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Charity Twitch Stream to Support Perry Saturn


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Hello all,

For those of you who do not know Perry Saturn has been through a lot since his release from the WWE. Perry left wrestling with a drug addiction that he was “managing” but all of that went away when he was shot preventing a rape. The injury feed allowed him to feed his addiction to painkillers, and that combined with a few poor choices led to him being homeless. Saturn has spent the last few years turning his life around but continues to find setbacks. Saturn has been sober for 7 years, but can’t work due to him suffering from a neurological disorder that may be related to CTE. 

After listening to Saturn’s interview with Raven last week, I felt compelled to do something. Over the last week I have I am putting together the details for a Charity Stream for Perry Saturn. I have roughly 5 Twitch streamers involved already willing to conduct a 12 hour Stream in 2-hour blocks on a date to be determined in January.

I am posting here first to see if there are any other Twitch Streamers who would like to join in to extend the Stream. Second, to make a request for folks to help promote this stream on social media with #StreamersForSaturn and the eventual stream name tentatively titled Perry Saturnalia. 

Thirdly I have small graphics request. I was wondering if someone could create a design with Saturn doing his rings of Saturn pose being enveloped in streamers. I know that is a detailed art request, but everyone who helps will be recognized on throughout the stream multiple times.

Shane Douglas has been giving us a lot of support and it has only been a week. This is an opportunity for WWE 2k Content Creators, gamers, and wrestling fans to give back and be a part of helping to Saturn get the care he needs.

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If I was still active I would definitely contribute as this is for a great cause and a great way for wrestling fans to give back to a wrestler that gave so much to the fans. I would definitely encourage anyone that is considering joining in to just do it.

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11 minutes ago, Codes. said:

If I was still active I would definitely contribute as this is for a great cause and a great way for wrestling fans to give back to a wrestler that gave so much to the fans. I would definitely encourage anyone that is considering joining in to just do it.

though i haven't done a stream in a long time on twitch (i usually use my youtube accounts to stream) i'm on board for this

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I appreciate the support. If anyone is interested you can pm me here, tweet @Failed_Hero85 or, use #StreamersForSaturn. I will be checking these periodically and I will get back to you as soon as I can. you may also hear from @ghamrick75 on Twitter he is my insomniac right hand in this project. 

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I don't want to double post, but I do want to update folks who are interested in this endeavor. We have reached our goal of 6 streamers donating time for #StreamersForSaturn.  We are now reaching out to some partnered streamers, and some of Saturn's famous friends to get this some publicity. I hope to have some info on the go fund me after the holidays.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Jai glad to see your name on the list of streamers, you also deserve a frickin' medal, bro!

I'm expecting a sales bonus in a couple of weeks, not sure how much it'll be but whatever that equates to I'll donate. As I'm also trying to cut down on smoking, I'll use this as motivation. If I can manage to save any money on smoking between the 23rd - the 6th of Feb (if you keep the GoFundMe up that long), then I'll also donate that as well.

Best of luck with this, hope to see more people here show their support, and donate if possible!

Edit: As a further show of support I have renamed the Kingdom of Bliss to incorporate Streamers for Saturn. I will leave it this way for the next few weeks!

Edited by HiPcavalloey
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On 1/7/2018 at 7:35 PM, HiPcavalloey said:

@Jai glad to see your name on the list of streamers, you also deserve a frickin' medal, bro!

I'm expecting a sales bonus in a couple of weeks, not sure how much it'll be but whatever that equates to I'll donate. As I'm also trying to cut down on smoking, I'll use this as motivation. If I can manage to save any money on smoking between the 23rd - the 6th of Feb (if you keep the GoFundMe up that long), then I'll also donate that as well.

Best of luck with this, hope to see more people here show their support, and donate if possible!

