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Universe Blackscreen after CAW Download [PC]


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PC Version

I have a very strange problem for a week now. Everytime I download a CAW from the community section, my Universe Mode isnt working anymore. Im in the main menu, click on Universe Mode & Continue and then there is just a black screen with the menu musik playing in the background. The only thing i can do is close the game with the Task Manager. When I delete the new CAW (tried with several ones) the Universe is working again. This "bug" came out of nowhere (insert Randy Orton reference here) because i changed nothing last week (Mods). After the newest Patch its still there. If I start a new Universe Mode it loads the new CAWs and if I download another, it is loading them too. But I dont want to delete/stop my current Universe. Is there someone who had the same problem and/or has a solution? Thank you!

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