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WWE 2K20 Mod Preference Survey


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Survey Link Here!

I made a survey prior to 2K18 to rank priorities for mod slots in the memory tables.

I have made an additional survey in preparation for 2K20 but with a few differences.

This time I have separated the wrestlers into general ages.  I have done this primarily because there could be over 400  names in a combined list where most would not care for parts of it.  This will allow people to short cut to groups they more care about.
With the likely scenario of somewhat limited mod installation slots there will be at minimum 2 columns of default installation locations for 2K20's memory table.

I have also made the for single response, you log in through google, but emails are not sent to me.  If you have issue with this you can make a secondary google account just to be sure.

If you have questions or would like to comment on the survey in general feel free to comment below or send me a message.

I'm aware that not all wrestlers might not be in the exact right time period but they have been split into semi-equal groups.

Survey Link Here!

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 As an update to this.  I have been removing superstars that have been confirmed for 2K20 when they are shown in the trailers so far.  I will make an additional post once the full roster is revealed laying out some of the mod-roster plans that I have for the default slots.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As the game should be unlocking later tonight I have stopped accepting responses.

Top 10 Overall Yes Votes

  1. Chris Jericho
  2. Rob Van Dam / RVD
  3. CM Punk
  4. Dean Ambrose / Jon Moxley
  5. Kenny Omega
  6. Rey Mysterio
  7. Neville / Pac
  8. William Regal / Lord Steven Regal
  9. Cody Rhodes / stardust
  10. WALTER

Top 10 Overall Weighted Yes Vs No (These are all "Current" Wrestlers)

  1. Neville / Pac
  2. Kenny Omega
  3. Cody Rhodes / stardust
  4. Dean Ambrose / Jon Moxley
  5. Chris Jericho
  6. CM Punk
  8. John Morrison/Johnny Nitro/Johnny Impact
  9. Dustin Rhodes / Goldust
  10. Rey Mysterio

Top 10 "Attitude" Wrestlers

  1. Rob Van Dam / RVD
  2. D-Von Dudley
  3. Bubba Ray Dudley
  4. Rhyno
  5. Hurricane Shane Helms
  6. Diamond Dallas Page / DDP
  7. Road Dogg Jesse James / The Roadie
  8. Tommy Dreamer
  9. Chavo Guerrero
  10. Ken Shamrock

Top 10 "Golden" Wrestlers

  1. William Regal / Lord Steven Regal
  2. Owen Hart
  3. Scott Steiner
  4. Vader
  5. Terry Funk
  6. Arn Anderson
  7. Yokozuna
  8. Fit Finlay
  9. Sycho Sid / Sid Vicious
  10. Davey Boy Smith

Top 10 2K19 Omissions

  1. Killian Dain
  2. Alexander Wolfe
  3. Mr. Perfect
  4. Konnor
  5. Rikishi
  6. Viktor
  7. British Bulldog
  8. Rick Rude
  9. Bam Bam Bigelow
  10. Renee Young

Top 10 Other

  1. Jim Ross
  2. Paul Bearer
  3. Eric Bischoff
  4. Teddy Long
  5. Conor McGregor
  6. Mike Tyson
  7. Arnold Schwarzenegger
  8. Paul Ellering
  9. Referee Earl Hebner
  10. Jimmy Hart

Here is the Full survey responses if you want to work with the data yourself. (You can make a copy)



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1 hour ago, BRONXBX said:

Shits mind boggling that RVD still isn't in the game, he's like the funnest person to play with in every WWE game lol

Well he can't be in this game as he's still affiliated to Impact Wrestling. 

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