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New Moves pack video!


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2 hours ago, Cuey82 said:

I take the point onboard, but Timschel at caws.ws referred to it as being the Essex Destroyer when he said it was included, and the taunt before it is definitely Ospreay-esque; I recognise it can be used for others but as mentioned I think its included for the intention of Ospreay.

Also the "Backbreaker/Powerslam combo" is from the NXT pack last month, it was included for Drew McIntyre, some if these moves in the video are from the NXT pack, presumbaly they're showing under the downloaded section.

And can anyone confirm the answer to is the Tombstone Stretch a Penta El Zero M move?

ps4's "downloaded" section has been missing since 1.05

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Kinda disappointed we didn’t get any Adam Page moves, I was really hoping we’d at least get The Rite Of Passage. But I’m pretty happy with what we got, especially the Rainmakers, Angels Wings and Destino.

Definitely making Okada now.

Edited by Bro-HiPcavallo
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You can assign the German Suplex & Rainmaker Lariat.version as a finisher.

The Ripcord Lariat is a kneeling down move that can't be set as a finisher but its not a rainmaker anyways its meant to be Trent Sevens version of wristlock Lariat

Edited by Cuey82
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