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Logos disappearing


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My bud Replicant13 and I figured out in 2k17 why this happens through a lot of trial and error. It's happens after you placed the logo if you go back in that logo from edit and resize the logo at all it will make it blank. So if your not happy with the size of the logo it's best to delete the one you put and re put the logo from scratch this will avoid it from going blank.

Now for some reason no matter what you do with that logo that's already in game it will always stay blank once this happens so the only fix if your fixing an already uploaded to CC caw with blank logo's is to re import the same/a new logo in game and go into/edit and replace the old logo with the new and do not resize at all and this will fix it.

I hope this helps.

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Forgot to mention edit/move the logo too. So creators after applying there logo should never go back in by edit and resize or move the logo that will make it blank. If your not happy with placement you need to re put from scratch.

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8 hours ago, BHANGRA MAN said:

Is this on every logo? I got 3 logos on the face of Hogan? So I best delete it before upload? Is this on PTs or just in game logos?

This is why custom logo's disappear/go blank and yes it's not just attire logo's it's every custom logo so attire logo's, tats/body art, and face photo's too that's why some caws end up with no face photo/face photo is blank. So if you applied any custom logo anywhere then went back into it to edit/resize or move the custom logo after it was applied this is what will make it blank.

As for in game designs ect.... no those are fine you can edit those all you want. If you follow what I wrote in the first post you will never have blank logo's. I had plenty in 2k17 until we figured this out and once we started doing what I wrote above I never had that happen again.

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2 minutes ago, BHANGRA MAN said:

Will I able to see the black or I will only find out with upload to Cc 

Not sure what you mean by black. If you mean blank it wont affect you what so ever for you it will always look perfect. The blank logo's affect the downloader only. On CC the caw will look fine. In the menu screen the caw will look fine but play a match or go into the caw in create a superstar and then they will see it's missing as for the creator everything looks perfect to them so they are unaware this happened until downloader's tell them.

In 2k17 people would tell me my caws and arena's had blank logo's so I downloaded my own stuff in a second account and sure enough they were blank. Doing that helped figure out why this happens also which logo's to fix otherwise on the main account they look fine. Just don't resize or move a logo by edit after it is applied and you will be fine. When placing a logo or face photo be happy with placement the first time or delete it and start from scratch that avoids the blank logo glitch.

We figure it was common knowledge and people knew why this happened but not only do I create I download caws too and yesterday I downloaded 3 caws from CC all 3 had blank logo's Mike Kanellis missing arm tat, Kyle O'Reilly missing KO kneepad logo and Mia Yim missing shirt logo. But I mentioned to blacksheep Mia's shirt logo was blank and how he can fix it and he was nice enough to fix it and re upload her. A lot of creators don't want to lose there DL count on CC once a caw is uploaded so some choose not to fix there blank logo's and keep there caws on CC and downloading caws with blank logo's is annoying so I thought i'd put it out there to help creators who are unaware of why and how this happens. If you download others caws and noticed in custom logo's that a logo is attached to a caw but the square is empty and the logo is not there/it's blank this is why and how that happens. It's all happening from the creators end while creating the caw so we need to do as mentioned above to be sure the caw comes out as expected.

I hope this helps

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Seeing this was an issue in 2k17 I figured it be fixed and 2k18 would be ok but apparently it's not fixed and this is how we should work with logo's until it is fixed. This way the creation/caw will always have all it's logo's and be perfect for the downloader.

Edited by KeithMajors
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Well I will have to see how it goes. I did re-edit but before saving the caw. So might be ok as I didn't have issue last game but I be careful now 

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I wondered about this, I downloaded 5 CAWs that had some pretty nice custom designs on their outfits and they all loaded in blank. Thing is it only happened to me a couple times in the last game really early on so I thought it was just a random hiccup while downloading. I guess apparently most everyone I downloaded from were just hip to it and made sure to set their logos right the first time.

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Someone told me they downloaded one of my uploads and it was blank. But then later messaged me saying they figured it out. 


