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AS A REMINDER: When Cawing make sure the Nickname is only used as a last resort

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"Bubba Ray Dudley"

bets announced as Ray Dudley Bubba

yeah i could go in and fix it but that's making my job harder when i have to do skills, moves, entrances, etc that are already wrong or misplaced. 


if you're going to do a Bubba Ray Dudley Caw

easy fix

First Name Bubba

2nd First Name Ray

Last Name Dudley 

Just putting it out there

Edited by DrJoeyMagnumRyan
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43 minutes ago, Bro-HiPcavallo said:

I hope you at least got a killer Von Dudley D caw to go with it.

well i technically don't need a d'von dudley only rev devon since i'm doing Ruthless Aggression but yeah it's just annoying and this time the fault isn't on the game. it's just programmed to say the Nicknames Last

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Just now, EvolutionIV said:

Thanks for reminding I knew I had to change something..

lol no problem


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On a more serious note. I get that shit like this is a pain, and I agree that fucking the name like that was pretty bad (even if it was a simple mistake, it probably should’ve been caught before upload). But let’s be fair, the creators are under no obligation to make sure they tick off every box before uploading. Sure it’s a bit different when the actual names are in game and easy to find, but that shit gets tedious (especially when names are scattered, I believe Bayley was only available as a last name in 2K16). Personally I try to get that shit all right, but honestly after I’m finished making a caw I just want to see how it looks in game and get the move set done so I can start playing with it. The last thing I really want to do is go through all the tedious shit like entrance names and crowd signs (I’m sure there’s probably a better alternative to Jay Little as a substitute for Jay Lethal, but I certainly can’t be fucked trying to find it). The game is designed so we can adjust everything to suit our preferences, I know it can be a pain editing caws more to your liking, but caw makers shouldn’t be under any obligation to make their work to anyone’s liking other than their own. If you have a problem with something, is changing it really that big a deal?

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3 minutes ago, Bro-HiPcavallo said:

On a more serious note. I get that shit like this is a pain, and I agree that fucking the name like that was pretty bad (even if it was a simple mistake, it probably should’ve been caught before upload). But let’s be fair, the creators are under no obligation to make sure they tick off every box before uploading. Sure it’s a bit different when the actual names are in game and easy to find, but that shit gets tedious (especially when names are scattered, I believe Bayley was only available as a last name in 2K16). Personally I try to get that shit all right, but honestly after I’m finished making a caw I just want to see how it looks in game and get the move set done so I can start playing with it. The last thing I really want to do is go through all the tedious shit like entrance names and crowd signs (I’m sure there’s probably a better alternative to Jay Little as a substitute for Jay Lethal, but I certainly can’t be fucked trying to find it). The game is designed so we can adjust everything to suit our preferences, I know it can be a pain editing caws more to your liking, but caw makers shouldn’t be under any obligation to make their work to anyone’s liking other than their own. If you have a problem with something, is changing it really that big a deal?

i wasn't even referring to the skills and all that stuff. i've let that slide cause i use my own sliders. but it isn't that hard to set a name properly that's all i was getting at but it's definitely not a big deal. I just thought to post this as a reminder to anyone that forgets or doesn't know that setting the nickname causes the name to be spoken in reverse. that's all

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I thinking having to edit all the Move sets cause they're as accurate as the old THQ games.. Very time consuming.. I probably spend as much time watching matching and making the sets as the CAW creators do making the CAW.. But I'm thankful and very appreciative that they do the most important of the work and that's creating the Wrestler..

But what's an amazing CAW without an accurate move set? It's useless to me IMO..

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39 minutes ago, EvolutionIV said:

I thinking having to edit all the Move sets cause they're as accurate as the old THQ games.. Very time consuming.. I probably spend as much time watching matching and making the sets as the CAW creators do making the CAW.. But I'm thankful and very appreciative that they do the most important of the work and that's creating the Wrestler..

But what's an amazing CAW without an accurate move set? It's useless to me IMO..

yeah i just prefer doing my own. most people just copy an in-game superstars moveset anyway .

