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Just as the title states.  We load up matches and maybe 1/4 plays out fine.  The other 3/4 are unplayable because one of us is on 'godmode'

I have WrestlePLUS installed, but was not editing the matches, nor have I done any "In Match Character Modifiers (at all...yet)

This has happened with 3p local triple threats, and 2p 1v1.  Its always one Char and it can be any controller.  

Have seen it happen with 2 and  3 (unmodded) In Game Chars,  and with 1 unmodded in game char vs 1 unmodded CAW.

I left a support note on DIscord first and took a look around the net and both resources here before posting.  Any help is appreciated! 


to you "Main Event tool Creators" whom I have donated to in the past:  I'll  be getting a lil "care package" sent to you AWESOME PEEPS at the beginning of NOV (After my Anniversary)  Thanks for taking the time to read my post.....


That is rather curious. Does it happen without WrestlePLUS as well?

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Sorry for the late response.  Had to work all day yesterday/today.  I hope this helps because otherwise Im looking at a fresh install.

I did some more testing (with my son.  All Local Multiplayer 1v1)


  • This issue only affects the Character's HP Bar (Stays Solid Green).  The Character will lose/regain Stamina, Paybacks, and Momentum (Incl "S" and "F") like normal. 
  • All Tests were done both with Pac Plus Loaded, then Quit Game and Restarted with No Pac Plus.  Didn't seem to make a difference.
  • The Only Game Tools I have Installed on my System that have a direct link to WWE 2k19 are WrestlePLUS, Data Editor 19, and Sound Editor 18.  However I do not have any Character Mods Yet.
  • I have gone through a decent portion of the roster and altered Stats/Moves (Nothing Modded in yet)
  • I have the $90 Digital Deluxe Version of the game from Steam

Test 1:

Left Side, Player 2, AJ Styles  vs  Right Side, P.1., Finn Balor (Demon)    Result-  AJ Styles Had HP Bug

Left Side, P.1., Finn Balor (Demon)  vs  Right Side, P.2., AJ Styles    Result-  AJ Styles Had HP Bug

Left Side, P.1., AJ Styles  vs  Right Side, P.2., Finn Balor (Demon)  Result- AJ Styles Had HP Bug


Test 2:

Left Side, P.2., Rey Mysterio  vs  Right Side, P.1., Baron Corbin  Result- No Bugged HP both times.


Test 3:

P2 Adam Cole v P1 Razor Ramon   Result- No Bugged HP both times.


Test 4: 

NOTES:  Did same combo of matches as Test 1

P2 L.A. Park (from Community Creations)  vs  P1 Bo Dallas   Result-  L.A. Park Had HP Bug every time.

Test 5: 

NOTES:  Did same combo of matches as Test 1

P1, L.A. Park  vs  P2, AJ Styles  Result-  BOTH L.A. Park and AJ Styles  had the HP Bug every time

END of Tests


That's rather odd. I haven't experienced this myself. Perhaps you could try to backup your save and attempt with a fresh save game again.

10 hours ago, Cave Waverider said:

That's rather odd. I haven't experienced this myself. Perhaps you could try to backup your save and attempt with a fresh save game again.

Saved game file removed and they go back to taking damage. 

I was just trying to avoid that since I've already altered a large number of Chars to fit our (Sadly a dying pastime) Local "Universe/Fed". 

I did try verifying the game files, and then put the save back to no avail.  It's saved that way and I just don't understand how.  No info on any site/vids.   

2 hours ago, mrwhite6991 said:

Saved game file removed and they go back to taking damage. 

I was just trying to avoid that since I've already altered a large number of Chars to fit our (Sadly a dying pastime) Local "Universe/Fed". 

I did try verifying the game files, and then put the save back to no avail.  It's saved that way and I just don't understand how.  No info on any site/vids.   

Well, you'll have to figure it out yourself then. You probably changed some value that affects it in memory and saved it (that can also be caused by injecting .pofo/.movesets in the wrong spot or too long versions of such). If you figure out which one it was, you might be able to reverse it, but since nobody has ever heard of anything like this, it will likely be like looking for a needle in a haystack. You might want to retrace all your steps you took since shortly before your issue started happening. Then again, it may be easier to just start with a fresh save and be careful when injecting things into memory. You could also try to load WrestlePLUS and set the HP mod to off in it (provided it's already implemented) and see if that helps.



On 10/18/2018 at 11:44 AM, Cave Waverider said:

Well, you'll have to figure it out yourself then. You probably changed some value that affects it in memory and saved it (that can also be caused by injecting .pofo/.movesets in the wrong spot or too long versions of such). If you figure out which one it was, you might be able to reverse it, but since nobody has ever heard of anything like this, it will likely be like looking for a needle in a haystack. You might want to retrace all your steps you took since shortly before your issue started happening. Then again, it may be easier to just start with a fresh save and be careful when injecting things into memory. You could also try to load WrestlePLUS and set the HP mod to off in it (provided it's already implemented) and see if that helps.


The brutal part is not a single character "overhaul" is done with injecting pofos/movesets yet.  I always go through the Main Roster and set the Superstars up (Literally stat for stat, move for move) that will play a role in our Local "Universe".  I had already gone through <50 of them. I have to find suitable replacements for a lot of moves/taunts with long animations that simply don't work in our "local" setting. 

We have a FB group where we do the "Promos/Pearl Harbor Jobs etc" All week. Then (amazingly as we approach our 40's still have 7 who show up religiously and 2 more who make it when they can) we meet up Monday evening and Sat/Sun for PPVS) 

We take care of setting cards on FB (Example: One of my alter egos when I/we need to use a GM character to help tell the story or set a match is Theau Thority  Who sits in a Titan Tower office setting like President Jack Tunney.  He never appears anywhere but on the Tron....and only after several seconds of Hacksaw Jim Duggan's WCW theme have played.  Should talent get "out of line" Theau will summon "Yellow Shirt Security" who will typically get foiled by the Superstar only to have their nemesis sneak up and nail them with a Finisher.) 

All that said-  We take care of the drama in the "Fan Fiction" group.  When its time for the matches "It's strictly business, Chico!"  and I must build the characters to play efficiently in a local group setting under these rules.  

(examples:  The Neighborhood Pinfall Breakup Rule-  In Triple Threats, F4W, +++... If you are Pinning or Attempting to submit someone, and another player is within range where they could realistically break the "Fall Attempt" up, the Aggressor must auto-break.  Ring Escape Rule- If you use this "skill" you may not use a taunt to clear the debuff outside the ring, and you must re-enter the ring within 3 seconds unless you have a valid target outside to go after)  

All due respect, I'm not a computer whiz, or a masterpiece creating painter/sculptor like many of you on this forum, but my level of dedication is on par.  I have only downloaded the Tools to prepare for expanding into Modded Chars once I'm finished.  I had begun using SE 2018 to inject themes and that's it.

I apologize. this was more of a venting of frustration more than anything.  Thanks for what you guys do!

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