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Blood effects not working, anyone know how to solve it?

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Well I have not long had wwe 2k19 on PC, and I have found out that despite turning blood effects on in the options it is not working whilst in game. I get a brief red flash on the screen as the wrestler suffers a blow which should make blood appear on his face, but instead there is no blood effects. I t seems like the graphics it glitching since the red flash popping up instead of blood on the character model. 

Any ideas on how to solve this? I am using a gtx 980 nvidea graphics card on a laptop.

Will be very thankful to whoever can help me with this.


If it's just certain wrestlers, it might be a bug. However, if it happens to all wrestlers, it's likely just some driver setting causing this.

You could try updating your video card drivers to the latest version. Also, you could open Nvidia Control panel and try setting Anti-Aliasing, Anisotropic Filtering,  keep LOD Bias at 0, etc.. to Application controlled and some other things.

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