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Open the settings.json as Admin, change the WindowState to 2, save and try it again. If that does not work, please play with the Form Settings (FormLocation and State). WindowState = 2 means maximized window. Please note that the setting will be overwritten if you do not exit the app maximized.

Edited by TheVisitorX
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Open the settings.json as Admin, change the WindowState to 2, save and try it again. If that does not work, please play with the Form Settings (FormLocation and State). WindowState = 2 means maximized window. Please note that the setting will be overwritten if you do not exit the app maximized.

I noticed this post and wanted to share an idea that may help.  I can't test this myself right now as my main computer with all my gaming stuff is broken (plus my version of SE never has had a problem opening), but if I'm understanding your post correctly it sounds like forcing a maximized or fullscreen window may be solving the error some people are having?  If so, may I recommend checking out a program I've found to be very handy in similar situations in the past with other problematic programs and how they failed to display on launch.  It's called Borderless Gaming, and you can set it up to force a program to fullscreen and/or bordeless, which in some cases has triggered programs to work when they previously did not work.  You can also toggle it back out of those settings too, which may trigger the screen to show up correctly.  It's a free program which I believe is still available on SourceForge.  Ignore any search results that link to a paid version as that's not necessary.

If I'm misunderstanding and/or BG doesn't end up helping the issue some are having, my apologies... but I figured I'd throw the idea out there as it may be a simpler fix to just set Borderless Gaming up to always automatically take control of Sound Editor's window every time a person launches Sound Editor.  I'm a big fan of your work with SE so hopefully this can help some people out!

Edited by Dirty Cheater
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If anyone knows how to properly change the jukebox offical soundtack on wwe 2k19 please dm me or let me know at anytime, i've been trying all methods from gamemode to soundtrack to sfx, and still have yet to change it. Don't really know what im missing or dong wrong. Not really anymore helpful tips on wwe 2k19 anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi man, I have a problem to convert songs for WWE2K17, and is that I convert the files from .mp3 to .wem and all normal, the problem is that when I replace the file, when I enter the game and plays the game closes, I hope you can help me

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Anyone else having issues opening Sound Editor once again? For the longest time, I know that deleting the user config file in the appdata/local/soundeditor folder has done the trick (I've even recommended that fix to people). But now, not even doing that will allow SE to open. I uninstalled it and reinstalled, but still not opening. Anyone else having this issue or know of a new fix?

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Hey there, I'm curious if anyone knows which files are the tag team announcer files. I see the TTS feature works well, but not sure what files to replace.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all, literally signed up for this site to let people know I found a fix for the app not loading after spending a few days trying to  get it working. I was about to stop playing completely if I couldn't update my entrance music anymore.

It's not ideal because you'll lose any current settings you have but here it goes:

1. Optional, but make an excel file or list of the songs you've replaced and what songs you replaced them with so you can add them back more easily after this is done. Also make up a backup folder on your desktop  with all of the converted WEM files so you don't have to do  that all over again.

2. Uninstall sound editor completely from your PC 

3. THIS IS A MUST: Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Sound Editor on Windows (or wherever it's installed on your OS) and delete everything in that folder that remains after uninstalling. You can try to delete the folder too but I didn't  have to to get this to work.

4. Reinstall using OP's link (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NkxNBln5GaKU8_b4ZMhTuOicHb9HgeS1/view)

This got it working again for  me after hours of frustration; I think the clean install is absolutely necessary to get it to load again.

Edited by fiendsansface
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So, here's an easier fix: Open the main Sound Editor folder. Find the file named "settings.json", and copy it to your desktop. 

Open it in any word program, find where it says "WindowState" and change the number from 0 to 2. Save the file and put it back in the folder, replacing the original "settings.json". Easy peezy lemon squeezy. 

I had to do this about 2 or 3 weeks ago and then it opened just fine, multiple days in a row. Tried to open it today and SE wouldn't open. Went back into "settings.json" and it was back to zero. So, I just did my fix above and it's fine again. 

I have no idea why it does that, but at least we know that if it has trouble opening again, we can easily fix it and make it open/work again. 

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So, here's an easier fix: Open the main Sound Editor folder. Find the file named "settings.json", and copy it to your desktop. 

Open it in any word program, find where it says "WindowState" and change the number from 0 to 2. Save the file and put it back in the folder, replacing the original "settings.json". Easy peezy lemon squeezy. 

I had to do this about 2 or 3 weeks ago and then it opened just fine, multiple days in a row. Tried to open it today and SE wouldn't open. Went back into "settings.json" and it was back to zero. So, I just did my fix above and it's fine again. 

I have no idea why it does that, but at least we know that if it has trouble opening again, we can easily fix it and make it open/work again. 

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Does anybody have an update XML for 2K23 please? All the generic themes are named generic theme.

