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How to fix "Elite" John Cena's Missing Towel Entrance and A-OK Hand Sign.

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1)  First  go into Create A Superstar, Select Superstar, and make a copy of JOHN CENA '20 (The One In Green).  Call him A-OK or anything you can remember, and make sure you set Use Custom Attire to NO. (We Will Be Deleting Him When We Are Done.)

2)  Now go into ROSTER and select "Elite" John Cena.  Select his Entrance and go to Create Entrance.  Select Template, Custom Superstar, and Select A-OK (Or Whatever you called your created JOHN CENA), then SAVE.

3)  Now Select Edit TimeLine.  In the Top Motion for INTRO, STAGE, and RAMP, SELECT JOHN CENA 1.  LEAVE RING-IN and RING as is (DO NOT TOUCH) then SAVE.

If you did it right, it should look like the picture below.



Now go back to Create A SuperStar-EDIT Custom Superstar, and you can delete the A-OK (or Whatever you named him) created copy of JOHN CENA.

That's it.


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