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HBK Attires - fuck yes. The 92-94 tights are what I've been waiting for and these are perfect. You even got the high waist too. Hoping the next pack has wm8/summerslam 92 :)

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There's a new Big Show on the way, but let's be serious this thread IS the Big Show right now.

That Edge looks awesome. Those HBKs are straight fire, downloading now. It looks like WM10 HBK in the preview above, and if so all my prayers have been answered.

Better than the JBL of Smacktalks, you're the JN of Smacktalks: a modding GOD. All hail, and THANKS!

Edited by Clarityman
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HBK - 👉Friend or Foe?👈5-Pack


No HBK collection would be complete without the Kliq around to cause some chaos! Re-live the rise of the Showstoppa with the Friend or Foe 5-pack, featuring some of The Icon's roughest rivals and closest confidants:

  • Diesel - Insurance Policy (Manager attire) 🕶️
  • 1-2-3 Kid '93
  • Mr. Perfect - Sumerslam '93🎯
  • Razor Ramon - Royal Rumble '94 💧
  • Diesel - Summerslam '93 (Manager attire)🚚



(Big thanks to LeonRick and Matt2282p for the 123-Kid base and logos!)


And a Big Thanks Mates, for all the support! 🙏 Really appreciate it 🙂




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  • J N changed the title to << Aces and Matez >> PROJECT HBK - Friend or Foe 5-Pack [RELEASED] >>HBK Pack 1 [Released] >> Big Show - Wrestlemania XX [WIP] >>Edge - Wrestlemania 21 [WIP] >>Bam Bam Bigelow '94 [RELEASED] <<
On 1/5/2021 at 7:53 PM, J N said:

💔"The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels💔

💥Mega Attire Pack 1💥


"Feast your eyes on the wrestler of the 90s" 👀

Wrestlemania 9


Summerslam '93


Monday Night Raw, July '93


Monday Night Raw, January '94


Royal Rumble '94



Download folder: https://mega.nz/folder/kLoXCIAK#QDos7Vht8S-OkBfu2l4VQQ



11 hours ago, J N said:

HBK - 👉Friend or Foe?👈5-Pack


No HBK collection would be complete without the Kliq around to cause some chaos! Re-live the rise of the Showstoppa with the Friend or Foe 5-pack, featuring some of the Showstoppa's roughest rivals and closest confidants:

  • Diesel - Insurance Policy (Manager attire) 🕶️
  • 1-2-3 Kid '93
  • Mr. Perfect - Sumerslam '93🎯
  • Razor Ramon - Royal Rumble '94 💧
  • Diesel - Summerslam '93 (Manager attire)🚚



(Big thanks to LeonRick and Matt2282p for the 123-Kid base and logos!)

Download folder: https://mega.nz/folder/QToWjQAQ#rxdQL1vRbmXZDyk5YoJH4A



And a Big Thanks Mates, for all the support! 🙏 Really appreciate it 🙂




great job

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11 hours ago, fiasco23 said:

Amazing HBK, not a big deal but shouldnt his boots be blk/white instead of blk/silver?

Thanks. I'm great with how the mod looks but feel free to make your own HBK to suit your own preferences.

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On 9/18/2019 at 5:39 PM, J N said:

Renders y'all:







Real-life renders for every era -- Now in HD!

  • Over 800 unique renders! +More added regularly
  • Inject individually with CCT
  • Many, many variations of renders so that you can put different pics for different attires! (See video clip for examples)
  • Some random crops might need a do-over so please let me know if you'd like me to edit any of them.
  • Big Ups to the Jman @JManny for the sick match-up screens and phenomenal 2k88 skin in the video.


Preview pics: https://imgur.com/a/kjVE8kC





that's a super cool render's list! may i have a link?

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they r all super cool render's and  ace but still no demolition crush one i hope you make one soon j n to go with the demolition this one would be ace and there one with smash  to it be cool if you did these two this smash can go with crush when ax left if you do here you go and i hope you r ok and your family is to i and hope you had a good one mate take care    https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=leJ1Rejw&id=7643AF693FCE9B59EA0D7D77D612FCCC8BADD409&thid=OIP.leJ1Rejwe-hUd1m4-OFp6gHaHU&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2F736x%2F18%2F1f%2F2a%2F181f2ad1dd194c250d8c4da0f85018b7.jpg&exph=728&expw=736&q=demolition+crush&simid=607992341169177553&ck=0C5D1887D7995175FC6D880B18FADCE3&selectedindex=1&form=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0&pivotparams=insightsToken%3Dccid_9rrPwdLA*cp_7368C92215E05D83A46A5BEFBBDC7ECE*mid_7331B376F404BB9D8D69BB368B47BA1198C51F02*simid_608010719369891579*thid_OIP.9rrPwdLAp8JVbA78W0v4RQAAAA&vt=0&sim=11&iss=VSI&ajaxhist=0

Edited by hulkamania2020@@
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I will not be updating the renders pack since there are some very talented render modders active on the site right now. If you have requests or commissions for renders, please consult those modders. Thanks and enjoy!

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5 hours ago, J N said:

Thanks for the interest in my old renders pack. Here is the link:


I will not be updating this pack since there are some very talented render modders active on the site right now. If you have requests or commissions for renders, please consult those modders. Thanks and enjoy!

Thanks for posting this - wow, that's a LOT of renders. Might check this out myself!

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HBK Pack 2 :bheart2 (covering the remainder of 1994) will release next week. Thanks again, everyone, for all the likes and great comments. Love to see it! Until I get everything all organized and uploaded, enjoy this preview of Wrestlemania 11, which will be part of Pack 3:


Custom made from head to toe, one of my favourite HBShizzle looks ever. Really diggin' this one and hope you do too. Coming soon!! ♥️

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  • J N changed the title to << Aces and Matez >>Shawn Michaels - Wrestlemania 11 [WIP] >> PROJECT HBK - Friend or Foe 5-Pack [RELEASED] >>HBK Pack 1 [Released] >> Big Show - Wrestlemania XX [WIP] >>Edge - Wrestlemania 21 [WIP] >>Bam Bam Bigelow '94 [RELEASED] <<

It's him, it's him, it's that big ol' jacked up cowboy who lives in the gym! "The One" Billy Gunn, aka. Kip with the frosted tips. circa late 2000. #OhhBilly #CableGuy 😄





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  • J N changed the title to << Aces and Matez >> "The One" Billy Gunn 2 attires [RELEASED] >>Shawn Michaels - WM 11 [WIP] >> PROJECT HBK - Friend or Foe 5-Pack [RELEASED] >>HBK Pack 1 [Released] >> Big Show - WM XX [WIP] >>Edge - WM 21 [WIP] >>

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