Does anybody have an update XML for 2K23 please? All the generic themes are named generic theme.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/19/2023 at 11:08 PM, TheVisitorX said:

Sound Editor  [Released: Version]


It's time! After several weeks of work, the new version of the Sound Editor is finally live and comes with a lot of new features.

But first:

A big thank you goes to Mark/Rampage for allowing me to include his data.xml for 2K23. Also, a big thank you to all other authors of the data files from previous releases like Living Human, iTwistedSpartan and others.

This was not my work and it wouldn't be possible without you guys!

Thank you to everyone who helps and provides their data! And thanks to all the kind words and people who have supported me with donations before! It motivates me a lot!



Here's an overview of the new features:

  • Over 90% of the code has been completely reworked and rewritten
  • Many minor and major fixes and improvements (including: search terms and sorting remain when switching as well as selected folders)
  • XML files have been outsourced into databases, making SE compatible with multiple versions (currently 2K19, 2K22, 2K23)
  • Sound-Converter has been completely rewritten and revised (new volume slider, new view of running tasks, download of YouTube music via txt files)
  • New TTS feature for easy creation of RA via Uberduck API
  • New file indexing feature to save storage space -> After opening a PCK file, SE now creates an index of all offsets. If a new file is imported that is larger than the one being overwritten, this table is updated. In the later course, the storage space gained can be reused if it is large enough.
  • New UI (light and dark mode, slim titlebar)
  • Revised export dialog -> mass export as *.ogg is now possible
  • View, export, and import of embedded sound files in soundbanks (import is still UNTESTED and in BETA!!! Use it at your own risk!!!)

... and much more!!!


Please note that this is a BETA version that may still have errors. I am not liable for any risks or damages that may arise from use. ALWAYS create a backup before doing anything else.

A final word: My tools are, have been, and will always be free. I will not offer earlier access via Patreon or charge anything for them to be used by anyone. But developing them has cost me time and money. For example, my Uberduck access costs me money every month. Therefore, I would be very grateful for any donations. So if my work helps you and you find it useful, I would appreciate your support. Thank you!

Notice: Not all data for 2K23 has been collected yet. If you want, you can send me your custom_data.xml file and I will merge your additions with the next update.

This is a first test version and may contains bugs!!! 


!!! Please read !!!

SE is compatible with WWE 2K23 and should also work with previous titles. It ships with a database for 2K19, 2K22 and 2K23! More can be added manually. 

Here is a tutorial video on how to use it (Thanks @Waldoocs)




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- SE wasn't able to open files larger than 2GB due to internal file restrictions. This version fixes it.

I had to change the file parser for that. It might causes side effects, so please use it with caution and tell me any side effects if you notice them.


- Small delay when moving the main window has been removed

- Settings migrated to JSON => That should fix the corrupt settings during an update

Please note: After the first run, you have to reset the settings once so that they are applied!


- Fetching youtube links didn't work


- TTS now opens the internal file browser after successful result


- Adjusted scaling (experimental, still needs work)


- Completely new and revised audio player

- TTS engine rebuilt on FakeYou (experimental feature)


- Changed the behaviour of the template selection in "Sound-Converter" from a radio button to a combobox

- Added volume adjustment for sound preview to settings

- Automation for "Phonetic Abbreviations" can now be optionally used in the TTS dialog, which converts individual letters directly into their phonetic counterpart, for example: M J F = Em Jay Eff

- Added alternative dialog for "manual" selection of sound files in audio player and sound converter

- Backups are now created when deleting files

- App no longer starts maximized but remembers the current status as before

- Completely adjusted handling of title bar, especially the "drag" option, which sometimes did not work, as well as maximize/minimize/close functionality

- Removed border from focused minimize, maximize, close buttons

- Added new DLC entries to DB + update of current data (Thanks again to Nikita Roberts!)

Once again, my request. Providing TTS has incurred high costs here. SE is completely free for you and I would like to continue offering it for free, as well as a TTS option. However, there are costs for me that I would like to and need to cover, so if you like my work, please use the donation button within the app. Even if it's only 1-2 euros. Thank you very much!


- RA data for 2K14 from @denbigh7
- RA data for 2K23 from @esbatmusic- @Nikk_Roberts on Twitter


- Sound-Import (still WIP, please leave feedback!): Finally, full support for 2K14 PCK files!

(It is now possible to import sound files directly into a 2K14 archive - please note that this only works with files specifically created for this version!)

- Sound-Converter: Support for conversion to 'Legacy' files (files for 2K14) has been added

- Sound-Converter: Volume has been optimized and renamed to 'Volume-Boost'. The slider has been adjusted and now ranges from 0 (no change) to 40dB. 2K14 requires very high values here, so the range has been extended.


- Validation for YouTube links in "Sound Converter" should now support more link formats


- Crowd chant lines by Taylor86 @PWM - Thank you very much!!


