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For those with PS2 HDD

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Ok, due to a new 3rd party product being released on the market (PS2 HDLoader), I have an idea that may allow some customization to the Smackdown! series. The HDLoader is a disk used to effectively copy a PS2 game onto you PS2 HDD, or a HDD used in your PS2. It is said to work with approximately 95% of PS2 games, and has been tested by IGN.com.

Now my idea. If using this to install say "Smackdown: Here Comes the Pain" the possibilities of customization come to light. But only if you can take that HDD out of your PS2 and place it into your PC as a slave, so as to be able to look at the contents on the HDD. The games should be in some kind of folder-type format if you can. So on the basis that you can see these, then the customization may be a possibility.

I think I've heard that some people here have found programs to rip the music outta the games and place them into a listenable format (such as wav, mp3, and wmv). If that's the case, perhaps you could do this the other way around, placing whatever themes you like into the format used for the game. If this becomes possible, then you could replace themes. Perhaps then titantrons? And even then the slimmer possibility of maybe pulling models from other Smackdowns, if the same formats are used inbetween the different games. Example: taking the Hogan model from "Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth" and placing it into "Smackdown: Here comes the Pain" (even if to copy over a legend or whatever wrestler you may want).

The reason I posted this here, is because like customizing PC games with music and models, this would be considered a hack. I have a PS2 HDD, and I have just ordered the HDLoader, for reasons other than just this. Once it comes in I will definitely try this. Anyone that has played with the music and the programs which format it, please let me know. This could also be a step in hacking the past Smackdown! games, and the future. If this post is offensive (I wouldn't think so), or doesn't belong here, I appologize. Just let you brain's gears troll over this and hit me back letting me know what you think of this.



Its a decent idea, kinda makes sense. Obviously youll encounter the age old problem of people with the facilitys to do this; i darent say there are many who have HCTP, a PS2 HDD and the loader, but thats beside the point.

File editing I guess is down to what format the loader saves the game as, and how long it takes for someone to make a browser. itll probably be a standard iso anyway, and then youre in luck. Just depends what files and types they are I guess. There almost certainly wont be any standard texture files you can just open and edit, theyll be compressed like a bizzatch.

If anything, this will be useful for trainers at the least I guess.

Taking models from one game to another... I dno, it doesnt seem like it should be that easy, but if you or anyone else has any luck, give me a holla.

Just my thoughts...sounds like a fairly sound idea, but im not too clued up on the PS2 scene.


the file format for theme music in HCTP is ADX i posted something about converting to this format a while ago and i now have links in my sig... this ought to get you converting to ADX format


Thats cool, theres some WMXIX music i wouldnt mind ripping, and a shit load of phantasy star online files.



Hey Scoot, thanx for those links. It seems that this was done with custom music for RAW 1 for X-Box in a similar fashion. This does shed a small glint of hope. Hey like the WWE, anything can happen at Smacktalks.

Posted (edited)

if that were only true.... we could hack a hogan model into the game lol :lol

i might acctually buy a ps2 hard drive now because if this works its a cheap affective way of hacking

Edited by scoot
  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't updated this post due to the fact that I have yet to receive my HDLoader disk. <--- The reason for this is that I realized that the company I am purchasing from is in freakin HONG KONG. But as soon as I get it the playing will begin! pmuB


If you've got a chipped PS2, music can be replaced. The problems with models has been that there is NO program to look inside the .pac files where all the models(and a lot of other game files) are stored.

So, I think music is a good bet. I can't see any way of getting replacement models into the game, though.


You can replace music to work with HD loader just do it in the way you would do it for a chiped PS2 just let HD loader copy the Copied game.....

And there is a tool that lets you unpack the PAC files, the only probllem you have is you have to be a games developer to get it it is called Click3 I made a post on here about 4 months ago and got this link......

so check the arcives....

So keep looking...

Good luck.


The topic "anyone...."? If so, the program linked(Clic 3), can be downloaded here. It fails to find anything in the files though, from which doesn't surprise me, seeing as it is described as "Clic is a freeware application for the development of multimedia educational activities. With Clic you can create different types of activities: puzzles, associations, crosswords, identification activities, exploration, written answer, multiple choice..." on their site..

You can replace music to work with HD loader just do it in the way you would do it for a chiped PS2 just let HD loader copy the Copied game.....

That's what I was trying to say.


Yes but you dont need a chiped PS with HD loader...

It will copy a backed up game to the Harddrive so no need for it to be chiped to run it....

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

i've had my HD Loader for weeks now, it will copy nearly every game (Resident Evil Outbreak is a known exception, as are a few others) and if you want to mod the game, then rip it to the HDD, you need a mod chip. i patched Resident Evil Outbreak and burned it, but since its DVDR, i need to get my modchip installed.

