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PerfectPlextra2K19 1.6 (1.04 Compatible)


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Perfectplextra2K19 v1.6

Expands the foundation of slots to take advantage of the complete memory pool

Unfortunately as things stand this is a mere 50 Slots but 11 of those are required by DLC files so this further reduces it to 39!

Click the fancy logo to download, no adfly, no hurdles, enjoy!


1) Head to WWE2K19 > pac > profile : 

2) Backup profile_dat.pac , profile_mvs.pac and profile_pro.pac files.

3) Unzip the PerfectPlextra2K19.zip into the profile folder overwriting the originals or see below for the alternative method if prefered.

That's it.


Alternative method is to install it to a Mod folder thus leaving the originals untouched, then point the Chunk0.def to the mod and null/quote out the original paths with a semi colon ( ; )



Wait whut? I don't see no difference?????!

That is because it works behind the scenes, it provides extra slots to expand upon the default limits allowing for more slots to inject into.

Isn't this just PacPlus?

In principal it works in the same way and was originally designed as a way to be a permanently active version of PacPlus, this only requires a one time installation (unless future DLC alters this in which case I will update Perfectplextra accordingly. Be aware as of v1.2 the slot to ch order may differ from PacPlus.

This came with Custom Character Tools/other tool name, did they steal your mod?

No I give full carte blanche to incorporate it into your tool but not to distribute it solo for financial gain, play fair.

What if the future DLC messes up something?

It shouldn't, but I would quickly fix any issue and update this thread, check the version number of PerfectPlex and any change notes.

V1.3 has reserved the slots that the DLC (including the Future Stars DLC) patches will require.

Only 39* extra slots?

Yeah unfortunately as things stand I can't seem to get other slots to work, obviously if this was to change pending DLC releases or if I or someone else finds a way to expand upon this then I will update PerfectPlex accordingly.

*estimated limit


1.6 on 12/06/19: Repackaged and confirmed working fine with v1.04

V1.1 on 01.11/2018

Removed unused reserve dat, pro, mvs . If you are an advanced modder and need more slots that only load at initialisation at the moment let me know. I will try on occasion to expand the current limit too.

Changed the last entries to enable two extra rendered slots.

V1.2 on 02.11/2018

Rebuilt to allow for DLC, changed the order slightly to cater for future DLC and prioritise the 2 extra renders.

V1.3 on 3/11/2018

Rebuilt to future proof against DLC and change CH ID's to match those found in the Memory Sheets.

V1.4 on 3/11/2018

Fixed some broken slot/ch orders and put them in a simple clear order, it is up to tool makers to match my order if they so wish or stick with the memory sheet order which I find very messy and random at points. Ideally sense will be seen and my order is adapted to the memory sheet instead.

Update, I am glad to report that the memory sheet has been updated and PacPlus will be operating on the same Slot/Ch order as PerfectPlextra so all tools will be in sync with each other.

V1.4b is the new download, it contains a minor fix to the header files bytes thanks to an error spotted by @pozzum

It is not an issue that will have been noticeable unless you tried to open the files for viewing, there has been no changes to any of the files beyond this small fix so is nothing to worry about.

V1.5 on 24/11/2018

Removed redundant DLC slot files, fixed default status to hidden and locked for the plextra files and all other files are factory defaulted. Credit: @Cave Waverider for help fixing faulty bytes in headers.

You can find the slots and ch list here along with the render ID's to replace.


Edited by Perfectplex
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Thank you for your great work!!!

So I still need to use Pac Plus if I want to use more than 50 slots? Is PacPlus compatible with Perfect Plextra again?

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52 minutes ago, BamBams Universe said:

Thank you for your great work!!!

So I still need to use Pac Plus if I want to use more than 50 slots? Is PacPlus compatible with Perfect Plextra again?

Unfortunately I think this year 160 slots less when compared to last year. @pozzum said it is due to the reduction of game save file size.

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Thanks for your reply 👍

Yes, Perfectplex had also written (in 2K18 thread) that it will be less. I'm just a little confused about the huge difference. Last year it was 669 character slots. Only 50 this year
I just want to make sure I understand it correctly.

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Thank you for creating this wonderful mod once again, @Perfectplex.

