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So I just started modding today using CCT and the only part that's getting to me is the entrances. Someone like Omega who doesn't have an entrance file won't load starting a match or in create an entrance. And someone like Wade Barrett won't load either even though I have his entrance files. It's really getting to me cause I'm so close but yet I still feel so far away! Any help is appreciated, thanks!



Have you injected pofo and moveset for this 2 mods ?



I think it was that! Tested it with Kenny and it worked. Thanks a lot!


Ok. Update, I still can't seem to get the entrances to work with some mods. Specifically, I've been having trouble with Wade Barrett and Jay White. They show up on the menu but when I try to use them I get stuck in an endless loop. For both, I've mainly been using 2KModz and CCT to get my POFO and MOVESET files and to import them. Other mods like Kenny and Hogan worked just fine but about 50% of them give me trouble.


With data editor try to inject default pofo+moveset for your bugged mod.

If it works there's a problem in the pofo/moveset you get.


Ok. I think I'm getting better at Data editor. I got people like Billy Gunn and Rodd Dogg working no trouble. It seems that some of the pofos come with the entrances set to either modded ones I don't have (Finding all the right files is a challenge), or modded gfxs that I don't have (And those I'm still not sure how to put in unless they delete the older ones liked the updated Becky Lynch). I think the pofo being set to those modded entrance/gfx caused it not to load. But when I change the settings to default like Styles I still get an endless load. I'm wondering if Pofos and Moveset have to be made specifially for a particular .ch file. Like one person's Jay White .ch won't work with another Jay White's POFO/MOVESET. Sorry for all the noob questions. I feel like I'm so far but still have a long way to go! 

  • 2 weeks later...

I did it. In case anyone stumbles upon the same issue and this post, here's what was wrong. Simply dragging and dropping the .pac file into the ch folder may not always work as it seems to in a lot of video tutorials. The game needs to set a default attire and if there is none, then you get the endless load. It was stated in the modding 2k19 tutorial here on Smacktalks! Anyway, the best way to do this I've found is to go into CCT chose the slot you want to mod, and import the .pac ch file in that way. (Also installing pofos and movesets this way is much easier than data editor, but you also get fewer options, but that's good for beginners.) Select the file to be your entrance and ring attire (unless you have a specific entrance/ring attire of course), and import. This also makes setting up multiple attires much easier for defaults and mods. Depending on the situation Data Editor can be helpful too. Installing the 10 attire packs is much easier in Alt Attire Unlocker, but I feel if you just want to do one then CCT is the way to go. Hope this helps a lost modder out.   


I have the same problem, well my version of the game is the codex's version so in ALL my mods entrance don't work, so i injected POFO and MOVESETs with "Cheat engine" and i tested ALL, and nothing does somebody have the same issue?  :c

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