY and want to be served NEXT, please let me know and we'll figure out if that's possible!

I am looking for people that are eager to show me support.  It's very difficult to provide a proper undetected Cheat Engine that is compatible with this game and can apply the enhancement effects without the player controls breaking during a match... *raises fist high*  But I did it!  Please keep my never ending dedication to MvF in mind as you decide how much you'd like to donate to this noble cause!  Dig it?  Ooooh yeeeeah!

In my tests, here is what I can confirm so far regarding the MvF intergender features:
-CAWs shouldn't have those infamous weird visual glitches in Play mode, and might not have as many in Universe mode either!
- Females can get busted open!
- The CPU targets & attacks everyone equally!  I fixed several points where CPU didn't want to attack or would just release carry moves, etc...  ALL FIXED!
- Royal Rumble pre-populated participants will already be a mix of male and female!  Rumble works great!
- 10/20/30 Man Gauntlet Match pre-populated participants will already be a mix of male and female!  Gauntlet works great!

Current minor issues being worked on:
- For now, if you set up a Special Ref match, after you select your characters you have to toggle MvF off before the match begins to load and then toggle MvF back on after the loading bar at the bottom of the loading screen has filled up more than half way, or the game could crash.
- Just like in previous years, a DQ happens if a male hits a female. FIXED WITH NEW UPDATE!
- If you leave MvF turned on while you browse around in the game and adjust various settings, make saves, etc... there is a chance the roster can get "corrupted" as in the MvF change becomes permanent.  Try to remember to toggle MvF off if you're making various roster edits, settings changes, etc. This glitch should already be fixed with new update, but it's still a good idea to be careful.


Eventually as people bring issues and requests to my attention, I will add to the features just like I did last year.  If you report an issue or have a request, please be SUPER detailed in how you explain it to me so I can do my best to try and duplicate whatever you're explaining.  I don't play the game much, so I might not be familiar with certain things you would think I should be, so please be detailed.

As of patch 1.04 I've added the hotkey to force a breakout attack during the celebration after a multi person match.  The hotkey to press is v+b and if you timed it right the breakout option will appear on screen!  Also added several match rule modifiers so you can toggle various rules during matches!  Let me know if any of them don't work right.

Things you should know:

1)  You have to be willing to get on Discord (or a similar messenger service) so we can set this up together.  Be prepared for this set up process to take anywhere from 20 minutes to 2+ hours.  Most people see the quick side of that, but yes, sometimes it takes longer if your computer has issues.  If things get really difficult, I can get on TeamViewer to help you remotely, but that shouldn't be necessary.

2)  Each time you launch the game, the activation of the MvF script takes a few minutes before it takes effect.  If you have a slow computer, it might take a while to turn MvF on.  For some people it takes around 5 minutes, but it can take longer because of how much work the script needs to do to protect you from the game's malicious crashes, etc.

3)  ALWAYS make back ups of your save folders because you can be sure that in future patches, 2k will try and ruin this the same way they've tried so hard to ruin previous methods of having fun.  If you always make back ups of your save, you should probably be able to stay on whichever patch was last working for you (or revert back to it), in the event that a future patch completely breaks this process.  I will continue to support my donors for as many patches as possible, just like I did the entire life of 2k23 (and continue to do for people that still play it).  I will make every effort to update this and replace it with working alternatives as 2k attacks us... but if there comes a time when 2k release a patch so malicious that I can't get intergender enhancements working, you'll have to stay on the most recent patch that worked.

4)  NEW OPTION!  Sponsor somebody that can't donate!  If you know somebody that absolutely cannot send a donation and you'd like to cover them, send me a message to negotiate those details.

How to donate and/or show support?
I have multiple options depending on how much you want to donate,
so please contact me via private message here on the forums or on Discord!

My Discord username:  tacogear


Known bugs still being worked on: 


I am still working on tracing and fixing a known bug that causes a black screen during the victory celebration of a 4-person team comprised of exactly 2 males and 2 females.  Also still working on fixing a bug where if you leave DQ turned on, you might occasionally get DQ'd as a male if you're throwing a female over the ropes or into the announcer table.

