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where is steam save game to?

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hi i know its always in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<SteamUserID> ...


..but which folder?

  • 1 year later...

After uninstalling the game & deleting folder 664430 to start a fresh game and save, the game somehow still managed to start with the old save file which REALLY annoyed me. If the above methods have not worked and the same has happened to you, do the following and it should work:

1. First make sure you delete folder 664430 which is usually located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<SteamUserID>(Usually a punch of random numbers\664430

3. Start Steam in offline mode.

5. Once in offline mode, launch the game and then exit the game once you have set the game the way you want it.

6. Turn Steam online mode back on.

7. Once in online mode, launch the game again.

8. You should get prompted to either upload your local data (Fresh New Save File) to the Steam cloud or use cloud data (Old Save File) instead. Just upload local data to the cloud and it should be able to start with a fresh new save file.

9. This seems to be the only way to start over with new save file if the above methods don't work for you.


Hope this helps.

Also credit for this information goes to LeRawr from the WWE 2K18 Steam community forums.

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