- Wrong file ids for little endian PCK files



- Partial support for WWE 2K14 lastgen PCK files (read, preview, export is possible, import is not yet implemented)
- Database folders for WWE 2K14 lastgen and up to 2K18 (currently without any data)


- Fixed an issue where the window was still draggable when the cursor has been moved outside of the window


- The UI has been tweaked a bit more to make it more consistent and to make it easier to use
- Titlebar and some other components now have a visible background color


- It is now possible to export files as ogg and wem with their name (which is now the default setting and can be change in program settings) instead of ID


- Rudimentary support for PS4 PCK files (read, preview, export)


- Importing RA sounds with smaller size moves files to another folder


- App is now always starting maximized to prevent issues with 'invisible' window
- TTS input box was always disabled
- Drag'n Drop on labels in "PCK-Archiver" tool wasn't working


- File encryption brokes indexing


- AI powered "Identity" tool for RAs (very much experimental!)
- Drag'n Drop functionality into datagridview for faster wem-file import


- File indexing into larger PCK files took a really long time
- Sound-Converter tool shows filename with extension (should be without)
- Tweaked the order of contextmenu items (Export/Import/Identify, ...), added some separators

- Initial Release

Download (installer)

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!!! Do not use this for an update or you will lose all edited data !!!


Please also install the dependencies, if you don't have it:


Without that, conversion to wem does not work!!!

This program is released as it is. Use it at your own risk! I don't take any responsibility for anything (good or bad) that may happen by using it! You should only use this tool on a clean game installation otherwise it could have some issues!


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What does this tool do?

It gives you the opportunity to export, play and replace sounds in the game WWE 2K.

What you can't do

You can NOT add new sounds and it is also not possible to rename existing.

Here is a tutorial video on how to use SE for importing custom music (Thanks @Waldoocs)

How to GET CUSTOM MUSIC For WWE 2K23! (UPDATED Step-By-Step) - WWE 2K23 Mods - YouTube

Why is there no name for some sound files?

Because nobody has named them yet. This is a manually process and needs a lot of time and effort.

If I try to open Sound Editor 2023 after an update it shows me some configuration error message

Like in the past, some users have problems with the internal update tool which - in some cases - corrupts the configuration file. To fix this do the following:

Navigate to:


delete the user.config file here. After this SE should start normaly but you have to make all changes in settings again.

I get an error if I try to convert files to wem -> "File 0 conversion to wem failed.  Please check your Wwise settings!"

What do I need to run this tool?

Sound Editor is a .NET-Application. So you will need .NET-Framework 4.8 to run this application! You will also need a 64bit Windows version up to Windows 10/11, because the executable was build with 64bit support.

OH NO!!! Your tool is a virus!!! I've get virus alerts from XYZ!!!

This tool uses methods to read and write to memory and file streams and also needs (admin) access to the registry because it gets its path information from there. Some Anti Virus doesn't like that and their heuristic scan recognizes it as a virus! So if you'll get that alert it is simply because of that.

I can guarantee you that there is no virus. It's only a "false positive". So you will have to add this application to your exceptions. If you don't trust me, no problem. You don't have to use this tool!

What audio format do I need for themes?

You can only import *.wem files! WEM is a custom audio format / container made by Audiokinetic!

Can I import my wav or mp3 files?

Yes, but you have to convert them to *.wem first, because the game doesn't support other files than wem!


I will expand on this post later.







hi, i've downloaded the sound editor last night, and i wanted to open it again today and it doesn't show up, it's blank and only my desktop shows up.. is there a fix to this? i tried uninstalling a couple of times but still nothing

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Guys I imported a theme but I didn't like it and I want to go back to the default theme that was there before. Is that possible to do? If so, how?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all just tried downloading and installing for the first time today. I get the error message "Setup Error! Could not read setup package." I have tried redownloading the .exe file but even after 5 attempts i keep getting the error when trying to install. Any ideas on how to fix it? Thanks in advance

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is there anyway at all to open sound editor after i downgraded from the newest WWE update ? as i can't open it at all and all of my themes have changed back even though i restored my files/backups ?

Any help or replies would be great ?

many thanks guys.

Edited by Emanuel9009
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  • 2 weeks later...

The Custom TTS/RA AI voice generator doesn't work for some reason. How do I fix this? Do I need to reinstall?

Edited by kuletxcore
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will this work for wwe 2k19? I am trying to mod in a few other songs into my game but i haven't updated my Sound Editor since 2020 (last time i modded any music). If this does work, will it cause any trouble with already modded music? I don't want to have any negative effect on all the other music I already modded

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@eplate2 Yes, it will work on 2K19 and is super easy to use. As long as you don't import any music onto what you've already created/modded, you shouldn't have a problem at all. Make a backup first of any sound file you're about to edit or mod just in case, but you shouldn't have issues. The new built in AI speech identifier is a game changer, helping you to quickly determine what sound files are what instead of endless searching. 

Download the new version and give it a try, you'll be glad you did. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

im not able to run the setup for this application as this pops up 

" Setup error , could not read setup package " 


can you find any solution to this ?


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