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pure insanity

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it's hard for me to believe that people are asking for CAWS of people/characters like paris hilton, subzero, and who ever...and still no amazing CAWS like:

Cactus Jack(FMW/ECW/IWA)

Tommy Dreamer(ECW)

Terry Funk

Mikey Whipwreck(Early ECW)

Mister Pogo

Bad Breed(Axl and Ian Rotten)

WING Kanemeura,

New Jack

Amazing Red(TNA Shirt like the one from the HCTP CAW )

most of these aren' even on GAMEFAQS, or any other boards....


kid u gotta respect what other people wanna create on their games and be patient or make the caws urself cuz kid those r good caws and they'll definatly happen


first off, i'm 22, not a "kid", i've hacked for No Mercy, HCTP, SD!2.. just decided to start on the boards randmly.. i've been watching, and seeing what people create, and i give all respect to those who acn hack and create the best CAWS around. theres no disrespect from my side.

i have patience, i can wait, i just made a declarative statement from my perspective.


all nooblettes are kids in my eyes and second no mercy and sd2 hacking isn't impresive seeing as how my 9 year old cousin can hack them


Alright... Enchilada, I'm getting sick of this shit from you. You keep saying other people are n00bs in your eyes. Well your a n00b in mine. I've seen alot of people post here with honest opinions and you shoot them down because they don't have the same opinion as you. Quit dissing everyone else who has a different opinion than you. Get over your fucking self and learn to respect other people's opinion "kid."


seriously...well, if you consider a "kid"

working a full time job, earing 600.00 a week, having a second job as a freelance Graphic Designer/Video Producer/Editor/Film Maker earning up to 400.00-500.00 a job.... a "kid".. well then show me to the snack room, then give me my nap time.

i do notice that you give alot of people on here crap.. why is that? are you really that shallow and sad of a person that you have to be-little others in order to magnify yourself in your OWN eyes??? cause all we see is a jerk with no life who sits at the computer and posts as much negative crap as possible to make his post number increase to show false dominance. There are so many better things to do than just sit at wrestling game message boards and be an asinine human being...just thought you should tell you what we already know.

seriously change your attitude...maybe your life won't seem as lonely, and sad, maybe if you stop and start looking at things in a BETTER/BRITHER/POSITIVE LIGHT...you might be joyful and happy, instead of being so negative...


no one gives a shit about how much you earn dude.

Mikey Whipwreck

Body Toning 0

Body Parts

Face 13

Body 1

Skin, Now -93,11,0

Hair 13 -97,9,0

B.Hair 1

Eyebrows 4 -89,9,0

Eyes 1 -96,-50,0

F.Hair 65 -85,9,52,-43

F.Hair 27 -92,9,50,-72

Sideburns 1 -73,9,53,-88

Lips 21 96,9,0

Face Morphing

Head 18,22,13

Eyebrows 0,15,0

Eyes -20,53,-58,26

Nose -56,0,-54,26

Cheek 18,0,20,0

Mouth -49,-24,0,-100

Jaw 53,0,17,23

Ear 10,64,42,0

Age -98

Full Body Scaling

Head 24,20,30

Neck 67,100,-23

Chest 11,-87,-9

Shoulder -9,-65

Abs 100,16,2

Arms 32,8,-13

Hands -13,-12

Waist 0,0

Legs 23,16,-5,0

Feet 0,0,-17

Height 5'9 -39


Long Hemline 5,1 -62,-33,-100,100,6

Wristbands Both 1,1 12,9,-100,100,84

Tights 1,6 12,-80,-100,100,-100

Knee Pads 1,3 11,-40,-100,100

Shoes 1,1 12,-84,-100,-44


i could care less if you care or not how much i make.. i'm not here to please you guy at all, i'm stating the fact that there are jerks around here, they're being jerks for no reason...and it's sad to see how stupid people really are. it's petty, childish, and immature.

