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Data Editor Label Question

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Hello all, 

As I'm sure is the case for many of you, I like to have my injected Titantrons/GFX using the same slot as wrestler's .pac file in CCT. 

For me, the main tools are Custom Character Tool and Data Editor. Almost all of the wrestler's labels are the same for both. CM Punk, for instance is SlotID number 468 in CCT and  labeled Cm Punk [Mod] 468_0_0 for the video files in Data Editor. Easy peasy.

In other cases, the SlotID in CCT and Data Editor don't agree on the label, but both have slots. Slot 912 in CCT is Gangrel, but Hikaru Shida is slot 912 in Data Editor. I have made a list of these if anyone's interested.


Anyway, my question is about 5 slots which appear in CCT but, as far as I can tell, have no counter part in Data Editor:

490 - James Ellsworth, 790 - Vampiro, 791 - Paul London, 797 - Marty Jannetty, and 903 - Umaga. There is no generic placeholder in Data Editor for these five slots either, they appear to simply not exist in Data Editor at all, so I could inject videos for these slots in CCT but I couldn't assign them to the .moveset.

Has anyone come across this before? Is this a known issue? Am I simply missing the label for these videos?

Thanks in advance!


The labels don't really matter, all that matters is that the ID matches up in both tools.

The IDs you've listed should all be there, the names suggested for them may vary.

In Data Editor's Tools tab, look at the lower right, untick the List Names before IDs in Dropdown Boxes and sort them Alphabetically checkbox and restart Data Editor. The Dropdown boxes will be sorted by IDs then and you can simply look for the ID instead of the name.

Alternatively, you can also edit the Data Editor 2k19\Data\DataLists\Modded\WrestlerID.data and Data Editor 2k19\Data\DataLists\Modded\TitantronID.data with a text editor and change out the names for the Wrestlers you have installed in each slot.
You can also change the suggested names in CCT by editing the Custom Character Tools 2019\data.xml with a text editor in a similar manner so you can have them customized to your liking.

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