Same me as someone in my caw topic. There’s a workaround and doesn’t seem to be permanent 

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57 minutes ago, ReLL7thirty said:

Someone told me they downloaded one of my uploads and it was blank. But then later messaged me saying they figured it out. 


Same me as someone in my caw topic. There’s a workaround and doesn’t seem to be permanent 

I've never seen a workaround. To my knowledge there's no making a blank logo re appear. But i'm open to hearing how that is possible so if someone said there's a workaround then please share otherwise I have a hard time believing it as I've tried everything and the only thing that works is not making them blank to begin with by doing what is mentioned.

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2 hours ago, KeithMajors said:

I've never seen a workaround. To my knowledge there's no making a blank logo re appear. But i'm open to hearing how that is possible so if someone said there's a workaround then please share otherwise I have a hard time believing it as I've tried everything and the only thing that works is not making them blank to begin with by doing what is mentioned.

Idk but a user named drunken1 from caws.ws said he had the invisible logo bug and then he replied saying he figured it out. Never said how. It's in my topic there 

Edited by ReLL7thirty
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Ya that's too vague if there was a fix i'm sure it would be known. Also I read on the 2k forums that on PS4 there's a bug that if you go into a caw in create a superstar and edit the name or delete the twitter name and a few other things if they are changed it can mess up the attires and delete the logo's from the attires so that could be what he was talking about that would be a different issue.

This is different from that as the logo's are made blank while creating the caw or arena so when it's uploaded to CC it was uploaded blank so when it's downloaded it comes with the blank logo because it was uploaded to CC as blank if that makes sense. So there's nothing a downloader can do to fix it as the logo was not there to begin with as it was blank on download not after.

The only fix is to tell the creator and hope he fixes it. Plus because it looks perfect to the creator they need to point out which logo. Some are easy like shirt logo is missing but when there not i'd ask like if it were my caws trunks and it had many layers i'd ask which layer and they would say it's the third slot from the trunks ect... then i would import a new logo of that logo and replace the old logo with the new and that fixed it as long as it's just replace and accept do not resize or move the logo. That's the only way to fix it because once a logo is glitched blank it stays that way so re using it will not fix it you need a new version of it. So it's way easier to just follow what I wrote to prevent the blank logo glitch in the first place to save from having to fix it after.

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I don't know then. I've downloaded the caws some people had the blank logo issue with on my alternate accounts and all the logos were there.


Its a weird bug because it doesn't effect everyone. People had the blank logo problem with RaieE's CM Punk but me, hundreds of others and it's even showcased by SmackTalks on YouTube but some people said they couldn't see the logos and that it was a plain caw with no logos. If it was absolutely a glitchy logo it would effect everyone the same and not randomly. 

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1 hour ago, WallsOfJericurl said:

This issue is only with custom logos right?

Yes just custom logo's and face photo's

1 hour ago, ReLL7thirty said:

I don't know then. I've downloaded the caws some people had the blank logo issue with on my alternate accounts and all the logos were there.


Its a weird bug because it doesn't effect everyone. People had the blank logo problem with RaieE's CM Punk but me, hundreds of others and it's even showcased by SmackTalks on YouTube but some people said they couldn't see the logos and that it was a plain caw with no logos. If it was absolutely a glitchy logo it would effect everyone the same and not randomly. 

Ok ya that's weird it might act different on the PS4 then the Xbox One. For me when my caws had the blank logo glitch it affected everyone who downloaded my stuff and after I started doing the method I mentioned I never had blank logo's again so the method works. If it did not affect everyone that's good but if the method i mentioned is used it would not happen to anyone instead of affecting some but not others which would be best but that's the creators choice. As for me i'll keep doing it this way just to be safe.

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Yeah I believe it don't happen to everyone it was same last year and more people on the Xbox had the issues

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Hey everyone!

Don't know if this has happened to anyone else but whenever my caws are downloaded from community creations their logos disappear. The logos are all fine on my game but once they're downloaded, all of the custom logos I made look invisible. Don't know if anyone downloading them has experienced it as well or if it is just me.

Is there anything I can do to stop this from happening? Anyway I can fix the already uploaded caws? 


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