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Alternate attire problems


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Good morning im currently trying to install attire mods it worked for me last week but this week its not im following every step but all it does is keep having the original attire the game doesn’t even recognize the attire mods please help im very frustrated 

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Sadly, you didn't give details on what exactly doesn't work and which insructions you've followed. Thus it's hard to help and it would be a good idea if you could provide more detailed information. The following are some things you can try:

1. If the alternate attires aren't selectable in the game at all, run Custom Character Tools 2018, then select Utilities->Regenerate Chunk0.def with the Full option.

2. If the alternate attires are selectable but only show up as the first attire in the game when selected, try step 1. as well.
If that doesn't work, the problem is likely that you haven't installed the ch*.pac files for the attires correctly. Name the .pac files properly with the Wrestler ID, attire number and type, then use CCT's Install->CH-Pac file(s) to install them. You can find more details on this process on the Smacktalks Community Wiki entry about installing Mods.

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Im sorry i understand so im following the instructions u gave here to install attire http://smacktalks.org/wiki/index.php/Data_Editor_for_WWE_2k18_Tutorials#Alternate_Attire_Unlocker_Tutorials last week it was working fine but now for some reason after I installed a rey mysterio mod all my attires were deleted and even when i follow the steps provided they never show up for some reason 

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8 hours ago, kassiemt said:

Im sorry i understand so im following the instructions u gave here to install attire http://smacktalks.org/wiki/index.php/Data_Editor_for_WWE_2k18_Tutorials#Alternate_Attire_Unlocker_Tutorials last week it was working fine but now for some reason after I installed a rey mysterio mod all my attires were deleted and even when i follow the steps provided they never show up for some reason 

So have you tried CCT's Regenerate Chunk0.def function as I suggested? In case you used something else than Custom Character Tools 2018 to install your mods and/or rebuild the Chunk0.def file after you have used Data Editor to unlock Alternate Attires it might have messed things up and using CCT's Regenerate Chunk0.def function may be able to fix it.
On the other hand that won't help if your attire files have actually been deleted like you say. Data Editor doesn't delete anything, so there must be something else deleting your files.

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1 hour ago, kassiemt said:

Yea I tried tht and the only thing I also used was wwe 2k18+ and something called update index I think when I used tht it wiped my mods the update index

Yup, that was likely the problem. If you use one of outdated .def file/index rebuilders that come with WWE 2k18+ or the standalone version, it will mess up things with the Universal Alternate Attire Unlock.

Use Custom Character Tools 2018's Utilities->Regenerate Chunk0.def function with the Full option after using WWE 2k18+ and don't use any other Chunk0.def/Index regenerators, then it shouldn't happen anymore in the future, since CCT's regenerator is smart and checks for potential conflicts which the outdated rebuilders which are just simple scripts don't do.

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ok so wht should i do now to get mods back because im trying to install attire mods and it still doesnt show up in games   thanks for replying btw because im lost also how do i get latest updater or do i even need it at all because i need it to get superstar mods right and when should i clear arc and regenerate or could u explain wht both means  thank you

Edited by kassiemt
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8 minutes ago, kassiemt said:

ok so wht should i do thanks for replying btw because im lost

I have told you multiple times. Download Custom Character Tools 2018. Then start it, click on Utilities, then Regenerate Chunk0.def. Do this after you install a new mod/attire manually or WWE 2k18+ (I'd recommend that you install mods/attires via Custom Character Tools 2018's Install->CH-Pac file(s) function in the future -  follow the Information on the Smacktalks Community Wiki page entry Installing Mods for more information on how exactly to do that).

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2 minutes ago, kassiemt said:

ok thanks so i shouldn't clear the arc file anymore just regenerate correct

Yes, although it doesn't hurt to clear the .arc file just in case it has been replaced by a full one by Steam again.

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