Edit: As a further show of support I have renamed the Kingdom of Bliss to incorporate Streamers for Saturn. I will leave it this way for the next few weeks!

i'm not really in it for notoriety or publicity. i usually just do it cause i enjoy doing it. 


you missed my last stream on youtube a few months ago where i did a rumble in memory of Bobby Heenan

On 12/21/2017 at 4:45 PM, HiPcavalloey said:

You deserve a frickin’ medal, bro. Not familiar with Twitch, but will definitely have to check this out when the stream goes up.

i'm usually streaming on youtube but the last time i did that alot of people had a hard time getting into my stream cause youtube assumed i wasn't streaming since i was broadcasting from the ps4.

in case anyone wants to know my twitch is


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All of the pieces are coming together, Saturn is thankful, we have the endorsement of a few of his friends and colleagues and we have gotten our first donations. I was wondering if it would be ok to post all of the the Twitch Channel's involved here. I don't want to violate any rules.

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On 10/01/2018 at 4:55 PM, FailedHero1985 said:

All of the pieces are coming together, Saturn is thankful, we have the endorsement of a few of his friends and colleagues and we have gotten our first donations. I was wondering if it would be ok to post all of the the Twitch Channel's involved here. I don't want to violate any rules.

I'm not able to support you with money but I retweeted your tweet on my tweeter. 2zdu0jk.png


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On 1/11/2018 at 5:55 AM, FailedHero1985 said:

All of the pieces are coming together, Saturn is thankful, we have the endorsement of a few of his friends and colleagues and we have gotten our first donations. I was wondering if it would be ok to post all of the the Twitch Channel's involved here. I don't want to violate any rules.

The stream will probably be over by the time anyone in a position of power (that might actually have a problem with it) sees this. I'd tag @pozzum and say plz? But I can't remember the last time he actually responded, so its a lost cause. As the official unofficial ruler of General Chat I say it's OK, but if you're really worried about violating rules then I'm willing to post it all on your behalf and take the heat for it if anyone actually has a problem with it. Honestly though, I'm sure it'll be fine. If anyone seriously had a problem with potential advertising this topic would've been cut off already, it's not like it creates any direct conflicts with the site, and I doubt anyone is seriously going to punish you for trying to rally the community together to help raise money for a good cause.

@Penguin @DrJoeyMagnumRyan @Smacktalks @Cave Waverider @LordJustice17 could one of you please say its OK, or at least agree that I become fully liable if there are any problems?

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it's for a worthy cause so i don't think it'd be a problem.


EDIT: i see Joey gave the okay

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21 hours ago, HiPcavalloey said:

The stream will probably be over by the time anyone in a position of power (that might actually have a problem with it) sees this. I'd tag @pozzum and say plz? But I can't remember the last time he actually responded, so its a lost cause. As the official unofficial ruler of General Chat I say it's OK, but if you're really worried about violating rules then I'm willing to post it all on your behalf and take the heat for it if anyone actually has a problem with it. Honestly though, I'm sure it'll be fine. If anyone seriously had a problem with potential advertising this topic would've been cut off already, it's not like it creates any direct conflicts with the site, and I doubt anyone is seriously going to punish you for trying to rally the community together to help raise money for a good cause.

@Penguin @DrJoeyMagnumRyan @Smacktalks @Cave Waverider @LordJustice17 could one of you please say its OK, or at least agree that I become fully liable if there are any problems?

I ok-ed it. I wrote the rules.

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2 hours ago, Codes. said:

I ok-ed it. I wrote the rules.

But you’re no longer responsible for enforcing them. I ok-ed it to, and I’m Lord of the Kingdom of Bliss. But sadly(?) neither of us are moderators.

Edited by HiPcavalloey
My phone is being a cunt
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Hey folks we are 14 days out from Perry Saturnalia we could really use some help on the social media campaign. If anyone could use their social media to help spread awareness especially for the gofundme. Saturn is very appreciative of this effort even though it is small. Thank you everyone for the interest. Please if you can share these links below.

GoFundMe For Perry Saturn's Medical Needs. http://bit.ly/PerrySaturnalia

#PerrySaturnalia Begins at 10 AM EST on Failed_Hero85's Twitch Channel http://bit.ly/FHTwitch


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  • 2 weeks later...

@HiPcavalloey Thanks!. 120 is more than where I believed we would be at goal wise at this point. I know My stream and Jeff's are going to definately be worth viewing as well as my buddy GHamrick75 who will be interviewing Ian Withey the Director of the documentary of Perry's Life "The Rings of Saturn" that is currently in Production. Tuesday is going to be an awesome event.

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