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Post-fight win theme music absent after attire unlock?


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Sorry I don’t have an answer but I’m hoping by posting this comment more people look at this cuz I’m in the same boat. Half of my added attires to existing wrestlers causes them to have no theme after winning a match. 

I have noticed however that if you use the default attire slot assuming you didn’t over write It, does indeed have music. For example Brocks regular attire has a victory theme but attires 2-4 that I added for him have no music. 

not sure why this is as when you add an entirely new wrestler no matter how many attires they have their theme seems to work so it’s affecting existing wrestlers that you added new attires to. 

hopefully someone finds an answer

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I'll try and explain it the best I can, as I really struggled with this at first,

So first you want to load the moveset file for your wrestler in Data Editor, this can be done through Custom Character Tools (CCT) go to the slot that your wrestler is (just search for it using the search bar) then export the moveset and save it onto your desktop, (if you already have a moveset file for the wrestler you don't need to export it from CCT)

From their open Data Editor and click on the "Entrance and Moveset Editor" tab,

Then click on the "Load full .moveset file"

Now the moveset is loaded you should see a section called "Media Workarounds" this section has 6 check boxes, click on all of these and that should allow the theme music to play when you use another attire. 

Once you have saved the new moveset with the checked boxes, import the new moveset into the Superstar Slot in CCT.

Note that the music only plays when the victory motion begins, so if you want it to play as soon as you win the match, you will have to follow these extra steps,

Do these only if you want the music to play as soon as you end the match.

Open Sound Editor, and go to the music file which contains your superstars music, 

As an example I will use Lita and Trish Stratus,

So once Sound Editor is open click "File" and then "Open"

Superstar Music is found in the following folders "music_0_m.pck" , "music_1_m.pck" and "music_2_m.pck", 

Both Lita and Trish are in "music_0_m.pck" so I am opening that. Use the Search Bar to find the superstar you want.

I then find Lita's music and right click, then click "Export" and save the theme, to a folder (I have a themes folder), I repeat this step for Trish Stratus, 

Then I go to Lita's Music Slot, and click Import and then add Trish's Music to Lita's Slot, so basically I'm just swapping Lita and Trish's entrance music around.

Once you have done this go back to Data Editor, open the moveset file and make sure the moveset is updated. So I make Lita's Entrance Music as Trish Stratus, and Trish's as Lita.

Once this is done, import the movesets in CCT, and go to Edit Superstars in game, and just change a setting like a stat, this will then save the movesets in game. 

Anyways it sounds really complicated, but it is pretty easy when you get the hang of it. Also you only have to do this for the superstars that are in the base game, any modded superstars you have tend to work with multiple attires anyway.

Hope this helps,

Happy Modding 😀

Edited by HarryPotterFan95
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