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How to override the green model

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104C91A8 000000?? (Green Create-a-Move-Set Model)

It might work i just thought of it my self if it works you could have

jericho in create a move set

{Credit Me Rockfan1}


That is possible, but my AR2V2 is brokin so I cant help.....sorry :(


well, i thought about it and posted about this about a month ago and the furoms died or something. But If you find a way post as soon as possible.


sounds good being able to override the green model with someone like jerico or even a caw if anyone finds the valuse to make it work.

But would it be saveable though ?


I doubt it but it might be seeing that modded moves are.


I highly doubt it too, theres no method I can think of that'd save.


when i posted about a month ago at code X they said it probaly wasnt poosible.

But if you find it please post because i think it would be cool to have Jericho and Benoit doing the moves to each other. Those two would be the people who i would want because there the most all around wrestlers.



it will never EVEERRR be possible ive tryed it and it dont work it was the write code to voveride the green model though

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