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Mod lists duplicate name when selecting character

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Hi. I'm just curious what I may be doing to cause this. Recently Ive imported a few different mods, I have around 30 imported now. And some more recent have had their names listed multiple times when selecting a character. If I pick the wrong one, it can crash. Any feedback on a fix.


I have been making pofos with Data editor.


Thanks in advance


Sounds like you may have added .pofo files with the same name for multiple slots. You'll have to re-inject a Locked .pofo (ideally default or empty) for the wrong slots.

To find out which slots have the wrong IDs, I suggest to put all of them in a Team, save it and Export the team into Data Editor with CCT's export function. That will list which IDs belong to which Wrestler ID. Note them down and reinject a .pofo with Unlock Status set to Locked for the IDs you don't have ch*.pac files installed for.
It could also be that you mistakenly set the wrong Name Settings in your .pofo, the above method will also help you figure out which ones they are so you can correct it in their .pofo file.


Thank you so much for the detailed info. I'll give that a shot.

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