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How to change existing/modded character's weight class and class ?


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Anyone konws this?

Saw the guide from BlindedByTheGrace, that was too complex and time-consuming..😂
So is there any easier way to change just these two values?

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I noticed you asked this in a couple spots, including my custom rules thread, so I went ahead and double checked my current scripts for 1.22 and no, my scripts for this stuff don't currently work properly with 1.22.

This includes the following changers:

-Weight class

-Fighting class


In order for me to be able to get these working on 1.22, somebody would need to request it as a custom paid job from me.  That's because of how much extra effort is required to get around 2k's malicious attack-code that ruined the previous scripts.  If you want to set this up with me as a custom job, send me a private message and we'll work out the details.

This applies to anything else anybody sees missing from my 1.22 cheat tables and scripts.  For any of my scripts that I had to remove stuff from when 2k added malicious code to their game, it means those removed items will be far more time consuming and difficult to convert over, so I am only converting those as custom jobs.

As a side note, any non-working or "disabled" effects that somebody pays me to convert to 1.22 will also be made available to the public a little while after.  Similarly to how some modders will take custom requests and then allow the end product to be enjoyed by the public after the client is served.

Edited by Dirty Cheater
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Yes, you need a whole different set up if you want to use cheat tables now.  Either use x64dbg w/ ScyllaHide plugin to launch the game safely and use normal Cheat Engine with it (follow the exact steps in my custom rules thread where I explain about x64dbg)...  or, you have to find (or create) your own undetected version of Cheat Engine so you don't need x64dbg to launch the game.  From there, if a cheat table still causes a game crash, further steps are needed depending on what exactly the cheat is trying to do with the game's coding (and where).

Edited by Dirty Cheater
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Thanks! Now I'm able to run GAME under CE, I've figured out how to change existing character's pofo now.

Combining your advise and BlindedByTheGrace's guide, I thinks it's not hard as I thought!!!

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Damn..when I done changing the fight class value, and restart game it just turn back to default...Don't know if it's really worked..

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If you found the real value, and allowed the game to perform a save before restarting it, then the changes will stick.  Try going into roster edit and changing 1 thing on somebody so it asks you if you want to save, then select yes and make sure you SAVE ALL.

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According to BlindedByTheGrace's guide, apart from other values the fight class can change but won't be saved, and I tried, height, gender and weight class all can be saved, but only fight class won't.

It said this has to be set in the charprofiletable.roster file as its not read in the pofo when the game restarts, but apparently I don't how and where to find this "charprofiletable.roster file" to edit...😆

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That actually sounds very 2k.  It makes sense.  Total lack of consistency.  It wouldn't surprise me at all if weight, height, and other aspects can save easily but fighting style for some insane reason gets read from a different location.  That's so 2k.  lmao

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