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9 hours ago, Jai said:

 I just thought to post this as a reminder to anyone that forgets or doesn't know that setting the nickname causes the name to be spoken in reverse. that's all

Am I missing something? In my PC version 1.04 of the game (1.05 Update for PC isn't out yet), the nickname is announced in the place I set it in (in case people didn't know, one can move it around). So if I place the nickname first, it's announced first as well. And the other names are said in order, too. That's how it's intended. If it doesn't work this way it's probably a bug. Does it only happen in certain situations? Maybe it's different on PC than it is on the consoles. It did happen on PC in 2k17, but in 2k18 the bug doesn't seem to be present.

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6 hours ago, Bro-HiPcavallo said:

On a more serious note. I get that shit like this is a pain, and I agree that fucking the name like that was pretty bad (even if it was a simple mistake, it probably should’ve been caught before upload). But let’s be fair, the creators are under no obligation to make sure they tick off every box before uploading. Sure it’s a bit different when the actual names are in game and easy to find, but that shit gets tedious (especially when names are scattered, I believe Bayley was only available as a last name in 2K16). Personally I try to get that shit all right, but honestly after I’m finished making a caw I just want to see how it looks in game and get the move set done so I can start playing with it. The last thing I really want to do is go through all the tedious shit like entrance names and crowd signs (I’m sure there’s probably a better alternative to Jay Little as a substitute for Jay Lethal, but I certainly can’t be fucked trying to find it). The game is designed so we can adjust everything to suit our preferences, I know it can be a pain editing caws more to your liking, but caw makers shouldn’t be under any obligation to make their work to anyone’s liking other than their own. If you have a problem with something, is changing it really that big a deal?

agreed - not trying to start a flame war, but the top CAW creators put in DAYS, sometimes WEEKS of work to get things looking and feeling right. With constant game crashes in CAW mode and logos disappearing, they do more. This is why top creators quit 1. No good feedback 2. people requesting stupid CAWs like they're owed something & 3. people winging about little things like that, that are VERY easily and quickly fixed. 

Remember you are getting access to someone's hard work for FREE - don't look a gift horse in the mouth!

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10 hours ago, Cave Waverider said:

Am I missing something? In my PC version 1.04 of the game (1.05 Update for PC isn't out yet), the nickname is announced in the place I set it in (in case people didn't know, one can move it around). So if I place the nickname first, it's announced first as well. And the other names are said in order, too. That's how it's intended. If it doesn't work this way it's probably a bug. Does it only happen in certain situations? Maybe it's different on PC than it is on the consoles. It did happen on PC in 2k17, but in 2k18 the bug doesn't seem to be present.

i'm thinking what it might be is if the nickname is in the middle it's possibly glitched on consoles to announce everything backwards. same happened with Rey mysterio jr i downloaded where someone put Ray Mitchell Jr where Mitchell was the nickname and jojo was announcing it Mitchell Jr Ray. that's exactly what happened with Dyno's Bubba Ray caw.


Edited by Jai
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6 minutes ago, Jai said:

says the person that goes around blocking people on twitter for no reason.

i can't even talk about an elephant in the room that complains about models day in and day out. 


i'm thinking what it might be is if the nickname is in the middle it's possibly glitched on consoles to announce everything backwards. same happened with Rey mysterio jr i downloaded where someone put Ray Mitchell Jr where Mitchell was the nickname and jojo was announcing it Mitchell Jr Ray. that's exactly what happened with Dyno's Bubba Ray caw.

like i said i am in noway complaining about anyting this was more of a reminder than anything else and i'm sorry that some peopole *Cough* Nickbreaker *Cough* can't understand that

SMH - conversing with you is pointless.

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4 hours ago, NickBreaker said:

SMH - conversing with you is pointless.


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37 minutes ago, Jai said:

SMH- Conversing with you is something i didn't ask for expecially when you always (once) take it upon yourself to attack somoene or tell them to use  a photo of *insert current person here* for say a Rretro New Jack or Dudleyz etc* and then get mad when someone does pick your caw apart. (I welcome feedback - it's something I genuinely miss about this community)

but again let's not forget one thing

1. you came into my thread posting about something that had nothing to do with the topic (your topic is about complaining about having to slightly edit someone else's work - so was my reply)

2. you blocked me on twitter yet you have the audacity to post on a thread that i started. for someone that claims to not like me or consider me annoying you seem like a complete moron (This sentence does not make sense)

3. you insult people like replicant and think that you're god's gift to the cawing world (I only ever raised an issue with his work, nobody else - read the posts again. I was perfectly reasonable. You even agreed with me in a PM, or perhaps your forgot....)

you really need to sow a bit more humlity and humbling. going around thinking you're the only caw show in town is completely laughable. Someone definitely needs to knock you off of whatever pedestal you think you're sitting on. (Not sitting on any pedestal. Read my reply - I didn't refer to myself at all. I have had the pleasure to collaborate with countless creators over the years and know the amount of time and effort that goes into making a decent looking CAW)

AGAIN this thread was to serve as a reminder to those who care. and no one asked th self proclaimed wanna be king of cawing.

