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Replace one wrestlers head with the head of another wrestler

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For those, who are interested: here are some tests describing the replacement of one wrestlers head with the head of another wrestler (also male to female or vice versa) in X-Rey:

1) Extract the 0000.yobj files of the source and the target wrestlers pac files with RePac.

2) In X-Rey open the 0000.yobj file of your source wrestler. Export all objects with "Export all" button to obj files. The resulting obj files can later be reimported with the import button. Additionally "extract" all objects (or those objects you need) with "Extract" (there is no "extract all" button, so you have to do this for each single object). The resulting .headerInfo and .objectInfo pairs can later be injected with "Inject smaller".

3) Open the 0000.yobj file of your target wrestler, replace the head and those parts you want to replace with those objects, you previously exported and extracted from your source wrestler. You can do this with "import" or with "inject smaller".

difference between "import" and "inject smaller":
I am not sure, but i think "import" only replaces the v values and the vt values of the obj files. No f values are replaced. The vertex order has to be the same of your source and target object, if you use import, otherwise you get artefacts/holes in your model. If you replace a male head with a female head, the vertex order usually is different (exception may be Alundra Blayze, they used a male mesh for her head, it is the same like Dolph Zigglers, only vertices were moved a bit). But also between different male wrestlers, the vertex order may vary (The Rock and Dolph Ziggler's head-object have a different vertex order). You can identify matching vertex orders by comparing the obj files with winmerge. If f values are matching, then vertex order matches. So use inject smaller for the head replacement, if vertex order is different to avoid artefacts.
Inject smaller seems also to replace faces (f values). It compares source and target object and only can be used, when vertex and face count is less or equal. So for some objects "inject smaller" can't be used.

To replace the head, also teeth object, eye lids and so on have to be replaced.

4) Additionally all different animation states (morphs, blend shapes) have to be replaced for all those objects, which have these. In X-Rey you can identify those parts/obects, which have animation states by scrolling to the right. They have a vertexHeaderCount of 113 instead of 1 (it is true for object0, object12, object13 and object16 for example, head, eye lids and mouth and a part of the eyes). So open the 0000.yobj file of your source wrestler and select the head object, right click and from context menu choose "load animations", then "export all" to a separate folder. Do this for each object with vertexHeaderCound 113.

5) Open 0000.yobj file of your target wrestler, select the head object, right click and from context menu choose "load animations", then click button "inject all animations" and choose folder with previously exported anitmations of the source wrestler. Do this for the other objects with animations (vertexHeaderCount 113), too.



pic shows replacement of head and right arm.

Edited by testuser
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