Supa #2 Posted September 25, 2004 Posted September 25, 2004 ---------------------------------- PERRY SATURN ---------------------------------- Credit: danger33 Male Type 02 HEAD HAIRSTYLE - None EYE SHAPE- Triangle LASHES- M Wrinkle 02 IRIS- Normal Brown 01 EYEBROW- Wide Tip Thin NOSE- Sharp MOUTH- Thick Lips 01 FACIAL HAIR- Beard 06 (0,0,0)(They don't have the right facial hair for him, he needs like a mousestache with stubble on the rest of his face, so I went with the closest thing.) OUTLINE- Face line 01 WRINKLE- Winkle 06 BODY BODY- Normal (360,0,31) BOTTOMWEAR- Short Tights 02 (120,74,45) PATTERN 02- FORM- Abdomen Accent 06 (0,0,0)(can't quite get the color right cause on his shorts it is a black design with a silver outline, but it doesn't allow 2 colors so I just went with black) ACCESORIES TATOO- Combination body 01 (0,0,50) WRIST- Wrist Bands Short (0,0,100) HANDS- Leather Gloves 03 (0,0,100) KNEE- Supporter 01 (120,64,45) FOOTWEAR- Ring Shoes Long 02 (0,0,0) FIGURE (if I leave something blank then keep it at zero) FACE FIGURE Face- Width -20, Length -40, Depth -20 Cheekbones- Vert +14, Width +8, Height -6 Outline- Vert -65, Width + 44 Jaw- Vert +9, Deep +8, Width +36 Eyebrow- Vert -40, Width +14, Height +24 Eyes- Hori +60, Vert -23, Deep +9, Width -26, length -64,Pitch +11, YAW -20 Nose- Vert -3, Deep +2, Widt +8, Leng -28, depth -34, Pitch -4 Mouth- Vert -2, Width -42, Leng -78, Dep -14, Pitch -2 Lip Angle- Horizontal -32, Vert -10 BODY FIGURE Crown- Length -24 Head- Length -14 Neck- Length -54 Shoulder- Width -18, Length -18, Depth -18
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