2 hours ago, BamBams Universe said:

Thanks for your reply 👍

Yes, Perfectplex had also written (in 2K18 thread) that it will be less. I'm just a little confused about the huge difference. Last year it was 669 character slots. Only 50 this year
I just want to make sure I understand it correctly.

It's the same amount as with PacPlus. It's 50 slots more than what you can have access to at the same time without PerfectPlextra/PacPlus. So you'll have 509 slots (or 409 if you don't count the first 100) available in total. And yes, the 50 additional slots is a lot less than what you could have last year (I think it was around 190 additional slots in WWE 2k18), but sadly there isn't any more room in the save/memory for Pofos and Movesets in 2k19. At least until we figure out how to change that.

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  • Cave Waverider featured this topic
2 hours ago, BamBams Universe said:

Thank you for your great work!!!

So I still need to use Pac Plus if I want to use more than 50 slots? Is PacPlus compatible with Perfect Plextra again?

Please note that the 50 slots are on top of empty slots already available without PerfectPlextra or PacPlus.

Yes they can work in tandem together, it is very highly likely that PacPlus will benefit from PerfectPlextra in so much as it wont need to be active each time you fire up the game but can make use of the reserved slots just as though PacPlus was enabled.


1 hour ago, gamingfan said:

Unfortunately I think this year 160 slots less when compared to last year. @pozzum said it is due to the reduction of game save file size.

Sort of, the save file is dictated by root files which prepare and allocate the files into memory, the files that allocate the slots are numerous and confusing, I have tried to manually expand this but its a deep dark rabbit hole of confusion trying to ensure you have accounted for all slots and every required foundation file is set up for it.

Then on top of this it is a possibility that the games source code dictates to only write a set limit of loops into memory rather than writing a loop based on how many slots exist, the only way to test this would be if a slot is somehow 'helped' into existence but wont save any changes to the dat (pofo) because the game doesn't see it to record to the save.

Confused? yeah me too, basically lets hope for more slots via some jiggery pokery.


Obviously if I figure anything out I'll update PerfectPlextra to reflect this.

Fun fact. I actually was off last year by 20, the limit was 689 not 669 according to internal files and memory scans.

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Is there a way to add or swap an existing slot for slot 574 as one of the 50 slots, since there is an unused render tied to it?

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18 hours ago, AznBlusuazn said:

Is there a way to add or swap an existing slot for slot 574 as one of the 50 slots, since there is an unused render tied to it?

@Perfectplex if it is indeed possible, change 589 to 574 in order to match Pozzum's memory table, please.

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18 hours ago, Cave Waverider said:

@Perfectplex if it is indeed possible, change 589 to 574 in order to match Pozzum's memory table, please.

On 10/29/2018 at 6:10 PM, AznBlusuazn said:

Is there a way to add or swap an existing slot for slot 574 as one of the 50 slots, since there is an unused render tied to it?

I will take a look at @pozzum 's memory sheets and rebuild PerfectPlextra to match his slot to ch order.

I am aware of two slots with renders that are unused.

One is Big Cass and the other is a Ricky Steamboat, unless I'm missing something I have 3 Ricky Steamboat render sets but only 2 Steamboats in my Roster.


20 hours ago, Darkness™ said:

Great work. Does this work in tandem with Super String? I tried installing using it though I'm getting no name for the mod.

This doesn't change the default strings of the dat (pofo) files, when you inject a Pofo it is the string ID info within those files that dictates which strings to use.

I am working on a Perfectionary custom string file which allows for all custom strings for 1000 characters (every ch slot possibility), 10 attire names per character and more.

Supersting had its use once upon a time but there is every possibility to have complete control of all strings and adding lots more.


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Updated to v1.1

Please note that you may lose the last two slot if you already injected into them, on the plus side you will gain 2 extra rendered slots.

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30 minutes ago, Perfectplex said:

Updated to v1.1

Please note that you may lose the last two slot if you already injected into them, on the plus side you will gain 2 extra rendered slots.

Nice, thank you!

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Please note : PerfectPlextra will be updated soon to cater for the DLC release.