You need to get over the Replicant thing man. It's not your sword to die on and you're being unreasonable.

I blocked you on Twitter because you sent me an abusive post. 

I actually unblocked you earlier today, as I thought I'd give you a 2nd chance, but then you completely fly off the handle over one very reasonable comment, launching into a torrent of abuse, mixed arguments, spelling mistakes and poor grammar.

If I could remember how to mute you here, I would. Like most people here I find your posts completely pointless and ignorant at best.

I think most would agree that you're an embarrassment to the community and literally contribute nothing to it whatsoever. 

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49 minutes ago, NickBreaker said:

You need to get over the Replicant thing man. It's not your sword to die on and you're being unreasonable.

I blocked you on Twitter because you sent me an abusive post. 

I actually unblocked you earlier today, as I thought I'd give you a 2nd chance, but then you completely fly off the handle over one very reasonable comment, launching into a torrent of abuse, mixed arguments, spelling mistakes and poor grammar.

If I could remember how to mute you here, I would. Like most people here I find your posts completely pointless and ignorant at best.

I think most would agree that you're an embarrassment to the community and literally contribute nothing to it whatsoever. 

go right on ahead and i didn't send you an abusive post at all but whatever. 

i contribute plenty of things and i've been around here way longer than you have. If it wasn't for me and other people during THQ days alot of freedom in these games would have long been taken out. 

But since you seem to want to jump on me i'll reiterate this again. You jumped in my thread you posted you opened your mouth about something that wasn't even addressed to you so get off your damn high horse thinking you're better than everyone just cause you're from the damn uk.

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Jeff always resorts to ad hominem when someone has a different opinion.

Here’s a simple fix Jeff: don’t post in the WWE 2K18 Discussion section if you’re not open to discussion like an adult.

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2 hours ago, Steenalizer said:

Jeff always resorts to ad hominem when someone has a different opinion.

Here’s a simple fix Jeff: don’t post in the WWE 2K18 Discussion section if you’re not open to discussion like an adult.


Edited by Jai
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10 minutes ago, DrJoeyMagnumRyan said:

Do I need to give out a 24 cooling down period Jeff? Settle down

i'm done he's on my ignore list. moving along. 

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2 hours ago, Jai said:

i'm done he's on my ignore list. moving along. 

Just an advice, alot here are on your ijnore list, take things more easy man it's just a damn game ! when somone have another opinion than your opinion you fun of him and hurt him, i'm one of your ijnore list, and you say to me that i'm a teenager that don't respect anything or anyone and make fun of me  later just because i don't love that 2k didn't add a showcase on 2k18,  and now you say to neck he's  arrogant just because he's against your opinion.also remember that countrys Don't make  men ,  the guy only who  makes himself  the best of all with his effort and his moral whatever his country, you adult enough to  understand that and stop what you do which make alot hate you or don't love to talk with you.

Edited by ahmedady
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10 minutes ago, ahmedady said:

Just an advice, alot here are on your ijnore list, take things more easy man it's just a damn game ! when somone have another opinion than your opinion you mock from him and hurt him, i'm one of your ijnore list, and you say to me that i'm a teenager that don't respect anything or anyone and make fun of me  later just because i don't love that 2k don't add a showcase on 2k18,  and now you say to neck he's  arrogant just because he's against your opinion.also remember that countrys Don't make  men ,  the guy only who  makes himself  the best of all with his effort whatever his country, you adult enough to  understand that and stop what you do which make alot hate you or don't love to talk with you.

that's nice.

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1 minute ago, Jai said:

that's nice.

i don't know if you fun of what i say or take my words seriously but anyway i did my duty and advise you and you are free on what you do.

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