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Credit: mh_keeper

Base type: Female Type 01



Short Name: KIM

Strategy: Dirty

Brand: RAW

AI Logic: High Flyer


Strength: 2.5

Speed: 6

Durability: 3

Counter: 4

Charisma: 3.5

Submission: 5

Weight: Very Light

Skill-Type: High Flyer



Fighting Stance: Female 01

Ring In Style: Woman

Ring Out Style: Roll Out

Apron to Ring: Jumping

Turnbuckle Climbing: Normal

Rising Style: Normal

Reversal Style: Lucha Libre



Light Striking [N]: Punch-R

Light Striking [O]: Toe Kick 01

Combo 2nd: Women's Elbow Strike

Combo Finish [N]: Bow Pulling Straight

Combo Finish [O]: Back Chop

Heavy Striking [N]: Dropkick to Knee 02

Heavy Striking [O]: Clothesline 01

--Front Grapple

Light Grapple [N]: Headlock Takedown

Light Grapple : Arm Drag

Light Grapple [D]: Scoop Slam 01

Light Grapple [L]: Fireman's Carry

Light Grapple [R]: Cat Fight Throw

Strong Grapple [N]: Suplex

Strong Grapple : Side Walk Slam

Strong Grapple [D]: Spine Buster

Strong Grapple [L]: Bulldog

Strong Grapple [R]: Russian Leg Sweep

Grappled Striking [N]: Chop to Breast 01

Grappled Striking : Upper Elbow Smash

Grappled Striking [D]: Chop to Breast 02

Grappled Striking [L]: Knee Lift-L

Grappled Striking [R]: Knuckle Punch

Weapon Attack [Chair]: Couple of Strikes

Weapon Attack [stick]: Choke of Weapon

--Back Grapple

Light Grapple [N]: Sleeper Hold

Light Grapple : Abdominal Stretch

Light Grapple [D]: Take Down

Light Grapple [L]: Falling Neck Breaker

Light Grapple [R]: Hair Pull Slam

Strong Grapple [N]: Pendulum Back Breaker

Strong Grapple : Dragon Sleeper

Strong Grapple [D]: Face Crusher 01

Strong Grapple [L]: Backslide Pin

Strong Grapple [R]: Side Slam

Grappled Striking [N]: Back Rake

Grappled Striking : Punch-L

Grappled Striking [D]: Punch-R

Grappled Striking [L]: Elbow Smash-L

Grappled Striking [R]: Elbow Smash-R



Running Strike [N]: Clothesline-R

Running Strike [O]: Kitchen Sink


Running Front Grapple: Head Scissor 02

Running Rear Grapple: Face Crusher



Down Strike (Face Up): Woman's Stomp 02

Down Strike (Face Down) Elbow Drop

Running Down Strike (Face Up): Elbow Drop

Running Down Strike (Face Down): Guillotine Leg Drop

--Down Grapple (Upper)

Down Grapple (Face Up): Dragon Sleeper

Down Grapple (Face Down): Camel Clutch 01

--Down Grapple (Side)

Down Grapple (Face Up): Butterfly Lock

Down Grapple (Face Down): Mahistrol Cradle

--Down Grapple (Lower)

Down Grapple (Face Up): Edgecator

Down Grapple (Face Down): Lasso from El Paso



From Turnbuckle (Stand) [N]: Flip Attack 02

From Turnbuckle (Stand) [O]: Hurricanrana

From Turnbuckle (Down) [N]: Mattitude Guillotine Leg Drop

From Turnbuckle (Down) [O]: Diving Body Splash


Dive to Outside [N]: Diving Body Press 01

Dive to Outside [O]: Baseball Slide

Springboard Attack: Springboard Body Attack


Attack to Outside: Vaulting Body Press

From Apron to Outside: Double Axe Handle

From Top Rope (Stand): West Coast Pop

From Top Rope (Down): Slingshot Body Splash



Irish Whip Strike [N]: Jumping Clothesline

Irish Whip Strike [O]: Kitchen Sink

Pull Back Strike [N]: Clothesline

Pull Back Strike [O]: Shoulder Thrusts


Light Irish Whip Grapple [N]: Monkey Toss

Light Irish Whip Grapple [O]: Arm Drag

Heavy Irish Whip Grapple [N]: Back Toss

Heavy Irish Whip Grapple [O]: Hurricanrana 02

--Leap Frog

Turnbuckle Dodge 01



Turnbuckle Strike: Clothesline 01

Turnbuckle Lower Strike: Woman's Stomp 01

Running Turnbuckle Strike: Clothesline-R

Running Turnbuckle Lower Strike: Running Knee Attack

--Front Grapple

Light Turnbuckle Grapple [N]: Bulldog

Light Turnbuckle Grapple [O]: Back Elbow Combination

Heavy Turnbuckle Grapple [N]: Pulling Leg Thrust

Heavy Turnbuckle Grapple [O]: Superplex

Turnbuckle Lower Grapple: Stomping and Knee Trample

On turnbuckle (Front): Throw

--Back Grapple

Light Turnbuckle Grapple [N]: Face Slam to Pole

Light Turnbuckle Grapple [O]: School Boy

Heavy Turnbuckle Grapple [N]: Super Back Drop

Heavy Turnbuckle Grapple [O]: Super Back Drop

On Turnbuckle (Rear:] Drop to Outside


Front: Double Suplex

Rear: Double Back Drop

Sandwich: Striking Combination

Irish Whip: Double Team Back toss

Front Turnbuckle: Double Throw

Rear Turnbuckle: Double Impact


Taunt : Heartbreak Dance

Taunt [D]: Victory Sign 01

Taunt [L]: She-Devil

Taunt [R]: Beautiful!