Change log/update notes:


Updated June 5th for patch 1.09:  New Duplicate Paybacks options has been added!  Also some good news; blood pooling effects on the canvas/ground are back to FULLY rendering/showing.  As I've mentioned before with 2k it seems like every 'other' patch is less stable visually and in some cases blood pooling breaks after MVF is applied if it's a bad patch for visuals.  Last patch was very bad.  Fortunately this new 1.09 patch is one of the GOOD patches visually and everything is showing up great!  Remember if you care about blood pooling on the ground, DO NOT update your game until you've seen me confirm whether or not it's a stable patch visually from 2k.


April 18 update: for patch 1.06

New:  Gauntlet and Royal Rumble entry timer control has been added!  The last option on the cheat table is "RR/Gauntlet Entry Countdown".  You do NOT need to check the checkbox for it unless you want to freeze the timer.  Instead, you can double click the value on the right and enter a new time in milliseconds.  I also added some hotkeys if you have a Numpad on your keyboard.
These hotkeys are all done using the numpad on the right side of your keyboard.  For example, the first one means you push 0 and 1 at the same time on the number pad.  
The hotkeys are:
0+1:  Force next person out NOW
0+2:  Go to the 10 second warning
0+3:  Toggle timer freeze
All of them have a voice alert, including the timer freeze toggle which will tell you if the timer is frozen or normal!
If you want to change or disable the hotkeys I set up, just right click on the timer value and go to: "set/change hotkeys"
Note:  You can also set up hotkeys for xbox controllers and some others too.


April 7:  Update v1 for patch 1.05
1.  Blood stains/pools on the ground should be more likely to happen.
2.  Added an option to determine which gender championship (or MITB) will be on the line.
3.  Found and already fixed a new problem 1.05 introduced where men couldn't throw a weapon at females.
4.  Fixed more rare situations where targeting was delayed, or where CPU would stop attacking.
5.  Slight reduction in the initial scan/wait required to setup MVF.  Also, now there is no need to click the green MVF option after the initial setup scan/wait, as it will already be clicked.  As soon as the initial scan/wait is done and the game unfreezes, you can start playing.
HOW TO USE the new championship title/MITB selector:
The option in the cheat table is called "Toggle Title/MITB match gender->"
You DO NOT need to check the box for this option.  Instead, what you need to do is double click the value over on the right side and select the new value from the drop down menu.  For example if you are going to be setting up a title match and want to put female titles on the line, you would select the "FEMALE Title/MITB Match" option from the drop down menu.  Make sure you choose the gender you want before setting up the title match.  
Note:  The title selector will only work if MvF is already activated.


Previous fixes: as of March 25:
1.  The intergender DQ bug has been fixed! Now you can leave DQ on and the ref won't DQ males for hitting females!
2.  The CPU avoiding or releasing "carry" moves instead of finishing/slamming them has been fixed!
3.  Unrelated to intergender, but I still fixed this too:  As some of you may have noticed when playing an anywhere falls match, the devs broke anywhere falls SUBMISSIONS in some match types. This meant if you got a tap out while outside of the ring during anywhere falls, sometimes it wouldn't eliminate the person.  You can fix this now.  In my match rules options, if you change the Submission value to "2:Anywhere Falls" it will fix the issue.  Submissions have 3 settings now just like pinfalls do:  0=Off  1=On  2=Anywhere

Edited by Dirty Cheater
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  • Dirty Cheater changed the title to Updated for patch 1.09: Intergender Male vs Female (MvF) on 2k24 via Cheat Engine + Hotkeys to control Gauntlet & Rumble "next entrant countdown" + Match Rule Modifiers! + Enable 'breakout' attacks after multi-person matches!
Posted (edited)

UPDATED for patch 1.09! Blood pooling on the mat is back in full effect, and now we also have duplicate paybacks again!   I am rolling this out immediately to all my supporters/donors that are already set up with MVF.  All existing donors that already were setup with MVF before today HAVE BEEN SERVED!  If you're an existing donor that was already setup with MVF before today, but you don't have today's new update from me yet, contact me ASAP please!  It seems like one or two people disappeared from my Discord list, so if that's you it means I wasn't able to message you today, so please private message me ASAP so I can get your new update to you.

For the rest of you that are still waiting in line to get set up for the first time with MVF, I expect to get through assisting everybody waiting in line THIS WEEK!  Thank you again to all my supporters, helpers, testers, etc... and keep an eye out for even more new features in the future, as well as more resurrections of 2k23 MVF bonus features that should also be coming back soon!

