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adding trons cause freeze to the game

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hi i just added some trons to my caws via cct but some of them make the game freeze or very laggy  during the entrance 

what i did for example  my caw adam cole i add the trons for him via cct i choose the moded cole id and link it to the ones in the movo file 

the only one that works fine is kenny omega trons but the rest make the game freeze and lag 

i hope someone help is there something i did wrong so i can fix it 


It's probably a matter of the source video file not being in the right format, potentially framerate issues, etc..


so is there a fix to solve the problem it makes the game very heavy 

what makes me wonder is the size is very small unlike the orignal trons 

and i'm speaking about ramp, apron and minitrons some of them make the game lagy 

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