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My Caws Journey top 10 series.

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It's been a slump but life has taught me that it's short and you got to do what you love or what is it all for. My father died over a year ago so I didn't have it in me to continue making caws and shows. When I finally got back on that horse and was working on a lot of material my sister passed away. While I figure things out I do have a lot of content that I did work on which I'm gonna be releasing periodically. This Top 10 series will be releasing monthly, I hope you guys like it. I also have some caw that I will be releasing. Thank you for your time, John Awesome. ( FYI: the moniker of John Awesome was in honor of Mike Awesome and the Miz. ) Any watch will be appreciated I'm really trying to make that watch time so I can finally partner up with Youtube.


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