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  • Dirty Cheater changed the title to Updated for patch 1.09: Intergender Male vs Female (MvF) + Duplicate Paybacks! + Hotkeys to control Gauntlet & Rumble "next entrant countdown" + Match Rule Modifiers! + Enable 'breakout' attacks after multi-person matches! For 2k24 via Cheat Engine!
Posted (edited)

Hey just a heads up to everybody.  I know if you're in this thread you are playing 2k24, but I want to take a moment to direct your attention to the fact that I am starting a 2k19 Cheat Engine thread now!  I went back to playing this game and instantly felt SO at home.  The controls take a little getting used to again (like 5 mins max) but once you remember those old, more friendly controls, it's like you never left the game.  So much more fun to play with so fewer annoyances (sigs and finishers are ONE button, there's no need to sit there grappling up with a person before every grapple move, etc).  If by some chance you're interested in breathing new life into 2k19 with CE, please check out my thread here--> 


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Looking for somebody!  If there's anybody that goes by "Rex" and sent in a donation in the last few weeks but never heard from me, it's because you didn't include any contact info and also never contacted me on Discord (as far as I know).  It's possible it was just a donation to show support, but based on the amount I want to make sure I can help you ASAP if you wanted service on something for a game!  If this sounds like you and you haven't heard from me or gotten updates from me, etc...  please contact me privately and let me know!  Thanks!

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  • 3 weeks later...

MvF for patch 1.10 is just about ready.  I think it's complete but it's totally untested so far.  Testing will begin soon.  If you are already one of my MvF supporters and would like to test out the new 1.10 update right away (knowing things could go wrong since it's untested) please send me a message ASAP!  Otherwise, after testing is completed and I know everything is safe I will begin rolling the new update out to all my peeps! 

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Updated for patch 1.11 and will begin rolling out to all existing donors as soon as possible!  Should have everybody updated by the end of the day!

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  • Dirty Cheater changed the title to Updated for patch 1.11: Intergender Male vs Female (MvF) + Duplicate Paybacks! + Hotkeys to control Gauntlet & Rumble "next entrant countdown" + Match Rule Modifiers! + Enable 'breakout' attacks after multi-person matches! For 2k24 via Cheat Engine!
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Updated for Patch 1.12. All existing donors/supporters have been updated!  I believe all the sends were successful, but if by some chance you're an already existing supporter and you didn't receive your MvF update today, contact me ASAP and let me know.

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  • Dirty Cheater changed the title to Updated for patch 1.12: Intergender Male vs Female (MvF) + Duplicate Paybacks! + Hotkeys to control Gauntlet & Rumble "next entrant countdown" + Match Rule Modifiers! + Enable 'breakout' attacks after multi-person matches! For 2k24 via Cheat Engine!
  • 2 weeks later...

Progress update:  I'm doing some traveling so this update isn't as instant/speedy as the last several patches have been.  As of today, Weds afternoon (USA), I'm in the first stage of manually updating MvF to the new patch.  After that's done, the second stage is the testing stage which I also hope to get through today, time permitting.  If any of my existing supporters are in dire need of the update ASAP for some reason, feel free to reach out to me privately and I can try to make sure you're in the first wave of sends or let you test it early.

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Update:  MvF for 1.13 is complete and being rolled out to all existing supporters!  For those waiting to find out if blood stains/spills on the canvas are showing up for everyone, the answer is YES!

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  • Dirty Cheater changed the title to Updated for patch 1.13: Intergender Male vs Female (MvF) + Duplicate Paybacks! + Hotkeys to control Gauntlet & Rumble "next entrant countdown" + Match Rule Modifiers! + Enable 'breakout' attacks after multi-person matches! For 2k24 via Cheat Engine!

where is the link to download it

ok found it

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JULY 30 1.13 HOTFIX AVAILABLE to existing donors upon request!  The Title/MITB selector option for MvF has been fixed, as well as the problem with champions not showing up when you try to edit them in Universe mode.  Since this fix is minor, I am not auto-rolling it out to everybody (most people don't even use that feature) but if you had problems with Titles or MITB and want the fixed Title/MITB toggler, let me know on Discord!

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  • Dirty Cheater changed the title to Updated for patch 1.14: Intergender Male vs Female (MvF) + Duplicate Paybacks! + Hotkeys to control Gauntlet & Rumble "next entrant countdown" + Match Rule Modifiers! + Enable 'breakout' attacks after multi-person matches! For 2k24 via Cheat Engine!

