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Hi everyone,

In the game then you create a Custome Character or myplayer  it give that 4 Default photo Faces ... does anyone found the .dds for it ?

or better the face skin for the my player so your can use some other Westlers  in that story mode or make your on pics you want to use look better then this over the image upload tool .

i have read some of the Tutorials here  but not really found that one that help me in my questions so i hope .

Because i hope to get better results by the outcome of my custom made chars .... the image uplod tool on that wwe2k18 with that result that always come out not satisfied me so i try to get it worked like that ... if a Explanation stand here already for that matter then i have not it found over the search engine and i am sorry for not found it .

Thanks in advance for your help 


Greetings Whiper


These files are in ch/logo folder named lgs20000(1-4). You can try to replace them somehow.

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