It is really advisable to only use your least important mods in the PerfectPlextra/PacPlus area and preferably leaving your least important mods to the end of the list, there is a high chance upon the final DLC that 7 more of the slots will have to be taken from the pool of PerfectPlextra and PacPlus to allow for the DLC characters to fit.


For those whom it is of interest to I will explain why the limit is 509 Slots. I wont be doing a surgery thread this year but here's a mini surgery style entry.



If the Reserve bytes are changed to A0 62 07 00 and the count limit changed to E8 03 00 00  we would have 1000 entries, this would have to be applied to the mvs and pro areas (movesets) with the profile files to support them (how PerfectPlextra works) and taking into account their file sizes for the mathematics.

It will take someone with a little more patience to put this into practice than me, hopefully it wouldn't rely on root files and by injecting pofos and movesets into the reserve areas they would work.

It's a long shot but, hey, if you don't try you will never know right?!

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Updated to v 1.2

Please be aware the order may differ from PacPlus and the Memory Sheet suggested order, I personally feel more comfortable with the order I have provided and would suggest it would be in everyone's better interest for Data Editor and CCT to take into account this order with alternative data files to switch to.

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4 hours ago, TheVisitorX said:

@Perfectplex Will there be a new release soon? Because I don't want to release CCT without your mod!

100% within a matter of hours from this post, I've been battling a bit of a problem with my health and I didn't want to push anything out while I was cloudy brained, I've had a bit of a sleep so I can think a bit better now, I want to try and push those two rendered slots out somehow someway.

I'm 99.9% on the predicted slots, the CH's are correct, im 50/50 on the exact order but the slots and ch's are the very likelihood candidates based on files and memory view and Azn came to a similar result on a file he found.

I'll have something sorted ASAP.

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Perfectplextra v1.3 now available, future proofed against DLC patches.

New CH order which matches that of the memory sheets and stays in sync with PacPlus.

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If you downloaded v1.3 before this message appeared (between last post and this one) please redownload.

Last 2 entries fixed, download link now available.

@Cave Waverider

Little tip for advanced modders, I have built the base to extend much further than the limit, this is purely for experimentation, the current limit is as so far sadly reduced to 50 - 11 (dlc reserves) = 39.

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V 1.4 is up, my slot - ch order is updated.

I have compromised up to as far as I can do so and explained my reasoning, my order makes more sense, if a tool maker disregards this to opt for another order then that is their prerogative, I find my order much tidier, I compromised on starting at 900 and why the slots need to be reserved for DLC so I think I have given up the lion share of compromise and ask that the slight adjustments to match my list are adopted by the memory sheet list.

For those confused and frustrated by the sudden release of multiple versions of PerfectPlextra, this is my final release unless there is a drastic need to change otherwise, I have future proofed against the DLC packs to come and provided a very clear concise list of the available slots.



I am happy to report that the memory sheet and PacPlus will follow the Slot / Ch order that I chose so everything is in sync across the board and all tools will be compatible.


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Hi PerfectPlex,

First, of course, my heartfelt thanks for your work again. ;)👍 

Unfortunately, this time many mods are not displayed and Pac Plus is necessary.

In my examples, I use (after the last patch) the slots 851, 862, 878, 879, 901 which are not displayed.

The slots 476, 779, 780, 940, 941 work with version 1.4.

Can you please say exactly which slot areas can be used with Perfect Plextra?

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Reinject following my Slot / CH guide or use pac plus.

If you inject into slots 459 to 469 you will lose them when the dlc comes out regardless which is why i've had to put them into reserved status and advise against using those slots.

The ch ID on your character must match that of the list to work with PerfectPlextra.

The slots do not ever change, it is the CH Id attached to them that may differ from the memory sheets, I have compromised as far as I can but it is up to the memory sheet authors to either adapt to what I have laid out or ignore it and stick with the complete randomness and inevitable headaches with each DLC release, I have future proofed my order and perfectplextra.

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A small fix has been made to update it to 1.4b, it was a header byte error spotted by @pozzum making it an issue to open the files with some tools and nothing to be concerned about beyond this bug but I updated it for the convenience of those that like to look through the files.

No changes have been made to slots/ch so there is no issue caused by 1.4 for you to worry about hence it just being 1.4b rather than 1.5.

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