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Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase

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I have had this CAW for quite some time, maybe a month or so, I also made Kazarian and Mike awesome, I made a very Good Tommy Dreamer, and monty brown.

But this one I have is Ted dibiase the million dollar man, would'nt he be a great addition to the WWE now?

Here is the caw for ted dibiase Please let me know if you have changed anythng to make him look like the real ted dibiaise instead of chuck norris or long haired luther reigns.

Ted Dibiase-CAW


Whole Body all 0

Face Figure: Face: Vertical+ 57, deep -11, width +20, length +10 , depth +16

CheekBones:Vertical +23, deep -7, width+6, hieght -70

Outline: vertical +11, Deep +15, width +16,

Jaw: all 0

EyeBrow: Leave all 0

Eyes: Horizontal +5, vert -25, deep +15, width -20, length +26, pitch -5, yaw -23, roll -23

Nose: vert 0, deep -13, width -18, length +6, depth +12, pitch +5

Mouth: vertical -4, deep -20, width +28, legth -8, depth -4, pitch -14

Lipangle :all 0

Body Figure

Crown width 4+ rest at 0


That includes head, neck shoulders, everything.


head : Hairstyle: Straight back middle COLOR: Custom: H:325 S:75 B:30

EYEShape: upeyes

EYELASHES: Male eye wrinkles 03

IRIS: Normal black 1

eyebrow: wide tip thin

NOSE: Thick

Mouth: Normal 1

Mustache: Beard 05 color brown 5th top left

Outline Faceline 03

No wrinkles on next selection (none)

BODY: Hair Chest

Innerwear: none

Outerwear: none

Bottom Wear: short tights 01 color black


Elbow pad : supporter 01 both color black

knee pad: supporter 01 both black

Shoes: ring shoes long 01 first color: grey 2nd from top left second color: white

Black for third color

He uses the million dollar hold, I use the Cobra clutch, If i remember right, I think thats what it really is, but i havent seen any of my vhs tapes to actually find out. I have like 300 tapes and dont watch them anymore.

My next two i'll post that I need help on are Kazarian and mike awesome, they need facial work badly lol.

Thanks. Hope you enjoy.

  • 2 weeks later...

I mustve done a good job on this one. No one has done any better yet LOL

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