Taunt [special]: Angry 01

Taunt [On Turnbuckle]: Taunt 05

Taunt [At Apron]: Clapping Hands 01

Taunt [After Win]: Molly



Grapple to Apron: Throw to Inside

Grapple from Apron: Guillotine

Rope Down Grapple: Pull and Drop

Reversal Attack [N]: Dragon Screw

Reversal Attack [O]: Clothesline

Testing Power: Toe Kick

--Attack from Edge

Grapple at Edge: Throw

Attack from Edge (S): Missile Dropkick

Attack from Edge (L): Money Shot


Front Grapple: Hurricanrana

Irish Whip Grapple: Hurricanrana 01

Rear Grapple: Mysterio Rana

Down Grapple (Upper-U): Strangle Hold [Gamma] (Replacement for Cycling Yahoo!)

Down Grapple (Lower-D): Haas of Pain (Replacement for Torture Stretch Muffler)

Momentum Shift: Full Swinging Slap



Favorite 1: 0, 10, 6 (Black)

Favorite 2: 327, 35, 45 (Skin Brown)

Favorite 3: 12, 85, 76 (Top Red 1)

Favorite 4: 0, 100, 58 (Top Red 2)

Favorite 5: 24, 70, 80 (Lipstick Pink)


--Whole Body

Width: -40

Height: -60

Depth: -40

--Face Figure


Vertical: +13

Deep: -20

Width: -10

Length: 0

Depth: -46


Vertical: +20

Deep: -1

Width: +40

Height: +20


Vertical: +10

Deep: -10

Width: -60


Vertical: +50

Deep: -36

Width: +2


Horizontal: -24

Vertical: +37

Deep: -15

Width: 0

Height: 0

Yaw: 0

Roll: -4


Horizontal: -7

Vertical: 0

Deep: +10

Width: 0

Length: +24

Pitch: +10

Yaw: +30

Roll: -8


Vertical: 0

Deep: -34

Width: 0

Length: +20

Depth: 0

Pitch: +2


Vertical: 0

Deep: -7

Width: -12

Length: -40

Depth: -100

Pitch: +1


Horizontal: +10

Vertical: -20

Deep: 0

--Body Figure


Width: -22

Length: -32

Depth: -32


Width: +12

Length: +10

Depth: +16


Width: 0

Length: -66

Depth: 0


Width: -14

Length: +4

Depth: +6


Width: +14

Depth: +18


Width: +12

Depth: +14


Width: +18

Length: +2

Depth: +6


Width: -6

Depth: -10


Width: -4

Depth: -10


Width: +4

Length: +2

Depth: +6


Width: +6

Depth: +4


Width: +12

Depth: 0


Width: +20

Length: +18

Depth: +8



Form: One Length

Color: Favorite 1


Eyeshape: Up Eyes

Eyelashes: Eye Shadow 05 or Eye Line 07

Iris: Small Brown 01


Form: Normal Tip Thin

Color: Favorite 1


Form: Normal


Form: Thin Lips 02


Form: None


Form: Face Line 03


Form: None

--Decoration (Lower)

Form: Exclusive None

--Decoration (Upper)

Form: Exclusive Rouge 02

Color: Favorite 5


Base A Form: None

Base B Form: None



Form: Normal

Color: Favorite 2

--Inner Wear

Base Form: Bra 02

Base Color: Favorite 4

Base Pattern 1 Form: None

Base Pattern 2 Form: None

--Outer Wear

Base Form: Bustier 03

Base Color: 02

Base Pattern 1 Form: None

Base Pattern 2 Form: Cummerbund

Base Pattern 2 Color 1: Favorite 1

Base Pattern 2 Color 2: Favorite 4

--Bottom Wear

Base Form: Jeans Short

Base Color: Favorite 4

Base Pattern 1 Form: Side Triangle

Base Pattern 1 Color: Favorite 1


Gear 1: None

Gear 2: None

Gear 3: None

Gear 4: None



Form: Exclusive None


Both Form: None


Both Form: None


Both Form: None


Both Form: Knee Pad

Both Color 1: Favorite 1

Both Color 2: Favorite 1


Form: None


Base Form: Ring Shoes Short 02

Base Color 1: Favorite 1

Base Color 2: Favorite 1

Base Color 3: Favorite 1

Pattern Form: Exclusive None





Molly Holly


Male 04


Rear Stage



Camera Intro: Intro 08

Lighting: Matt

Effects: None


Animation: Chavo

Camera Stage 01: Stage 04

Camera Stage 10: Walk 01

Lighting: Continue

Effects: None


Animation: None

Camera Ramp 01: Ramp 02

Lighting: Continue

Effects: None


Animation: Female 02

Camera Arena 01: Arena 03

Camera Arena 02: Arena 10

Lighting: Continue

Effects: None


--Intro Time

5 Seconds

--Screen Effect



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