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Eva Marie 2k17 Port - Invisible Hair problem

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I am new to modding. Been attempting to port over Eva Marie from 2k17. I have everything except for her hair. It just doesnt show up. Is 2715.yobj not the correct hair file? Tried importing the 2715.yobj from a few other mods to test it out and nothing works. Not sure what im doing wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated. 


Thank you ill give it a look. New to modding, apparently i have been doing everything the hard way haha


How did you port it over?  Can you explain your process?  That can help me, help you troubleshoot. 


Im sure i can get it working with 2k18+, havent had time to sit and try it out. Anyways just for fun and to get an answer as to what im doing wrong, here is what i did.

i grabbed the original Eva Marie ch pac file from 2k17.

I also grabbed a random 2k16 pac file

Using PacEditor i did a mass extract of both files

From the 2k17 eva marie I then grabbed the extracted 00.dat 0A.dat 0C.dat 2715.yobj and CE.dat files and moved them over to the extracted files from the random 2k16 pac. Basically overwriting the files with the same name in the 2k16 folder

Using xpacker i then created a pach file from the files in that 2k16 folder.

I then compressed everything in that pac file, to zlib

I then took that pac and injected it into a random original ch pac file from 2k16.

Load up the game and everything works fine except for her hair.

I tried the same method with a 2k18 file, basically moving everything into a 2k18 file and then injecting that into a 2k16 but still no luck. I even tried just importing a 2k18 (2715.zlib) hair but still nothing. Im sure im using all the wrong programs and methods haha. Need to spend more time reading through these forums.

  • 4 months later...

sorry to necro but did you end up figuring this out? I can inject the textures and all that my issue is what it should be saved as. the head_n file i mean. I use paint.net and im not sure if it should be saved as DXT1 DXT3 or DXT5. also if anything else should be checked or leave the generate mip maps and weight color by alpha off


No i never figured it out, gave up on it and moved on to other things but im sure some of the awesome modders here will be able to assist you. 

  • Like 1

shucks lol thanks anyways! ill see if i can find someone who knows how to fix it :)

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