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2kmods not allowing me to download GFX trons

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So within the last couple days I’ve been working more to get some mods done for 2k19. They’ve MOSTLY succeeded, but I’m having my biggest issues with trons. I’ve tried downloading trons for both Jon Moxley & John Morrison, but 2kmods gives me a “game error” on both of them, saying I do not own the game the upload is targeted to. So unless someone who uploaded it made it for the wrong game, something is not working right because I do have 2k19 installed and ready. Does anyone know a solution to this?

And can I also get some help with modding in the trons? I’m not sure where to direct what file, and it’s frustrating not knowing what each file is. And even when I do guess and import them with CCT they’re not all going in correctly.


First, don't ask for support for issues with other sites here. Contact their support instead.

Second, the Tron Modding wiki page may be of help to you.


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