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Can't do Announce Table OMG Moment in MyPlayer mode


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The side quests ask for you to put your opponent through the announce table so I equipped the announce table skill but still can't use it in a match, anyone know why?

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*** Make  sure  you have  the  Table  finisher  assigned  to  your  character in their  custom move-set.   You'd be  surprised how many  didn't have that  assigned and such.



 You  first have  to  stand  beside  the  table  and  press  L1       which   removes  the  covering and  the  monitors.    I usually  do this  when the  opponent  is  knocked  down and stunned.   Now  then that this is out of the  say  you  just build  your  momentum   and  store  a  finisher .    then   when you have  it  store    you  can  Irish whip  your  opponent into the  table   so they'll become  stunned  and  leaning against the  said  announce table     Now  when they're  stunned like that  hold  the    R1  and then hit the Triangle  button  when  standing next to them   and  you'll  lay  them  across the table   and  trigger the OMG  where  your character then  climbs  the turnbuckle and drives them through it.   In the case of my main character it's  the Diving elbow  drop.    But  you can do other  as well like a diving Moonsault     Or  John Cena's  AA  through the table   is  another  where others like Lesnar  has  the F5   through the table.



Here's a  whole list of them for  you:

WWE 2K18 OMG! Moments:

Steel Cage Superplex: Perform a Superplex that opens the cage door allowing for an escape attempt. Requires 2 Finishers stored.

Barricade Breaker: Slam your opponent through the barricade. Requires 1 Finisher stored.

Through the Table: Put your opponent through the Announce Table with a Finisher. Can be assigned in Custom Move-Set. Requires 1 Finisher stored. 

Skull Crushing Big Boot: Perform a Big Boot to an opponent leaning against the Ring Post. Requires 1 Finisher stored.

Apron DDT: DDT your opponent onto the Apron. Requires 1 Finisher stored.

Ladder Finisher: Perform a Finisher from the top of the Ladder. Can be assigned in Custom Move-Set. Requires 1 Finisher stored

Escape Artist: Slam your opponent through the Hell In A Cell wall. Can be assigned in Custom Move-Set. Requires 1 Finisher stored.

Pod People: Spear your opponent through the Elimination Chamber pod. Requires 1 Finisher stored.

Outside Superplex: Superplex your opponent to the ringside area. Requires 1 Finisher stored.

Ring Breaker: Only available to Super Heavyweights. Perform a huge Superplex that makes the ring collapse and awards you the victory by KO. Requires 3 Finishers stored.

Double Finisher: Finish two people at once. Requires 2 Finishers stored (can be assigned in Custom Move-Set).

Catching Finisher: Catch your opponent in mid-air with a Finisher during his diving attack. Requires 1 Finisher stored. (can be assigned in Custom Move-Set).

Suicide Dive: Perform a Suicide Dive through the ropes. Requires 1 Finisher stored. (can be assigned in Custom Move-Set).

The Suicide Dive selection also includes the Apron Powerbomb (Kevin Owens)

King of Swing: Perform a Giant Swing (Cesaro Swing). Requires 1 Finisher stored

Apron Superplex: Superplex an opponent from the Apron.Requires 1 Finisher stored

Super Dropkick: Dropkick an opponent draped across the bottom rope (Roman Reigns Dropkick). Requires 1 Finisher stored.

Corkscrew Leg Drop: Perform a corkscrew legdrop against an opponent draped over the barricade wall. (RVD) Requires 1 Finisher stored.

Torpedo DDT: Perform a Torpedo DDT through the ropes (Sami Zayn). Requires 1 Finisher stored

Powerbomb Into Boston Crab: Powerbomb and pin combination that immediately transitions into a Boston Crab submission when the defender escapes the pin (Samoa Joe). Requires 2 Finishers stored.

Unicorn Stampede: Continuously stomp your cornered opponent in a Tag Team Match (New Day style). Requires 1 Finisher stored.

Corner Post Baseball Slide: Perform a Baseball Slide across the corner of the ring (Bayley). Requires 1 Finisher stored.

Locker Powerbomb: Powerbomb your opponent into a locker located Backstage. Requires 1 Finisher stored.

Locker Superkick Combo: Superkick your opponent into a locker located Backstage. Requires 1 Finisher stored.

Office Table Powerbomb: Powerbomb your opponent onto the office desk located Backstage. Requires 1 Finisher stored.

Office Table DDT: DDT your opponent on the office desk located Backstage. Requires 1 Finisher stored.

Breaker Box Spear: Spear your opponent into the breaker box located Backstage. Requires 1 Finisher stored.

TV Monitor Spear: Spear your opponent into the TV box located Backstage. Requires 1 Finisher stored.

Ladder Bridge Powerbomb: Powerbomb your opponent through a ladder bridged between the apron and the barricade. Requires 1 Finisher stored

Top Rope Double Knee : Perform a double knee on an opponent that is lying on the top rope (Sasha Banks). Requires 1 Finisher stored.

Car Finisher NEW: Perform a Finisher on top of the Car in the Parking Lot


*NOTE: There is no limit on how many Skills can be assigned, but a few OMG moments can't co-exist with each other if they are triggered from the same position, and some can only be executed once per match.



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