Updated for patch 1.14 and rolling out to my existing MvF supporters ASAP!  :)

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Heads Up MvF users! If you use MvF and have that problem where the game goes black after you win a 4 person match, it's typically triggered when the winning team has exactly 2 males and 2 females.  I have a bypass for this that I can help you set up if you want it ASAP; just message me on Discord.  Otherwise, you can expect this to be included and explained in the next MvF release.  :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Question is there a table for 2k24 that lets' you change match rules?  

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3 hours ago, jdoggokussj2 said:

Question is there a table for 2k24 that lets' you change match rules?  

Yeah the cheat table that this thread is talking about.  Everything mentioned in the title, for example: "Match Rule Modifiers!"  are included in it.  Once you're fully set up for MvF intergender, the match rule stuff (and some other extras) are in there too.  If you're looking for something more specific send me a message on Discord and we can go over the details of whatever it is.  Username= Tacogear

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Just a heads up to my MvF users that I'm testing the new updated MvF today and rolling it out to you all as soon as I'm done.  As usual, if you're an already existing supporter and REALLY want it right away to try before I had a chance to fully test it (and you understand it might crash, etc), you're welcome to give me a nudge on Discord and I'll send it your way ASAP before I finished testing it.

I also want to put these notes here now for people to see how the new fix is temporarily being implemented for that black screen crash that happens at the end of a 4 vs 4 when the winning team has exactly 2 males and 2 females on it.  Here is a copy of how that fix is currently being done:


A temporary FIX has been added for the black screen/crash that happens at the end of an 8man tag where the winning team has exactly 2 males and 2 females.  Scroll to the very bottom of the cheat table and use the option called:
"DoubleClick value and select No Victory Scene--->"
You will notice there is also a red warning above and below it, reminding you TO NEVER CHECK THE BOX.  The way to use this option is to double click the value on the right, and select "No Victory Scene" and click OK.  Now on the right, in the value column, it should say "No Victory Scene".  You will do this DURING the match; not before.  Again, I repeat, you will let the match start and you will pause the game and select No Victory Scene in CE.  It will be active ONLY for that match.  Later on, if you want to disable the victory scene in another match, simply pause the game during that match and select No Victory Scene again.  Just remember it's going to reset itself after each match so you'll need to do it again.  I DO NOT recommend checking the box on the left to try and "freeze" it permanantly for the session.


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  • Dirty Cheater changed the title to Updated for patch 1.16: Intergender Male vs Female (MvF) + Duplicate Paybacks! + Hotkeys to control Gauntlet & Rumble "next entrant countdown" + Match Rule Modifiers! + Enable 'breakout' attacks after multi-person matches! For 2k24 via Cheat Engine!

The new MvF for patch 1.16 is available and has been served to all existing supporters.  If you're an existing supporter and didn't already get the new file, let me know ASAP on Discord!

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14 hours ago, Damiresla said:

Hey! I was wondering if you have ever made this custom match rules script for wwe 2k22 ?

I never even played 2k22, however, if you're in a position financially where you want to buy the game for me and also set up a custom job request, I am very sure I can get the match rules for any game as long as I have the legit copy to use.  Or if you're familiar with using CE I might be able to guide you on Discord for how to find them yourself using the logic I know works.  Then there'd be no reason for me to have the game, which would be awesome.  Then we'd only need to treat it like a custom request and whatever you want to donate toward it would determine how soon I am able to get on Discord to guide you, etc... That door is always open.

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The new MvF for patch 1.17 is available and has been served to all existing supporters.  If you're an existing supporter and didn't already get the new file, let me know ASAP on Discord!

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  • Dirty Cheater changed the title to Updated for patch 1.17: Intergender Male vs Female (MvF) + Duplicate Paybacks! + Hotkeys to control Gauntlet & Rumble "next entrant countdown" + Match Rule Modifiers! + Enable 'breakout' attacks after multi-person matches! For 2k24 via Cheat Engine!

Where is this trainer at? And does it unlock the my faction guys? I dont see a dl link

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1 minute ago, Twistedmisery666™ said:

Where is this trainer at? And does it unlock the my faction guys? I dont see a dl link

This is not a trainer.  There's no link.  Once you're a donor/supporter, the amount of your contribution determines how soon you receive service and what level of service.  Please read the first post so you know how this all works.  Once you're ready to move forward, add me on Discord and let me know.

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