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Imported WEM music files not playing during championship matches?

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So I had to create my own wem files for songs nobody had posted, I converted them with wwise myself after creating wavs first.

I used sound editor to import the songs over some existing wrestlers since my misc music is full.

In sound editor for some reason after I replace the track tho it just disappears, whereas when I get someone else’s created wems it lists the replaced song on the right. Mine disappears which is weird and I think related to the problem. 

Regardless of this when I get in game the songs are all there exactly where I put them am I’m able to use them no problem except for some reason in championship matches. Which is odd because it’s only when a title is on the line. If I have a wrestler with that them and a title they come out as normal with music no problem but if you put a title on the line your wrestler will come out to silence. After doing some testing this only happens to those special wem files I created myself, everything else works as normal.


could anyone offer any insight into this. It fucking driving me nuts. 

thanks in advance!

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