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Dress Up


Body Skin: 1

Face Skin: 1

Skin Color: 1(Color(X 100, Y 14)(Shade(X 100)

Eyes: Default

Lips: Default

Teeth: Default

Hair: None

Body Hair: None

Underwear: Default

Mask: (1/41)(21/21)(Color(X 100, Y 15)(Shade(X 100)

Head Paint: 53(Color(X 85, Y -100)(Shade(X 0)(Transparency(X 100)

Head Paint: 52(Color(X 93, Y -80)(Shade(X 0)

Make-Up: 38(Color(X -100, Y -100)(Shade(X -84)(Transparency(X 100)

Make-Up: 30(Color(X -100, Y 100)(Shade(X 0)(Transparency(X 100)

Long Hemline: (15/41)(34/69)(Color(X 100, Y -2)(Shade(X 56)(Transparency(X 100)(Length(X -100)

Tights: (1/41)(1/12)(Color(X 11, Y -57)(Shade(X 0)(Transparency(X 100)(Length(X -100)

Shoes: (15/41)(14/45)(Color(X 15, Y -10)(Shade(X 100)

Gloves: (15/41)(3/17)(Color(X 11, Y -18)(Shade(X 100)

Pattern: Simple 70(Upper Body)(Vertical Scale +1, Horizontal Scale +1)(Place in the center on his shirt)(Color(X 21, Y -100)(Shade(X 0)(Transparency(X 100)


This next pattern is for layers 20 thru 25 \/


Pattern: Simple 153(Left and Right Arms)(6 Times as stated above)(Rotate Once)(3 on left arm, 3 on right arm)(Vertical +3, Horizontal +2)(Put them above his glove, facing toward his arm pit. Making sure to blend all 3 patterns on each arm, placing them one above the other.)(Color(X 17, Y -12)(Shade(X 45)(Transparency(X 100)


This next pattern is for layers 26 thru 31 \/


Pattern: Simple 153(Upper Body Back)(6 Times as stated above)(Rotate Once)(Vertical +3, Horizontal +3)(Place 3 lined up on the back of his shirt, all the way at the bottom, blending in with his pants. And than place the other 3 on top of those.)(Color(X 23, Y -8)(Shade(X 0)(Transparency(X 100)


Pattern: Simple 66(Upper Body Back)(Vertical +1, Horizontal +2)(Place on the back of his shirt, on top of the 6 patterns you just placed, centering it.)(Color(X 88, Y 21)(Shade(X 39)(Transparency(X 100)


Face Morphing


Head(X -11, Y 33)(X -93)

Eyebrows(X 100, Y 100)(Y 100)

Eyes(X 100, Y 100)(X 100, Y 100)

Nose(X -100, Y -100)(X -100, Y -100)

Cheek(X 0, Y 0)(X 0, Y 0)

Mouth(X 0, Y 0)(X 0, Y 0)

Jaw(X -100,Y -12)(X -28, Y -21)

Ear(X 0, Y 0)(X 0, Y 0)

Age(X -100)


Full Body Scaling


Head(X 0, Y 0)(Y 0)

Neck(X 0, Y 0)

Chest(X -67, Y -100)(Y -80)

Shoulder(X -90, Y -49)

Abdomen(X -6, Y -11)(Y 40)

Arms(X -27, Y -52)(Y -30)

Hands(X -48, Y -34)

Waist(X 3, Y 33)

Legs(X -38, Y -24)(X -11, Y 44)

Feet(X -39, Y -23)(Y -100)





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