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Blue Renders


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I'm not sure if renders created for characters already on the game need to be in a particular format, but when I create renders and export them as .dds, they show in game as different shades of blue. The image and scale are correct, but the colors are all blue. I've also tested using renders others had created that worked in game and, when I exported that, it was blue too. I'm using GIMP rather than Photoshop, so I'm not sure if there's a setting I need to change when exporting. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!

Edited by americanpsycho138
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The ones I've downloaded from here are in .dds format, so I'll give Compressonator a shot and see how that goes. I appreciate it!


Edit: I gave it a shot with GIMP since you mentioned BC3. That is one of the format options for exporting a .dds in there and it worked perfectly! Thank you again!

Edited by americanpsycho138
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