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Adding Arena - some point missing?

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Hi all,

tried to add an arena for the first time based on the explanation in the other topic but it is not showing up, not sure what I did wrong, so here are the steps I did

added Arentrance 55 - which is fixed Royal Rumble 04 Arena from 2k15 (working in 2k18), 

replaced in misc01_start line 44 Smackdown Live placeholder Selectnum 200 with Selectnum 1 to 55 and to Selectnum2 to 55 as well (files have been added of course), String changed acc. to sheet

also changed in misc04_arena.pac then for ArenaNum all settings, however, LEDCorner remains -2 and can not be changed.

So I thought I did all steps but the arena is not showing up, neither in Arena or Others.

Is there anything I am missing?



You have to change the numbers in the SelectNum 1 column and the A2 column, not SelectNum 2.

Also, for the 2k15 arenas, you have to update the geo files to work with 2k19.  Rebuild the PACH for the arena you are porting, but leave out the 03E3 and 03E4 files, and in their place add 03D9, 03DA, 047E and 047F files from a 2k16-19 arena that has a similar stage/ramp layout.  If you don't do this you will be able to walk though the barricades.


Thank you. Did this but still not showing up...kind of weird, not sure what I did wrong, there is no additional arena selectable :(


Maybe because you changed the # in SelectNum 2? 

This is what my misc01 looks like right now(the highlighted ones are all added arenas that were left out from 2k18)  All I did was change the # in SelectNum and A2 columns to match their /entrance file # and then edited the string, maybe try starting over with a fresh misc01 or try replacing one of these slots instead of an unused one like 55?


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thougth that mistake could be that I copied the misc01_start.pac and the arena_pac file somewhere else to work with and then copy back could be the issue. But even working directly in the 2k19 folder and editing it as shown in your screenshot is not resulting in the arena to show up...maybe I will try a fresh reinstall.

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