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This is the second part of a series of CAS tutorials. This will cover removing the ring announcer name "THE SUPERSTAR " which is announced by default for a character which isn't used as an alternate attire model.

Please read through the 1st tutorial as you will need the information from that for the second .

Oftentimes you can just set a superstar as an alternate model, but it doesn't always work right for some superstars as you end up losing a bit of the immersion. I will list a few examples here

1. Roman Reigns. - Both the Shield Reigns and Tribal Chief Reigns have slightly different personas, entrances, signature /finishers. 

2. The Rock and Triple H 01 models .- The Triple H Myfaction model has the DX theme set, with different gfx. setting it as an alt for the main Triple H will mean having to use the same gfx and other attributes with the default Triple H. 

Some characters can't se set as alts as they don't have models in the game like THE GODFATHER. Even most of the Myrise superstars have slightly different personas to their current models.


So lets move on.

I will use the Alexa Bliss model I downloaded for the 1st tutorial. If I don't set the model as an alt, you get THE SUPERSTAR as the ring announcer name.

From the 1st tutorial, locate the string name for the superstar and scroll down till you see the Word Hey! on the left as shown here

Remember in the 1st tutorial , the ID for the alternate attire menu assignment was changed to 6C 02 which is also highlighted here..

The next set of bytes 29 05 FF FF FF FF FF FF  are the bytes for the presentation name. This can be modified for standard fully created CAS models but not for models based on Superstars in te game which I refer to in these tutorials as SUPERSTAR CAS models.


The 29 05 is the nickname, the next FFFF is for the first name, next is the middle name and the last FFFF is for the last name. 

In this game and previous games in the series, there is a separate file data file or register for Create Superstar presentation names. These names are in the ram_pck file but are different to names for Superstars in the game. You will notice that names for superstars in the game are not in CAS mode or can't be selected as Presentation names, but there is a workaround for this which I will discuss in a future tutorial.

Each name has it's own ID. The ID for the name THE SUPERSTAR is 05 29 which is written as 29 05 . That' s the 29 05 you se highlighted .

This name can either be removed or changed to another, but for this tutorial , we will just be removing.

To remove the call name , change the bytes to 00 00 or overwrite the FF's I listed as 00 as shown here




What you then need to do is go to CREATE SUPERSTAR, EDIT CUSTOM SUPERSTAR , select the model and open in the editor. change SELECT AS ALTERNATE ATTIRE to NO. Then save. If it's set as NO, you can just slightly change one attribute in the menu then save. 

Now what we want to do next is highlight and select a block of bytes from that region in cheat engine and search using the ARRAY OF BYTES option. The reason for doing this is to check the data is still not stored in memory. 


Now you can play as the character in a match and see if the name announcement is removed.

You can also close the game, relaunch and test again. If the announcement is still there, do the same process once again as Ive observed the data might be stored in two memory regions.

That's about it for tutorial 2.

The next 2 tutorials will cover using a CAS presentation name for a SUPERSTAR CAS model, like in the Dude Love CC upload, also using superstar commentary for a CC model .

For instance, this model of the Rock uploaded here by DARRKKNIGHT  has the Rock's gameplay commentary in a match and no name being announced , when it's not set as an alternate attire.



Edited by BlindedByTheGrace
  • Thanks 3

It's amazing bro.


Can you do the same thing and give hidden clothes to the caw like did WhatsStatus for Roman Reigns, becky lynch... ?

5 hours ago, Karuto said:

It's amazing bro.


Can you do the same thing and give hidden clothes to the caw like did WhatsStatus for Roman Reigns, becky lynch... ?

He didn’t give them hidden clothes, the Attires we just recreated or tether model moved over to a previous version of the game which didn’t have the attires locked  so the attires are added there. 

  • 1 month later...

YOur tutorials are really helping me have a better experience with the game.  May I please have some help with the list of  the superstar call names from the ram_pck file? I can't seem to find it...TIA!

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