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Chun Li

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whole body: width -30 height -30

face: width -6 length 2

cheekbones: all 0

outline: width -4

jaw: width -30

eyebrow: vertical -47 roll -10

eyes: width -10 roll -6

nose: length -30 depth -12

mouth: width -30

lip angle: vertical 12

crown: length -6

head: width -4 length -6

neck: all 0

shoulder: width -16

upper arm: volume 10

forearm: volume 10

hand: all 0

chest: width -6

abdomen: width -14 depth 1-

waist: width -12 depth -10

thigh: volume 16

calf: width -14 dpeth -6

feet: length 20 depth -20

hairstyle: chinese girl color left to right 6 in (brown)

eyes: shape sharp eyes eyelashes eyeline 01 iris normal brown 01

eyebrow: normal mild curve color same as hair

nose: smart

mouth: thin lips 02

outline: face line 07

inner wear: china dress 01 color: 139/60/69

pattern 2: stomach band color: 0/0/100

bottom wear: miniskirt 03 color: same as china dress

pattern 1: 2 tone 03 color: 339/49/84

Gear: 1 and 2 Torsion headband head horizontal -6 vertical 15 deep -5 width -100 height -10 depth -100 pitch 53 yaw 50 roll 54

2nd: horizontal 7 vertical 15 deep -5 width -100 height -10 dpeth -100 pitch 50 yaw -50 yaw -50 roll 51

wrist: both band short color 0/100/45

footwear: ring shoes long 01 color: 0/0100 2nd: lef to right 3 in (black)

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