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WWE 2k18 vs 2k19

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Ive not been about in a long time but heard about how bad 2K20 was with the bugs and ppl seem to be playing 2K19 more. But as Xbox still has 2k18 & 2k19 on the store im curious which one is the better one. I heard that you cant download any legend creations on 2K18 but no idea how true that is as I want to get a game I can styalize with Legends so after advice.


If you're playing on consoles, I think 2k19 is better than 2k18 for sure. The caws just seem to look better.  The servers are shut down for 2k18 so you can't download anything on there. As far as PC, 2k19 seems to run better and is played the most by modders from what I can tell. However, there are more mod slots on 2k18 than 2k19.  There are some improvements on 19 you'll be missing if you go back to 18 but you can offset some of it with mods. Servers are still up for 2k19 and that's a big plus.  

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