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Corrupt Save - XBOX360


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Hi guys,

After spending literally hundreds of hours on CAWs I stupidly exited the game while it was autosaving and now I can't load my save, including all of my CAWs.

I have an external HD I have tried copying all of the files over to, and then back again, to see if that would make a difference, but it didn't.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Is there a way to see which file is supposedly corrupt and still be able to rescue (and use) the rest?

Thanks in advance.

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Unlikely. Aborting the load/save process has probably corrupted the save game. Now if the save in the cloud hasn't been corrupted yet, you might be able to re-download the uncorrupt one by deleting your current one, but that's not probable either. Unless you have a backup of your save somewhere, you'll probably have to start from scratch.

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