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About the bugs.....


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I think the Dev team does a very good job in 10 months (programmers, artist, tech guys....).
Problem comes from the lack of QA testing in the production timeline.
They don't rush the game, they rush the testing, which is not forgivable but not the actual Dev Team fault.
You always have a lot of bugs when developing a game, it's the QA job to flag them in time to be corrected.
QA is a total different department of production. Some are in house in sometimes it's outsourced.

It's a producer, top of the pyramid fault or maybe even WWE's fault for asking for a game to be release every 12 months with a certain amount of requirement and changes. If 2k wants to respect the shipping date imposed by their client they have to make some choices and unfortunately for us, it seems that they cut into the testing phase.

The guys that work hard on making this game are probably as frustrated as us with all the bugs and complaints.
They probably do their best, know about some bugs and are pissed for not having enough time given every year to make it right.

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