PS.. pretty good mikey

Posted (edited)

yo the only one being a jerk around hear is you

ya jumped up YANK

What the hell you upto anyways your like 22 and your starting arguments with people over the internet you must be some fat lazy fucking *NONCE*

You got a bad attitude like a crack whore,

one more thing you must be living with your mum still right because you still playing *kiddies* computer games

Scew you

Edited by traineetoy

hb i've been here the same amount of time u've been i've just had 3 different names so i'm no noob here i have few posts cuz i was away. but dude notice how i only post at night and thats because i have a life during the day wrestling video games don't mean that much to me. and believe me i know what a shit post and a shit user is and this is a good example of the 2. if anybody wants rip ona guy who is gettin pissed because antoher guy is demanding caws other then waiting or lookin for another caw source then go ahead it just prooves you have nothing better to do with ur sorry fat ass self. you do realize half the people on these boards lie about wat they do and who they r who knows if he makes that much money a year it dosn't matter to anyone hear. if users like man and rebornyouth would keep their pie holes shut maybe there would be more room on this site for caws and usefull topics then this garbage. from what i've experienced in my life calling someone a kid is not a bad thing unless ur oversensative or a yougnster in disguise. if i made a racial slur or said something insulting then u can rip on me but until then wtf r u complaining about just be fucking patient and u'll get ur damn caws.


Heart Breaker, I've been here the same amount of time you've been. I've just had three different names so I'm not a noob here. I have few posts because I was away. Dude, notice how I only post at night? Thats because I have a life during the day. Wrestling video games don't mean that much to me, and believe me I know what a shit post and a shit user is and this is a good example of the two. If anybody wants to rip on a guy who is getting pissed because antoher guy is demanding caws other than waiting or lookin for another caw source then go ahead it just proves you have nothing better to do with your sorry fat ass self. You do realize half the people on these boards lie about what they do and who they are. Who knows if he makes that much money a year it doesn't matter to anyone here. If users like man and rebornyouth would keep their pie holes shut maybe there would be more room on this site for caws and useful topics than this garbage. From what I've experienced in my life, calling someone a kid is not a bad thing unless your oversensitive or a yougnster in disguise. If I made a racial slur or said something insulting then you can rip on me but until then what the fuck are you complaining about? Just be fucking patient and you'll get your damn caws.

I fixed your paragraph... or atleast tried my best. It kind of confused me in some parts. So I tried not to correct the parts that made no sense. Listen Enchilada, learn how to type a decent argument with correct spelling and grammar or atleast somewhat decent spelling and grammar and get back to me. Right now you're proving nothing to me.


the fact tht anyone would waste there time correcting that shit sickens me u must really be a pc geek


No, I just like to understand what I'm reading.


it's hard for me to believe that people are asking for CAWS of people/characters like paris hilton, subzero, and who ever...and still no amazing CAWS like:

Cactus Jack(FMW/ECW/IWA)

Tommy Dreamer(ECW)

Terry Funk

Mikey Whipwreck(Early ECW)

Mister Pogo

Bad Breed(Axl and Ian Rotten)

WING Kanemeura,

New Jack

Amazing Red(TNA Shirt like the one from the HCTP CAW )

most of these aren' even on GAMEFAQS, or any other boards....

at least half those caws have been made, just LOOK

  • 2 weeks later...

Round 10. FIGHT! :rolleyes . Doesn't really matter cause this is going nowhere fast anyways.

  • 3 weeks later...

No, I just like to understand what I'm reading.

No, u r a net geehk. Just can't understand careless typing.


Enchilada, you're hardly a 'jock' yourself. The fact is, everyone on this board is a 'PC geek', or a wrestling fan (i.e. geek). Get used to it.

I don't even know where to begin in this thread. Well done to whoever posted the CAW, at least someone has their head screwed on.


No...it's easy to correct in person. Misspelling of a few words is fine, just want to get it done. Unless one perfectly fucks up their online speech or types in slang, ebonics, or any other racial speech should shape up and realize that that is why it should be kept to live speech. WTF, n/m, just don't type like a dumbass.


What the fuck enchilada/traineetoy. The guy was wanting some Create-A-Wrestlers for his Wrestling game and you both shoot him down calling him a n00b, that's more like you two.

He asked for some CAWs, what exactly was wrong with that?


You prove your point Ian, but the guy who ask'd for CAW's ask'd obnoxiously. Instead of telling him off, call him a nOOb. "nOObetha"


No...it's easy to correct in person. Misspelling of a few words is fine, just want to get it done. Unless one perfectly fucks up their online speech or types in slang, ebonics, or any other racial speech should shape up and realize that that is why it should be kept to live speech. WTF, n/m, just don't type like a dumbass.

WHAT?! Re-read your post please, then tell me if even you can understand it.

Posted (edited)

Huk'd on foniks shuld wurk fr LUKE!

Edited by Ty17

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