Point: get a modchip

Edited by Sal
  • 2 weeks later...


I received my HDLoader about a week ago. SD:HCTP does work with it. And I have found a program that lets you pull you games off of your PS2 HDD onto your computer in ISO form. Also you can take copied games (ISO's) on you computer HDD and move them onto the PS2 HDD. I did this with HCTP and then used the music extraction files that are in the thread of the same name. I've used programs that let you copy things into (and over files) of PS2 ISO's. But something in repacking ISO's (hopefully the program I'm using) is causing my game not to play. What I need to know is if anyone has ever actually burned a copy of SD:HCTP with edited music and it work.


Yeah, it is possible. I've seen peeps with edited entrance and background music. You just have to make sure that its in the right format, the right name and it goes for the same length as what your replacing.


does you ps2 need to be online to have the hd loader and is it easy to pull the game of onto your pc


No, you order the HDLoader online from companies like you do other games. You do not have to be online to use it though. You need a program called WinHIIP in order to move ISO's of PS2 games from your computer's hard drive to the PS2 HDD. You insert you PS2 HDD into your computer as a slave drive. You probably will have to change the jumper settings for it to take it. Your computer will recognize the PS2 HDD as the slave but won't recognize it as a useable drive due to the HDD's firmware. But the WinHIIP program is made for this problem. The program automatically knows if your PS2 HDD is installed on your computer and you can then select it and add/extract ISO's onto/off of it.

  • 1 month later...

Or do what I have vdone and network you PC to your PS2 and send games via the network!!!

how to install games to your PS2 via LAN

I had not tried this until yesterday and have only just got it working. I had great difficulty in getting info on how to do this as most guides take you part way there and then stop.

What you will need

For this guide I will expext you to have the following:

Playststion 2 Console

HDD for the PS2

PS2 Network Adaptor


PS2 Memory Card

PS1 Game

These must all be working together and you MUST be able to run games off the HDD

The only web address you will need is http://www.google.com/ and the will to use it.

Step 1 - FTP

To start off you will need to be able to FTP to your Playstation 2.

For this part you will need to connect your PS2 HDD to your computer. You will have to open your PC case to connect the HDD. Watch the jumper setting if you connect it to a slave channel.

Now you will need to download ExexFTP 0.68 and CDGenPS2 3.0.

Extarct both of the files and run CDGenPS2.

Now drag SYSTEM.CNF from the folder you just extracted ExecFTP to into the right hand side of CDGenPS2.

Right click on the SYSTEM.CNF in CDGenPS2, select edit, check 'FIX LBA' and type '12231', then OK.

Drag CONFIG.DAT and EXECFTP.ELF into CDGenPS2, click image and save as '.iso' in your ExecFTP folder.

Download and extract hdl_dumb 0.7.3. Now install the image you just created to your localy connected PS2 HDD using this program.

Step 2 - Connecting

Connect your PS2 to your PC using a crossover network cable or hub/switch/router.

Boot your PS2 using HDLoader/HDAdvance and run your newly installed ExexFTP software. You should end up with FTP Server initialized on port 21...!

Now run FlashFXP on your PC and press F8 for Quick Connect. In the 'Server or URL' box type '' (this should be the IP of the PS2). Chose the 'toggles' tab and clear 'Use passive mode'. Now hit 'Connect'.

You should now have a FTP connection to your PS2.

Step 3 - Install the hdl dumb server

Download titleman from PS2 Independance and extract to your c:/ drive.

Open command prompt Start>Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt and type 'cd \' to get to c:/> and type 'titleman -c' to create TITLE.DB and then type 'titleman -a SLES_008.44'

SLES_008.44 should be repalced with the ID of your PS1 game. Found if you open the disk in explorer.

Go and find the TITLE.DB file on your c:/ drive and copy it. Now go to the folder you extracted hdl_dumb 0.7.3 into and select paste.

Rename the hdld_server.elf to BOOT.ELF.

Go back to FlashFXP where you should still have a connection to your PS2. In the left hand window select your hdl dumb folder. In the right hand window select 'MC > 0 > BEDATA-SYSTEM'.

Now copy BOOT.ELF & TITLE.DB from the left window to the right. Disconnect the FTP.

Step 4 - The end

Insert your chosen PS1 Game into your PS2 and restart. This should now boot to the hdl dumb server.

Re-open hdl dumb and change 'Target' to 'Networking Server, at'. The software should connect to your PS2 and be ready to install games.

Now to install/run games using the PS2 use the HDLoader disk. To install games using your networked PC use the PS1 disk.

Hope this helps a few people out.

All Credit to digi-tal

from: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/122897

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