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Solution to the Alt attire default moveset run in in universe issue

the King Lives

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So yeah it was brought to my attention on the 2k forums that when they made it possible to run in with alternate attires, that they failed to code the moveset fromt he base model to be used. so basically if the alt that you have didn't have the moveset copied over, they'd have the default moveset. this is why alts of taker were popping up after the gong and hitting a samoan driver instead of a chokeslam or tombstone.  


So i figured why the hell not. I went into Creation studio. set my KO Show alt as a non-alt, went into create a moveset, copied the moveset from the real KO over, set that alt as an alt again, did a run in and BAM! KO's alt has a correct moveset instead of the default one.  Hope this helps anyone else.  Be sure to post this on the 2k forums if any of you post over there. Cause they have been trying to tear the forum down over this lol

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