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Default WrestlerID's in CCT2018, DataEditor, etc.

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Is there anyway to to remove/completely change the default Wrestler ID(s) that populate the lists in CCT2018, DataEditor, etc? I know in DataEditor that you can change the "WrestlerID.data", but it doesn't really affect every Wrestler ID list--for instance, if you change the Wrestler ID in the "WrestlerID.data" file, and you load an already existing .pofo, and you've changed the Wrestler's ID, it still shows the Wrestler ID from the default list--and I'm not sure where CCT2018's Wrestler ID list is pulled from. The main reason I want to change it is cause it is confusing me when I have to change a Wrestler's slot, and that slot is already indicated for a Wrestler [Mod] that I don't intend to install...

I hope the question makes sense... Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


As you figured out, for Data Editor you can simply edit the Data Editor 2k18\Data\DataLists\Modded\WrestlerID.data for Wrestler IDs, TitantronID.data for Titantrons, etc.. to change (or remove) the wrestler names associated with the IDs. The updates will only take after you restart Data Editor as the lists are loaded on startup.

If you load a .pofo and it shows a different ID, it's because the ID is saved in the .pofo and it's different than the one you'd like to use. You'll have to load it with Data Editor and change it to the ID you like to use instead and save the file with the changes.

If you only want the default non-modded Wrestlers to show their names, you can click on the "Tools, Help, Tutorials, Info, Downloads & Settings" tab and on the lower right under "Data Editor for WWE 2k18 Settings", untick the "Display Community Recommended Names of Mods..." checkbox (this will force Data Editor to use the lists in the WWE 2k18 Tools\Data Editor 2k18\Data\DataLists\Original\ directory instead). There are also some other options that deal with names. You'll have to restart Data Editor for most changes to take effect.

As for CCT, you should be able to change the wrestler names associated with various IDs by editing the file data.xml. Be careful not to mess up any addresses/offsets, though, or things could get injected in the wrong places and ruin your save game.

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